
Super in multiverse

Just read it I Dont own any Characters except the ones i created.

AresPhantomhive · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Crew and Takeover

Going to Ohara was easy as I had my birds to take me and laffeti, doc and van had one of my birds with them. As the meeting grew closer I was excited to meet them and find out which one of them wanted to fight me for the captaincy as they find out I was a 10 year old.

I reached a island that was not big only 20 meters wide and 5 meters long. It was not long since van arrived 10 seconds later saw me and gave me a bow the sat beside me on the ground while I sat on my birds. Doc q came after that and tried to poison me but van was about to shoot him but I said that it was unnecessary and warned Doc q to be careful with who he messes with.

After 10 minutes Laffetti(L) came he was the farthest of the three so I expected as much. L was surprised that I was a boy but put it aside as a genius. I faced the three and started talking.

Me:"We finally meet hope you are ready because we will only have small time for living peacefully once we get to grandline we are crushing every single person that gets in my way."

L:"What do we so first Captain~?"

Me:"We get control of West blue."

As soon as I said it all three had mad expressions on them except van but I sould see the glint in his eyes.

Me:"We need people like us but unique in their own way to work under us. I have a list of people who will be my main crew like commanders and specialize in their own areas. But I also want them to have their own crews. Lets start with us first I have you 3 but you should also have your own crew to back you up and share info we somehow miss."

L:"We could do that in the grandline captain~?"

Me:"Yes but they will not be loyal. We need to brainwash them into following us and doing everything in their power for us. I have my birds for information but there are some places that not even birds can enter."

V:"So what do we do captain?"

L:"Are you saying that we take over one of the mafia captain~?"

Me:"Oh finally you catch on Laffetti but not just any mafia I want the bege familia to be under us. Anyone else we kill and take their territory. There is a interesting character in bege familia who will be able to take over the familia but I want us in power and him under me."

L:"Who is this man captain? How is he special?"

Me:"He is still low level now but he has a devil fruit and ambition to take over the familia. I want us to first train to be at-least Rear admiral rank power. I will personally train you so that you can see what I mean."

After that we went to the island I woke up in. I trained them in everything except the upgraded versions and they gave results. After a year laffetti was peak rear admiral rank, van was mid rear admiral rank and doc q was also mid rear admiral rank.

I had my birds go to all the people in my list and give them a den den mushi in private so that I could talk to them personally. We set out to reclaim our territory.

Timeskip(2 years)

After 2 years all the work is finished I found jango while touring east blue 1 year earlier and stole his hypnotism went to thriller bark and got perona and stole ryumas sword-style, sword and experience. I went to karate island and stole the different fighting styles and found fishman karate with them. I also upgraded them all and found that fishman karate and happo navy karate can be merged so I merged them and got happo fishman karate which had the explsiveness of happo navy karate and the manipulation of water in fishman karate.

I solidified my rule and used upgraded hypnotism in all the members and made them loyal to me. It was a hassle with weak members but I forced them to train for 6 months with van augur and Doc Q and they were at least at the level that they could fight members of the navy evenly.

We formed an alliance with Happo Navy to become the most feared mafia in the west blue and I helped Don Chinjao regain his drill. We fought 3 days and 3 nights and the conclusion was that they would be under our banner. This caused a lot of gossip but I did not let anyone see me and only let laffetti, van and doc make an appearance and say that they were not the leader and the leader was someone else. We clashed against the navy multiple times but the navy never won and there were losses in both sides but non of our key members were injures or killed so the navy gave up on us.

Late this year robin was also recruited and started working for us. I was suspicious of her so I hypnotized her to be very loyal to me and never betray me. Capone bege became one of the key members and had the most power after my crew so I hypnotized him and his group as well. He is the kind of man that needs to be looked at and kept in check but now as he is hypnotized that is not needed.

As our work was mostly done and we had full control of the west blue underworld we set out to take over east and south blue. I wanted doflamingo to take the north blue underworld and make a name for himself so that I can take him under me and make him loyal to me.

