
Big Universe Extreme Dead God Light

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"The fact that you studied on Extreme Mountain is none of my business," Han Sen thought. "If you want a risky fight, there are xenogeneics everywhere. Why pick on me? I killed that worthless Bai Yi, and now the Extreme King want me dead. But if I had killed this much-loved boy Bai Wuchang, King Bai would likely come after me himself. Why am I considered the one who started all this?"

But Bai Wuchang wasn't going to give him the chance to stop fighting. The prince was raging more and more. The ghost-like body became solid, but something about it still seemed incorporeal. Looking at it was like looking at an illusion.

Han Sen frowned. Bai Wuchang's blue knife darkened to black. It felt as if some black substance chains were writhing just under the surface.

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