
Super God Level

_Legit_gaurav_986 · Sci-fi
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18 Chs

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Even after 5 days, all the four gangs had put their full strength in finding the King, still they did not know anything about him, On the other hand, Akash was taking full care, he did not want King secret to be known to everyone and even if someone comes to know, then there will be a lot of trouble.

In the last 5 days, by hunting primary alien he gene points, our had acquired primary gene points with him had gained at least 18 points you had gained 28 points. After a few days, Akash goes back to hunting, but at this time the checking in Dev Ashram was very less, yet he was taking full care.

He reaches the place where he nibble grasshopper he wanted to go again Why would he want to go ahead and see how big that area is? He has found the same deserted place, now you wear your armor and reach the place where he hid his sword and move forward.

"When I came here, you don't seem to eat much, I have come to the middle area and should read further". - Akash

What should I do and he starts going ahead, he was hearing a sound from behind, it seemed that something else happens, if he turns back, nothing happens, after climbing for a while, he wants the same air where a little.

He feels that someone is behind it and as it seems that it is behind him then he quickly saves himself fiercely. He sees a huge worm which was looking red in color. Newton alien grasshopper happens when Akash looks at him, he gets very fond that someone so big can be an alien.

He was red in color and both his claws were as strong as a sword and looked shiny, it seemed that he could teach the neck Akash and his Feet was very big and strong.

"Yes i was right there is something wrong here i should have understood earlier I'll tread carefully all over the place but where did this come from I guess I have to learn skill things have to be made sense strong". - Akash

He says all the things in his mind and there the alien quickly moves to kill Akash. Akash manages to dot with great difficulty. He sees that he is not more powerful than him, just a little bit stronger. So Akash was taking full care of his body.

He quickly takes out his sword to kill that alien and he goes towards his head but surprisingly he stops that sword with his paw very easily and Akash is far away from him. At this time, Akash was very much with him, how did he stop the sword from taking him, he wanted to move towards the sword, but seeing the Speed of the alien, he was looking for it.

"This is a big mess, I should learn swordsmanship, if I had done a little bit of it, today I would not be in this condition, before that I have to do something, otherwise the aliens will blow cut my head". - Akash

The alien comes very fast towards Akash and moves it with its claws in its hands. To escape, Akash moves both its hands forward to save his neck he crosses his hands for the Defense.


It seemed that someone had hit him with a pillow in his hands when he sees that the alien's claw is broken, after seeing this thing he becomes very fond of that thing and he also gives it in his hand. Neither was his armor damaged, there was not a single dent or mark in his armor.

After seeing this, little Akash takes a deep breath and throws him away towards his stomach with a kick to pick him up and quickly runs away and takes out his sword.The alien runs away from there but Akash also follows him. He quickly summons his shape-shifting devil soul and it transforms into him.

He runs in his full speed and comes right in front of that alien. He gets very fond of seeing this thing that how he came so far ahead of him, reaching ahead, Akash stops at one place and takes his sword and walks towards him. And he moves quickly towards him, he quickly takes out his sword, and he slashes his neck.He hears the announcement. That voice says to the Akash.

"You Kill, Newton alien King nibble grasshopper, you get its the devil soul and please take his energy or you can eat it him to his gene points". - .A.I. voice

Akash becomes very happy after hearing this thing, he quickly takes the time of that devil soul, seeing the type, he is sad. He was sad that he had got the arrow, it happened at this time, it was of no use, even if he kept it from him, it was of no use, after that he did not have the bow.

"What should I do, make you happy or make you sad?I am happy that I have killed them in a meeting, but I am sad that the devil soul I have is of no use to me now". - Akash

Akash would have put his head down, he must be very ashamed, thinking about something, he remembers something.

"Oh man, how can I forget, if she is with me, then my problem can never happen, first of all it will take the energy of alien, there is no use in eating it, there is no meat in it, first thing". - Akash

He remembers the name of a person, the same person who had bought some things from Akash a few days ago. Yes you are absolutely right but you are none other than Raghav. He quickly thinks of a good plan in his mind and he quickly sits up and the alien's energy is not felt in his body by a hand movement.

He had gained energy for that meeting, let him sleep at least 8 points, he is very happy about this and it seemed that his strength has increased.

Akash places a big stone in a room near her door at midnight and he leaves a note for her and leaves from there. The next day when Raghav is there, he seems to be very upset. Since many days Anvi had worked him His job was to find out about King, he looked everywhere, but he couldn't find it.

When he comes out of his room very angry he goes home he has to see who kept a big stone near the room he gets very angry after seeing this.