Taking over the underworld of east blue and south blue is easy only people there are the corrupt marines and nobles. I wanted KIDD pirates but its better to let them shine for a little while.

So I toke the time off and started searching for my crew who would be with me first target Ceaser Clown. We got his wanted poster this week and according to my birds he is staying near Sabaody. So we went to get him.

We reached Sabaody and as I thought I like the island not just its people I met the celestial dragons and got really close to killing them.

While we were there we raided the auction houses that were near the lawless zone and the amusement area.

I meet with Ceaser(C) when he was hiding in one of the hotels in the lawless areas. When we knocked in the door he did not answer so we barged in he started screaming


Me:"Gotta give it to you that was some legit reason to scream huh, Ceaser?"

C:"Who are you? You are not marines?...Are....you...CP?"

Me:"No ceaser we are not CP. I came here to recruit you to my crew."


L:"I would not raise my voice so much if I were you."

V:"Yeah fate doesn't look good for you when you scream. Its better to come with us fate smiles with our Captain."

C:"Why should I care about a little child who doesn't even have anything to his name? I have worked with vegapunk and can surpass him who are you to tell me what to do."

L:"Not me our captain. He is the underworld boss of 3 seas and earned the name of 'The Godfather'. You should watch that tongue of your's."

C:"Hahahah that's a nice joke a child is 'The Godfather'.hahaha...."

Ceaser kept laughing as Laffetti had his usual smile on his face van was staring daggers to him and doc q was ready to offer ceaser his best poison. Ceaser noticed the silence and started sweating. With every info I had on him there was one consistency he was a coward. He had self-confidence when someone strong bscked him up but without one he was a coward and right now he was showing his coward side.


Before he could speak more Robin sealed his mouth.

Me:"Ceaser I believe we can speak like civilized people here. I want to offer you work for your loyalty and life what do you say?"

I was releasing a tiny bit of my royal haki on ceaser. I had reached the second stage of royal haki and third stages of observation and armament. I was still not at the peak yet but was closing the gap of power.

Laffetti, van, doc, robin, perona, capone and all my subordinates who had seen me had started respecting me to a whole another level as they saw me still working hard to reach the peak of power while I was still powerful. Ceaser saw the meaning behind those words and thought that this was his chance to get better than vegapunk and further his goal.

C:"If you would have me captain I would like to work for you."

Me:"You will be working with Doc Q he is our ship doctor and he will also be explaining about how the crew works. We will be leaving in 20 minutes be ready and go to Grove 60."

C:(Panicking)"But isn't that where the marine headquaters are located why go there? They will catch all of us there."

L:"You don't need to worry about that. Listen have you ever searched your home for traitors when you are confident there is none?"

Ceaser got what laffetti was saying but still thought it was a bad idea.

V:"Get up and go along with it our captain never fails us and we have Laffetti who can cast illusions so it doesnt matter so much. And even if we are seen and they attack us its their own bad fate that led them to us."

Ceaser was sweating then thought why would the underworld boss of the 3 seas make a stupid decision. Was it to make a point? Was it to prove that marines have no power over him? Or was it to show him that whatever happens he would protect his crew-mates?

In fact it was none of these I had robbed the auction houses and the marines were busy searching for the perpetrator and a little bird had told a marine that the perpetrators were in Grove-30.

We went to Grove-70 then straight to Grove-60 and went back to our ship.

Ceaser could not believe it they went so smoothly that it looked like they were cruising in an expensive ship and no one was on their way.

Even though Ceaser was a coward no one could say he was a genius I wanted him to create the artificial zoan devil fruits that he made for Doflamingo and sell the non useful ones to others while giving the useful ones to his subordinates. That was why he was going to thriller bark.

I went there before when gekko moria was not present there and had taken perona and ryuma's skills. Now I wanted ceaser to work with Hogback. I also wanted the power of absolom and moria and upgrade them to their full degree.

We went to our ship which was the Jackdaw(Assasin's creed black flag). Then we set off to Thriller Bark.



V=Van augur

D=Doc Q

R=Nico Robin




AresPhantomhivecreators' thoughts