
Super God Level

_Legit_gaurav_986 · Sci-fi
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18 Chs

Great Buddha Technique

The old man was sitting in his rocking chair looking up at the wall ceiling and thinking about something.

On the other hand, after leaving Akash, Dr. Khurana leaves his research lab and goes to State Bank, where he opens two accounts of Akash, first VIP, second normal account. After a while there, He was giving all the information and after creating an account for Akash, he gives 17 cores to Kabir from the account.

Some one had told him that 2 days ago, he has arranged 3 crores, he will do the remaining 17 crores very soon, after finishing all the work of the bank, he goes back to his research Laboratory.

After a while Kabir calls Dr.Khurana and wanted to ask why they transferred the money to 17 crore accounts. He knows that this is money for Akash's work. He did not want to repay his loan with Akash's earnings. Dr. Khurana would have explained to him very thoughtfully that Akash had made a lie by collapsing the order and never told him the same lie.

After persuading Kabir with great difficulty, he sometimes agreed and he told Dr. Khurana that Akash should not send any money to him from today onwards.He would sometimes even ask his friend that Akash had not got caught in any wrong doing. Dr.Khurana would have explained to Khurana that Akash has earned his hard work.

Will understand sometime later and tell Khurana to send to America as soon as he completes his studies.

10 days had passed since Akash had given his college entrance exam. Dr. Khurana fulfilling his promise Decides to teach Akash a martial art. When Akash goes to meet Dr. Khurana in his research lab, Dr. Khurana A small box is given while extending it in front of him.

"Khurana uncle you have given me a small box, you had promised me that you will teach me some Hyper gene art But you were giving me the key, what is there in it sir?" - Akash

Akash wanted to ask Dr. Khurana why did he give this from the box.

"Akash, listen to me carefully now, you must be feelings that this is not a common martial art but it is not martial arts or advanced level, if you practice it, your physical strength will increase so much.‌ You can easily kill a super alien after that will you be able to kill". - Khurana

Akash becomes very happy after doing this he has one such martial arts which is very powerful. He wanted to ask more questions, but Dr. Khurana told him to go with him without saying anything.

"Uncle, we are going, you are not even telling me anything". - Akash

"You just can't calm down for 1 minute ask so many questions man". - Khurana

"Until you tell, I will understand how that thing". - Akash

"Come on okay I'll tell you where I'm going now you keep troubling me when, I tell you something I want to take your physical test right now' I want to see you are you ready to learn martial arts or not ready". - Khurana

Akash gets a little excited after hearing that what kind of physical test he is going to give, after a while Dr. Khurana takes to the same place where there are many machines and those machines are checking more the fitness level of the person.

After a while Akash gives his fitness. He was so tired that Dr. Khurana told him to use his full power and show his fitness level as much as possible. When Akash checks his fitness level, it becomes very clear that it is impossible to have such fitness level and it is not very possible to achieve such fitness level in such a short time.

"After all, did this boy keep typing in these 4 months, it is impossible to have such a fitness level, if I ask anything, he will answer no, for this I have not had to make a set of roads, do not accept any trouble for yourself". - Khurana

Khurana says all the things in his mind while looking at Akash‌ is just 18 years old and achieving such fitness level at this age is something to be proud.

"Look at you, I am boxing you, you have no respect to go to Anil's house, you go to my house". - Khurana

Akash is surprised that instead of going to Anil's house, he has to go to Dr. Khurana's house.

"But if I go to your house, I can do this practice in Anil uncle's house too, right?" - Akash

He asks this question to Dr. Khurana.

"Give answer for if by mistake Anil saw you doing this thing then asked you lakhs of questions and yes, I don't want you to torture Anil's house with your martial arts". - Khurana

Akash who gets a bit upset hearing how powerful this message is and what he can't do with martial arts gets a bit upset.

"There is nothing to worry this martial arts is not your strong right now because you will keep practicing it you will automatically become strong. Now tell me you are going to my house because I don't want anyone to see you practicing this martial arts". - Akash

He wanted to ask the name of this martial art from Dr.Khurana but, sent him to my home directly and also gave him the address of my home.

Akash is feeling a little angry that Dr. Khurana keeps everything hidden from him and does not tell everything. After some time he reaches home to get Khurana, sees his house. There are very few houses built around the house. He felt that his uncle likes to be alone, so he lives there.

Me goes to house and opens the door with the key. When he comes inside that house, it looked like a case house from outside but looks very luxurious from inside.

"When I asked him for money, he refused to give me a penny, but he is such a poor person, what will he do with such expensive things?" - Akash

When Akash was so that very expensive things were kept there and his eyes burst out after seeing all these things. He quickly reaches Dr. Khurana room. And he quickly takes out the laptop and turns it on And that black box and looks in it A memory card is kept in it, take my bite in it, quickly put it in the laptop and quickly go to the desire, there is a video lying there.

He plays that video as it plays that video there the light is on there is a white room in that place and there is a man walking in it that man is wearing a black color cloth and She put a black lehenga face mask on her face which covers her entire face.

"And if anyone is watching the forbidden video, I would like to say this to him, I have very little time left, now you want to see this If you want to learn martial arts, I will be able to teach only Four stage". - Mask man

When Akash listens to that man, he becomes convinced that till now he has only four stage to learn. That man is telling more in that video about that martial arts.

"Yes I know you will get upset after listening to the thing so you have nothing to worry I know you want to know the name of it now its name is The Great Buddha Technique". Mask man

"Great Buddha Technique is such a technique, if you practice it, this strength will give you load time and will give you such a power that you can conquer this whole world". Mask Man

When he hears the name martial arts, he likes martial arts And he starts replaying the video that guy was telling him more about this martial arts.

"The name of its first layer name absolute strength. If you practice well like me, your body can block the outside of a dagger or break a dagger". - Mask Man

When Akash hears about it, I am very interested to learn martial art quickly.

"To practice its first layer completely, you have to do one hour of meditation and what I am showing you hand movements, then I will have to practice it continuously, you will be able to practice it properly. So you will be able to reach it to its maximum level". - MAsk Man

Akash looks very interested when he sees his hand moments, that makes him want to watch more videos, when he hears more of the man, I take the thought out of my mind.

"If you want to learn its four layers from now, then I will forbid you, first of all pay attention to the first layer, if you master the courage well, then you can take the rest very easily". - Mask Man

"And yes if you practice then you will get a lot of change in your body, If you practice it well and cross its First Layer If you cross it, a dirty smell will come from your body. If you listen to it, you will understand that you have practiced very well". - Mask Man

You will have a question in your mind you would like to know that which I am Layer You will be very surprised to hear that I am in its fifth layer now, but I can hardly record 4 videos, I am sorry for the rest, Great Buddha Technical 8 stage, but now you will have all I am sorry four layer the thing I am very sorry". Mark Man

That video stops automatically and suddenly how does that video go, in this way the video gets deleted automatically, Akash gets very nervous and quickly finds that video and finds that video in the files.

Akash was afraid that the rest of the videos have not been deleted, he looks inside file, He sees that only three videos are needed for love and it happens a little that the rest of the videos are not delete.