
Super Gaming System

Zhuge Xiang, an aspiring disciple of the Shura Sect, dedicated himself to mastering Qi and achieving the coveted status of an official sect member. However, fate takes an unexpected turn when he stumbles upon the extraordinary "magic weapon" known as the Super Game System. As Zhuge Xiang's strength grows, this mystical device unveils a plethora of enchanting functions: Character profiles, an experience-based leveling system, skill enhancement, inventory management, task assignments, an intuitive map radar, and valuable life skills. Join us on a journey as we witness Zhuge Xiang's remarkable ascent, guided by the power of the game system, to become a renowned figure known throughout the realm.

Nebula_The_King · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Ch.29 Goblin Attack

The Shura battleship, a massive and imposing vessel that floated majestically in the sky, left the newly-crowned champions, Zhuge Xiang and Lu Yuling, in awe. This colossal ship was unlike anything they had ever seen, and its sheer size and design amazed them all.

The ship was divided into two layers, and its length stretched beyond a hundred feet. On both sides, it was armed with three secondary cannons, while a massive main cannon was positioned at the front. This main cannon drew its power from a carefully designed formation, enabling it to harness the energy within spirit stones to unleash powerful magical attacks.

The very mention of the word "spell" invoked images of controlling the elements, calling forth storms, and commanding the forces of nature. It was a realm of power that transcended the limitations of ordinary mortals. Achieving the stage of Refining Qi to Transform God and mastering spells were aspirations still distant for these disciples, but the spirit stone cannons hinted at the incredible potential that lay ahead.

As more than 5,000 disciples boarded the Shura battleship, they were greeted by the staff members from the headquarters who began to explain the ship's operations and the inner workings of the Shura Sect headquarters. With so many eager and curious disciples on board, it was a challenge to keep them organized and informed. However, the journey to the headquarters was just beginning, and these disciples had much to learn and discover in the days to come.

The holographic image of the Shura Sect's headquarters continued to provide a detailed overview of the vast and impressive facilities it housed. The disciples on board the Shura battleship were presented with a comprehensive map, showcasing everything from living quarters to training arenas, casting halls, pill repositories, task boards, and trading centers. The scale and grandeur of the Shura Sect's headquarters were truly magnificent.

Zhuge Xiang, seated in a secluded corner, carefully studied the holographic image. He used this moment to not only familiarize himself with the layout of the headquarters but also to quietly recuperate. The intense battle and the subsequent weakness from his bloodthirsty technique had taken a toll on his body, and he needed this respite.

Beside Zhuge Xiang, Niu Geng was engrossed in studying the Five Poison Palms' training methods, clutching a Yin Gu Pot. The solemn atmosphere surrounding Zhuge Xiang discouraged anyone from disturbing him, for they understood the unwritten rule: respect the strong. Zhuge Xiang's remarkable display of strength during the competition had earned him their awe and reverence.

Lu Yuling, who had gracefully observed Zhuge Xiang's adjustments from afar, approached him with a congratulatory tone. Her serene demeanor remained unchanged, even in victory.

"Congratulations on your first-place victory," she said calmly, her white attire flowing gently around her. 

Zhuge Xiang, however, downplayed his achievement with a modest smile. "No, it's just luck," he replied.

Zhuge Xiang's response was pragmatic and self-aware. He knew that while his victory had indeed been hard-earned, it was also due to a combination of factors, including the use of limited resources like the super-spiritual energy secret medicine. Without it, the outcome might have been different. He had used up nearly all his skills and consumables to barely secure the first-place victory, and he recognized that a future competition might not have the same result.

Lu Yuling, on the other hand, found Zhuge Xiang's modesty somewhat unfamiliar. To her, Zhuge Xiang had always struck her as a straightforward and decisive individual, which she admired.

As the conversation continued, Lu Yuling couldn't help but notice the storage belt around Zhuge Xiang's waist and questioned him about it. She was puzzled because she had seen him use a storage device on previous occasions.

Zhuge Xiang was genuinely surprised by her revelation. "I have a piece of storage equipment?" he echoed, taken aback.

Lu Yuling's response was a mixture of surprise and curiosity. "Didn't you take out your own blood knife when you killed the demon fox that day? And on other occasions, you've produced medicine pills and martial arts manuals. Where did you store them if not in a storage device?"

Zhuge Xiang's expression shifted as he recalled her words. It seemed that he had unwittingly used some form of storage device, and this revelation left him puzzled.

