
Super Pet Nursery

Petrian used to be a normal modern world when suddenly gates connecting to a dungeon that was filled with monsters appeared. After that, humans discover that they could capture the monsters and use them as pets to defeat other monsters. Since then, Petrian has become a world of pet tamer. A thousand years later, a Grade E city was ravaged by a strong monster and many people died. One of them was Lucas’s father. Not only that, Lucas was heavily injured but he miraculously woke up from a coma. When he woke up, he found out that he owned the Pet Nursery System. Lucas used the system and wanted to open the best pet nursery in the universe.

RoadBlock92 · Fantasy
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165 Chs

Chapter 23 - Adding Nursery Equipment

Chapter 23 – Adding Nursery Equipment

[At the moment, we have almost five hundred customers right now] said Sery, and Lucas was shocked. He thought that it would be around one hundred to two hundred but never one thousand.

[There are reasons for this. I investigate and find out three reasons. First is the recommendation from friends. Second is the Phoenix Clan. Their clan members with Newborn Stage pets came to give our nursery a try as well as the orders from their clan elders] said Sery.

[Third is because there are a few small competitions that will happen soon. It is winter now and this is usually the time where the Battle Stadiums all around the world organize the year-end events, pet battling competitions, and tournaments] said Sery.

"Ah~ Now it makes sense!" Lucas clapped his hand. He forgot that it was almost at the end of the year. Usually, there would be a lot of events happening in winter.

First, it was because the year would come to an end and everyone wanted to end it with a bang. Since the world was filled with pets, many pets related events were organized.

Second, it was a holiday season for students and thus, those events would usually target students to participate. Since many students aim to become a strong pet tamer, they would participate in these events to gain some achievements before they entered the tamer's world as an adult.

"So, all these people found out about what we can do and flock here to boost their pets as much as possible before the competitions!" said Lucas. He looked excited.

[Master, you should enter the events and competitions too. It will be a good advertisement for our nursery if you can go far or win the events] said Sery. [You don't need to go far. I have investigated and there are about 10 competitions in this shopping district] said Sery.

"I already plan to do that. If Fury can fight well in these events and competitions, it will be good publicity for our nursery. Win or lose doesn't matter. As long as they see a white fur ball fighting, they will get attracted to our nursery," said Lucas.

[Hohoho, that is my master!] Sery was happy when he heard Lucas say that. [Well then, let's continue. The exact number of customers right now is 476] said Sery and the system screen appeared in front of Lucas.

Nursing Service – 10 customers, 37 hours treatment – 3700 Peto total

Care Service – 321 customers, 9630 hours care service – 481 500 Peto Total

Training Service – 145 customers – 1 450 000 Peto

Pet Foods – 30 000 Peto

Total – 1 965 200 Peto

"!!!" Lucas was shocked when he saw the figures. In less than a day, they made 2 million Peto. He was shocked beyond words.

[Half of this money is used to power up the nursery. Thus, the total came to 982 600 Peto. We used 50 000 Peto for those machines, so, you are only left with 932 600 Peto] said Sery.

"Whoa!" Even if Lucas and his family only got half of what they made, they were happy. This was only the first day and they had made this much money. "By the way, I thought that the machines would cost more than that," Lucas asked.

[No, it did not cost me that much. No need to worry. Those things are easy to make too. It is simply a normal machine. It is a bit high tech but nothing hard to make] said Sery and Lucas nodded.

"For now, we need the money to buy more nursing pens and pet playgrounds. Sery, can you ask my mom if I can use this money?"

[Just use it. That is your money anyway] said Sery. Since Lucas was the owner of the nursery, all the money they made belonged to him. So, there was no need for him to ask for permission.

"No, I cannot do that. Yes, the nursery is mine. No, the pet nursery system is part of me but the one who buys this building is my mom. Also, she is the one managing the nursery and she is my mother. So, I have to ask her permission," said Lucas.

[I already asked and she said ok] said Sery. [She also said to buy a tier breaker for Fury. She wants you to power up] said Sery. Lucas nodded and made his purchase.

Since Katheryn wanted him to buy a tier breaker, he did exactly that. Lucas bought one of the tier breakers and a pill appeared in front of him. He put the pill away as he had other things to do. With that out of the way, he had 832 600 Peto left.

Lucas used 450 000 Peto and bought 9 Pet Playgrounds and the nursery would now have 10 pet playgrounds. With this, the care service could take care of 50 pets at the same time.

Then, Lucas bought 15 nursing pens and the nursing pen had reached the limit of the nursery with 20 nursing pens. Lucas spent 75 000 Peto for the 15 nursing pens. With that, Lucas had 307 600 Peto left.

"What should I do with this leftover money?" Lucas asked. Sery did not answer him. Lucas thought for a bit and made his decision. Lucas saved 100 000 Peto for a family used. Like buying the family necessities. He bought 30 storage designators for 30 000 Peto. He wanted to make 3 storage rings with 10 cubic meter space for him, Katheryn, and Hailey.

Then, he was left with 177 600 Peto. He decided to buy another three pet playgrounds. He was left with 27 600 Peto. With that done, he looked at the huge monitor and saw that many pets had entered the pet playgrounds.

"We need more pet playgrounds…" said Lucas. It would take a few days for them to finish all the first-day care services. "Is there no way to make the pet playgrounds similar to the dungeon? The time difference thing?" Lucas asked. Without the time difference similar to the dungeon, it would take them a long time to finish the care service. They might need to decline that service soon.