"If this son of a donkey finds that stone bastard here, I will beat him up and make brinjal filling, By the way, I have a bad day nowadays, if I get him, I will not leave Fucker". - Raghav

He stands up and looks at himself no one is hurt after seeing all this the boss goes to remove the stone you see there is a note under that stone he secretly picks up that and he has to read it, he becomes very fond of it, because in that note something like the crown of King is made.

"Tomorrow you met me at the place where we both met for the first time, don't know where to meet, if you don't remember, I left it written on it for You bring some money with you, at least if you have 12 crores, then bring it and of course come alone. - King

"I can't believe my eyes did king contact me directly he must have some wonderful thing that's why he is calling me 1 minute to meet tomorrow means last night he left the note and went away. Should i tell Anvi No, there is no need for it, otherwise it will send the whole army and I do not want anything to spoil the relationship between me and the king, he is my hen who lays golden eggs".

Radha will get ready quickly, will cut a black color with her, reaches where he was called and gave the same place nibble grasshopper area And at the same time he is waiting for the king, while waiting, it becomes afternoon from morning, he becomes very sad because of knowing the whereabouts of the king.


"Hey friend King, I am all a bad joke, why this is not a joke from anywhere, next time I will try to do business with him, I will not do business with him at all, he has passed my time man". - Raghav

He is thinking of going back when a voice comes from behind.

"Have you brought money?" - Akash

When he looks back to see where the voice came from, he sees a man wearing red armor coming out of the grass. The grass was so long and deep, it was knee-deep.Why didn't he show it to Raghav?

"Will you stop me being such a goon, I am feeling very deep". - King

When he sees no one else in red armor is standing in front of him, he becomes very happy to see this one.

"Well it's you, you scared me man, may I ask you a question" - Raghav

"Yes you can ask". - Akash

"How long have you been here, if you don't want to tell the house, then you can't tell". - Raghav

King does not want to insult anyone by coming here, just asked him some questions just like that.

"I have been hiding here since last night, you must know what is going on in Dev Ashram". - Akash

After listening to this, it becomes very clear, at this time Akash is stretching his body, after seeing it, it seems that he does not care about anything. Raghav quickly took out the black card King from his pant pocket. Akash takes the black card in his hand and is confused as to why it is there in the black card. When he wanted to ask Raghav something about it. Raghav understands but is a bit confused, he starts telling about that black card to explain.

"Look, the black card in your hand is not an ordinary card, money is kept in it, and yes, you will never be able to find out whose account is there and where the money is being transferred now. If any person tries to trace this money, no one will know where is my money and from which account the transaction was done". - Raghav

Raghav was very happy that he could tell black card about this, he was feeling that King would praise him, but the exact opposite happens. It is seen that King is looking at that card very carefully. Raghav feels very bad after seeing this thing but still he allows King to see that card.

Akash would not have listened to Raghav carefully, he would have listened only a little. When he tells that Raghav is looking at him, he finds it strange that Raghav is staring at her like that.

"Well you tell me how much money is in this black card". - Akash

Akash asks Raghav, Raghav wanted to tell him.

"Yes, I tell you that a few days ago you gave me that primary aliens, right, its money is at least 2.5 crores and yes you said that you will show me a wonderful thing, just show it to me". - Raghav

When Akash hears so much money, he is very fond of it, but he is very happy, but his smile is not visible to Raghav because Akash wears a full armor that is covering his entire body so Raghav could not see which smile. Akash quickly gives Raghav the devil soul he got yesterday. As she sees that the king sent her something, she checks it and after seeing the thing, he reaches the same happiness.‌

"Oh wow, what a wonderful thing but you made my heart today i am very happy today there really is a devil soul arrow". - Raghav

Akash Raghav used to give everything to him by nodding his head, which is true, the same thing as Raghav understands King's account, he becomes more happy and he quickly tells him how much money he has in that black card.

"When I came here with money, I brought at least 17.5 crores, I just brought all my money, if you give that Shapeshifting devil soul, then I will talk to my gang leader, you can get this much money". - Raghav

"NO NO" - Akash

Raghav gets Sadness after hearing this answer from King.

"Look at me, I can't give you my devil sleep, but yes, I can give you golden Axe in return, yes, the same Axe that I ran away with. I can sell it but not this thing this thing is mine". - Akash

When Raghav hears this, he becomes very happy and is overjoyed, while he was going to hug us, he had distanced Akash from himself, not because he loved someone. Raghav doesn't mind it at all, he takes a promise from King that If he has to continue this business even further, he will only sell something to Raghav.

After a while, Raghav leaves from there and he is reminding Akash to send whatever he sent to him. After Raghav leaves, Akash takes back his armor.

Akash was still not able to fully trust Raghav, there was a reason, since Akash's father had died, his mother had left him in his childhood, so he could not trust anyone. That's why start talking to the lowest Akash, he doesn't want anyone to look at him with kindness.