Zhuge Xiang finally grasped what Lu Yuling was referring to—the items that appeared when he defeated his opponents, like the blood refining knife, experience scrolls, and skill books of violent steps. Lu Yuling had assumed that these items were his form of storage equipment, which explained why she had never inquired further. In reality, Zhuge Xiang had unknowingly used some kind of storage device, which explained the phenomena Lu Yuling had observed.

With a smile, Zhuge Xiang explained, "The previous storage equipment was too small and not enough."

Lu Yuling nodded in understanding. Her question had been more out of curiosity than anything else, and there was no need to delve further into the matter. Shortly afterward, Hua Nongying approached and whisked Lu Yuling away, leaving Zhuge Xiang alone.

Ji Wuxue also paid Zhuge Xiang a visit, offering his congratulations on winning the first place in the competition and expressing his desire to challenge him in a duel after further practice. Zhuge Xiang appreciated Ji Wuxue's friendly demeanor and agreed to the idea.

As Ling Wufeng approached, Zhuge Xiang, though initially unfamiliar with him, returned his warm smile and acknowledged his third-place achievement, "You did well to secure the third place."

Ling Wufeng's inquiry about Zhuge Xiang's relationship with Lu Yuling left Zhuge Xiang feeling somewhat puzzled. It seemed like Ling Wufeng had more on his mind than simply offering congratulations. Ling Wufeng's self-proclaimed "coolness" and the idea that girls should be attracted to him came across as somewhat self-absorbed, but Zhuge Xiang didn't dwell on it.

He assured Ling Wufeng that he and Lu Yuling were just friends and emphasized the importance of cultivation at the moment. However, it was clear that Ling Wufeng's curiosity remained unsatisfied, and he continued to ponder why Lu Yuling wasn't attracted to him.

As Ling Wufeng departed, Zhuge Xiang couldn't help but feel that beneath Ling Wufeng's ruthless exterior, there was a certain degree of pretense. He seemed to be putting on a facade to appear more attractive to girls, but in reality, he might be quite different from the image he projected.

With the big competition behind them, the Shura Sect's disciples, including Zhuge Xiang, now embarked on the Shura battleship for their journey to the headquarters. The Endless Mountain Range stretched for thousands of miles, but the Shura battleship could cover that distance in just three days, showcasing its incredible speed.

The sudden piercing siren on the Shura battleship sent shockwaves through the passengers, causing immediate panic and confusion. People stood up in alarm, frantically discussing the situation. With only a half-day journey left to reach the headquarters, this unexpected alarm had left everyone in a state of unease.

Amid the chaos, a passenger spotted three enormous birds in the sky ahead, blocking the Shura battleship's path. These colossal birds were comparable in size to the Shura battleship itself, exuding a menacing and terrifying presence.

"Fairy beasts!" exclaimed the man who had first spotted the creatures. The head of the sect leading the disciples this time, the former host of the top eight finals, frowned deeply and spoke in a hushed tone.

In the world of cultivation, there were three stages of advancement: refining essence into qi, refining qi into god, and refining god to return to the void. Similarly, for monsters, there were three stages of advancement: monster, goblin, and ancient. Once a monster reached the goblin stage, it became a fairy beast. These fairy beasts were no longer ordinary creatures; they had cultivated and evolved, acquiring supernatural powers and strength comparable to a human cultivator at the Qi Nurturing Realm.

Now, three Bird Goblin fairy beasts were obstructing the path of the Shura battleship, creating a dire situation. Their earsplitting roars filled the air, and when passengers looked down, they saw a multitude of monsters in the mountains below raising their heads and howling toward the Shura battleship. If the Shura battleship were to be brought down, it would become prey for these ferocious monsters.

The passengers were caught in a state of anxiety, unsure of how they would navigate this perilous encounter with the powerful fairy beasts and the horde of monsters waiting below.

The person in charge of the Shura battleship wasted no time and immediately issued a series of commands in a tense voice. He urgently contacted the sect headquarters for reinforcements, ordered the activation of the defensive barrier surrounding the Shura battleship, and instructed the gunners to prepare for an attack on the fairy beasts.

The passengers, although anxious and alarmed, observed the professionalism and decisiveness of the sect personnel. It was evident that the handling of such a dire situation was within their expertise. However, the outcome remained uncertain; facing three powerful goblins, it was unclear whether the Shura battleship's defenses and weaponry would be enough to repel them. The passengers could only watch and hope for the best, putting their trust in the capabilities of the sect's personnel.