[Hmm~ You are right. I thought that they would want to use more training service but it looks like the care service is more popular] said Sery.

"I think it is because of the price. Our care service is too cheap. Not only that, but the benefit is massive too. Talent increase with the service is too much for 50 Peto per hour. Either we raise the price or have the time difference," said Lucas.

[I will prepare an upgrade to the pet playground but it will only be available when the system is at Level 3. Work hard, Master! We can do it] said Sery and Lucas nodded. With that all out of the way, Lucas decided to create the storage rings but he had no rings to use.

"Sery, I will give you money. Can you make 3 rings for me? I want to make the storage rings. If possible, I want it to be durable and hard to break," said Lucas.

[Give me 5000 Peto and I will make the most durable rings for you. What about the design?] Sery asked.

"Make a simple one for me. I don't want it to look expensive because some people will try to steal it. As for Hailey and mom… Hmm…" Lucas scratched his head. He knew what they like but he also knew that girls had their preferences. "It is better to ask them," said Lucas.

[Sure] Sery asked Hailey and Katheryn and got the details. With that, he started creating the rings. A few minutes later, Sery finished the rings and used the storage designators to the three rings. Each ring got 10 cubic meter spaces.

According to Sery, all of them were upgradable. All Lucas needed was to buy more storage designators.

A black crystal ring appeared in front of Lucas. It was a plain ring without any design on it and it looked like a cheap plastic ring. Lucas touched it and it was cold. Hailey's and Katheryn's rings were sent to them too but Lucas had no idea what they looked like.

"Is this really durable?" Lucas asked.

[Yes, Master! The best of the best. I guarantee you] said Sery with confidence. [Also, this is a theft-proof and time-proof storage ring. Anything stored inside this ring will not rot or go bad similar to the tubes we used to store the pet foods. It is also impossible for anyone to take anything inside the ring other than the owner] said Sery.

[You need a drop of your blood to bind this ring to you. Also, I forgot to mention. You will never lose this ring. If you drop the ring, you can call the ring back to you] said Sery and Lucas gasped.

"Sery! You are awesome! With only 5000 Peto, you make an amazing thing like this!" Lucas complimented Sery. Normal storage rings or equipment would not have that kind of measure. There was no theft-proof in any of the rings. If someone lost it, someone else could take what was inside without any problem.

Not only that, to make a time-proof storage ring would cost a lot of money.

[Err… I think you are misunderstanding something here, Master. The 5000 Peto is for the material and ring. Normal ring. As for the time-proof and theft-proof, it is because of the Storage Designator] said Sery.

"Still, you are the one that created the Storage Designator, so, you are still amazing," said Lucas while smiling.

[Well~ You are not wrong] Sery was proud.

"With this ring, it will be easier for me to bring more things with me," said Lucas. Lucas got out of the room and went upstairs to his room. He searched for a needle and dropped his blood on the ring. The ring absorbed the blood and Lucas could use it.

Lucas looked extremely happy. "This is my first ever equipment. This might not be offensive or defensive equipment but it is still my first equipment!"

[If you want me to make a sword or armor for you, I can do it too but as usual, I will need money. Also, the offensive and defensive equipment will need the right material to use. If you give me the materials, it will be cheaper. If there is no material, it will be super expensive] said Sery, and Lucas nodded.

"I don't need those at the moment. Inside the nursery dungeon, I did not need to worry about dying so there is no need for offensive and defensive equipment," said Lucas.

With all of that out of the way, Lucas took out the tier breaker pill. "When I use this on Fury, he will become a Tier 2 monster?" Lucas asked.

[Yes. However, you will need a Tier 2 Tier Breaker to increase the tier to 3] said Sery.

"…" Lucas was silent. "I used to think that it will be hard to buy this item but from the looks of things, it will be super easy to buy the tier breaker," said Lucas and he frowned. "Isn't this all too easy?" Lucas asked.

He never once lived an easy life. Throughout his life, he went through a lot of hardship. The hardest one was when his hometown was destroyed by a single monster. He lost his home, his family, and almost lost his life too.

[I am created to make your life easier] said Sery.

"You know, I read many novels before and there is always a deeper reason when a character got the system," said Lucas and he asked, "What is your real mission? The Guardian will not be that nice to give me you because I save a few people."

[About that… I have no idea either. I am not told of having any other missions. The only thing I have to do is help you, Master] said Sery. Lucas sighed.

"There is no way it is that simple," thought Lucas. "Do I need to meet the Guardian to know why he gave me Sery? Is it really because of my kindness? Is there more to these systems?" Lucas wondered and he sighed once more.

[Master, no need to stress yourself with this matter. Just use me and live an easy life. If there are indeed other reasons I am given to you, we will work on that together. You are not alone. You have me, Madam and Miss Hailey] said Sery. Lucas nodded.

"That's right. I have you, mom, and Hailey. Brother Roland too… When will he contact us? He still doesn't know that dad was killed by the monster," said Lucas. "Sery, can you help me find my brother? I am worried about him. Mom is worried too," Lucas asked.

[My searching ability is only within this nursery. I cannot search for something far away. I can use the internet to find some clues but we might not find anything] said Sery and Lucas frowned. [I will try to find him or you can hire someone to find him once we have more money] said Sery.

"Ok…" Lucas was down. He took a deep breath and summoned Fury. A fist-size white furball appeared in front of Lucas.

"Fury, eat this pill and your tier will increase," said Lucas. Fury ate the pill and his body shone.

Thank You~

I added a small thing to Chapter 22. I forgot to put it there before :P

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