
Super God Level

_Legit_gaurav_986 · Sci-fi
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18 Chs

Arrangement of money Final part

"Hey my little stupid brother, remove it with your hands, let me also see what happened here, what is this sound like, it seems that a person is in a lot of pain, what happened, what was the fault, then the Akash and "Later, younger brother, tell the whole thing to that boy, yes, what should I do about her anger, but whatever sound is correct, at least I got it from watching some drama".

Kabir and Jennifer wanted to control their laughter a lot, while on the other side of the tree, Kapil's elder brother and his younger sister lift him up and were you okay are you still able to walk Kapil was in pain even the biggest doctor of this world could not cure him at this time.

Kabir He knew what had happened to Akash's parents and some things were right and wrong, who was Akash's mother, she had left him after a promise of 2 years, but she did not want to leave her son. Akash mother was one of the biggest family and that family was very powerful Akash's father had eloped with his mother and married him, The result was that when Akash's maternal grandfather came to know about this, he took Akash's mother with him to India. Akash's father's name was Rihan Raheja and Akash's mother's name is Shivani, by the way she was from Rathore family, the biggest family of India.

Rihan and Kabir tried hard to go to India and rescue Shivani from her house. Rihan to Kabir He didn't want to take her with him so that day he went alone and since that day he never came back. After so many years, just someone said Akashiya that your mother had always left your father and went away, he did not know where she had gone.

Remembering all these things, Kabir says leave it, Now let it go, what is done is done and I will have to save this boy Rathore from shame if Rathore family comes to know that Shivani has a son.‌ So people will reach here to kill him and I will not let this happen.

"What happened today today very happy thing that I could not do today this boy did it only Rihan's son can do such work. Today something else would have happened where Kapil's eggs are on duty but today they are broken but I should do something about his Heropanti otherwise he will die himself, kill me too, he will come along".

Boys, don't you feel ashamed, do you do all this, despite being your father, you killed in this way. Today I will block the police and if you do not reach inside the jail, then my name will also be Shweta.

"Enough is enough, but you guys have seen as much as I wanted to see from you, today I have to leave quickly.And yes, both of you, I had told you both to stay inside the room, why are you both silently watching us? And you akash you go to your room".

As it is Jennifer's voice, they both quickly close the door and both Jennifer's brothers and her sister leave.

"Elder Sister you can't do this to us you have to punish this You will have to punish this boy today, so what do you know about Kapil?"

"You know what is the solution here and you people just leave quietly from here, otherwise I will call the police".

After a while he also leaves from there, later both of them come in the form of aakash and " boy says wow Akash bhai, today you have made my heart, I have also recorded the whole, I am thinking of putting it on the internet, and which will be final in internet and Kapil uncle will become famous You tell me first how to fix that, you moved so fast, I could not see anything" Karan, you are unnecessarily praising me.

The name of both of those children is the boy name is Karan and girl name is Priyanka.

"And Mr. you have come there to digest what I told you, you never did what I told you to write and what I told you to speak".

"Wanted to do Priyanka but what should I do being your uncle and aunt They made fun of my parents and I was sitting there silently I got angry and I said I am sorry".

Just then there is a sound of doing both in the sky's room as the door opens the man says come on food is cooked for all both of you freshen up quickly come down to have food and And I want to talk to you alone Mr. Akash no one came he is Kabir.

Ok, we will go to , please don't hit Akash, whatever happened today happened because of me, not me, I had sent both the photos to Akash. Priyanka leaves from here saying that too with her brother Karan.

After having a balance of 2 minutes Kabir says "What should I do with you, what was the need, will you go and give the money, I am still alive, no, I will go and give the money, no, there is no need for you to do everything, just focus on your studies.

"Hey, so much has happened with you, so what did I keep silent even I have humanity inside me, just my inner hero woke up and I broke their eggs, just want to give a ride on this thing, you can give it".

"Now please be careful, I know Kapil very well, the school you are studying now, he is a very good friend of the owner of the school, for now, I cannot do anything to save you, now, you focus on the final exam, they are complete like this, I will send you somewhere far away from here.‌"

Instead of getting fresh, don't go and eat food.


After a while, he comes down in the akash and starts eating food, today it seemed that he would not be able to escape from Jennifer, today he was lucky that Jennifer did not say anything to him today. After dinner, Akash started helping Jennifer in small tasks like washing dishes and everyone else did it because Jennifer did not get angry with him.

"You don't have to do anything, I know my work well, you go and concentrate on your studies". Jennifer says, Akash was sent out of the kitchen.

Goes to the room and lies down on the bed and goes to sleep asking where did he get the money. Was getting very bored in his room and he wants to go out for a little walk because of which his mike gets a little fresh as he comes out of his room he sees that Kabir in the living home. Akash knows you well he is a good friend of Kabir. Akash thinks in his mind that hey man, once upon a time I used to come out of my research profit but from today miracle happened today it came out uncle.

As soon as he sees Akash, he becomes very happy and calls him.

Dr. Khurana, what are you doing here, you should have been in your research lab and keep doing one thing or the other there. Dr Khurana that "I was just coming to meet you, later I came to know that all this is happening here.

Khurana uncle I want to talk to you alone, please yes, of course I can talk to you, let's go to your room and talk. Akash and Khurana had come to his room and say tell him what you want to talk to, uncle I wanted money from you, just tell me this much, how much money do I want?

"I know what you want to talk about, look, do this, you come to my office tomorrow if I can, I will be able to give you some work. Ok uncle you as you saying main me tomorrow to meet you".

"Uncle do you know what I am talking about so please listen to me carefully please remember I have to earn money and I have to help them I know I have helped me a lot please Help me after a while, give me some money and I will return the money to you very soon".

"I know why you want money, at this time I also do not have enough money to help Kabir.‌ Look, I have got a job for you, I don't know whether you will be able to do it or not, I don't know anything about it".

Uncle just tell me the work I am ready to do anything After a while what happened between Khurana and Akash and Were talking about how to earn money quickly.

Really uncle, I will have to work, I will not be able to do this work, Akash tells everything to his uncle.

"I know you will not be able to do this work but this is the best way to earn money quickly yes I know there is a lot of risk in this work but still you have to earn money and there is no other way think again and tell me".

After a while both Khurana and Akash come out of that room Kabir asks him and tell me what happened between you two, I have every right to go, brother Khurana to his friend says "oh nothing much he just wanted to work with me but I refused time and again but somehow that guy made me thinking I'll take it with me to work".

"Uncle, you know very well that after 2 months I am about to finish my exams and at the same time college entrance exams, You thought that after 2 months before college inter exam, I can earn some money, you will be of great help to me, otherwise I will have to pay my college fees myself".

"Let us know that your final exams are about to start but before you lose the College center Why do you have to do a job before the exam, you who can't speak to you, I will give you money, don't take tension".

Yes, I know, but he is insisting a lot, now there should be no one to work with me, I thought that I will keep him with me as an assistant, otherwise he will learn this work slowly, then he will earn some or the other.

Mr. Khurana was absolutely right, "I can think has anyone ever caught my lie, if he has caught my lie, then today my story has come to know that I want to get him to work in a place where I race everywhere, then I do not care at all".

"Ok I will send you to work but I have one condition if this boy promises me not to fight there then I will be able to send you to work".

If you are taking deep breaths, then after some time Kabir and Khurana start talking to each other. After some time, Khurana thinks of leaving from there, the old man is leaving from there, Jennifer is explaining to him that please, you should have food from here, but Khurana refuses him and comes with the excuse that and was repeatedly saying that I have more work in the office, so I will have to leave soon, he leaves from there after a while.

Akash also goes to sleep in his room and so does Kabir and the rest of his people also go to sleep. Just for my 2 months you have given me a lot to think, "I should give my answer quickly, should I say yes or no, I am not understanding anything now. Akash used to think about all these things and fell asleep".

He doesn't know anything about how 2 months pass by and he has completed his school also he decided that he will definitely do the work that told him he is still "Dr. Khurana‌ they say that look there is a lot of risk in this work and you will get so much money that you will not be able to think, just quickly you say yes to this work and I free my best friend from this trouble".

Thinking of all this he picks up his bag and comes out of his room and sees the last things of his past and his family and thinks in his mind that "I know that I will not be with this family for a very long time. I know this family has done a lot for me, now it's my turn to do something for them". With this strong resolve, he meets those people for the last time and leaves from there to Dr. Khurana's research lab.