
Super Gaming System

Zhuge Xiang, an aspiring disciple of the Shura Sect, dedicated himself to mastering Qi and achieving the coveted status of an official sect member. However, fate takes an unexpected turn when he stumbles upon the extraordinary "magic weapon" known as the Super Game System. As Zhuge Xiang's strength grows, this mystical device unveils a plethora of enchanting functions: Character profiles, an experience-based leveling system, skill enhancement, inventory management, task assignments, an intuitive map radar, and valuable life skills. Join us on a journey as we witness Zhuge Xiang's remarkable ascent, guided by the power of the game system, to become a renowned figure known throughout the realm.

Nebula_The_King · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Ch.28 The End of the Duel

"This year, we've truly struck gold—a fighting genius and a puppet formation genius," the competition's host declared with a smile, his face radiating genuine delight as he observed the battle between Zhuge Xiang and Lu Yuling on the stage.

While Lei Potian and the others were undoubtedly talented, they now paled in comparison to Zhuge Xiang and Lu Yuling. In particular, Lu Yuling, who had achieved a state of mental clarity and displayed exceptional talent in formations, stood out as extraordinary. It was rare for the Shura Sect to encounter geniuses of Zhuge Xiang and Lu Yuling's caliber, and to have two of them emerge in a single year was an incredible stroke of fortune.

The fox-shaped puppet was remarkably agile. In Zhuge Xiang's estimation, its speed wasn't far behind that of the one-star mid-level demon fox they had encountered earlier. What made it even more formidable was its durability; its ability to withstand blows exceeded that of the average demon fox. With such an ally, Zhuge Xiang felt as though he was pitted against two exceptional disciples at the same time. Were it not for his violent step state—unlimited cooldown, zero consumption—Zhuge Xiang might have found himself defeated long ago.

Initially, Zhuge Xiang's rapid, concentrated attacks had left Lu Yuling struggling to keep pace and on the brink of defeat. However, as the mechanical puppet entered the fray, it began to affect the dynamics of the battle. Zhuge Xiang's attacks on Lu Yuling grew less frequent, and with her mental clarity, Lu Yuling found it easier to evade.

Twenty seconds was an incredibly brief span of time. Zhuge Xiang's face was locked in a grave expression, leaving no room for distraction or overthinking.

The fox-shaped mechanical puppet was anything but sluggish. With its robust material and resilience, it could endure substantial punishment. However, the organ puppet was primarily focused on Lu Yuling, and Zhuge Xiang's attacks barely brushed against it.

"I have to sacrifice defense entirely," Zhuge Xiang determined swiftly. With only twenty seconds left, he had to act decisively. Reaching into his garments, he retrieved a pill and placed it in his mouth—a blood recovery pill he had never used before.

**Blood Recovery Pill**: No level requirements. It continuously restores health at a rate of 10 HP per second for a duration of 10 seconds.

Under the influence of the violent stride, Zhuge Xiang surged forward toward Lu Yuling. The blood refining knife in his hand transformed into a flurry of blade-light as it swept towards her. Though Lu Yuling managed to evade many of his strikes, Zhuge Xiang's rapid and relentless attacks bore down upon her relentlessly.

The mechanical puppet, meanwhile, pursued Zhuge Xiang closely, attempting to bite and restrain him, seemingly intent on forcing him to withdraw. However, Zhuge Xiang chose not to dodge this time; he absorbed the puppet's blows and pressed on with his assault, the blood refining knife whirling in a relentless frenzy.

"Is Zhuge Xiang out of his mind?" Niu Geng's eyes widened in disbelief. Even though he could barely make out Zhuge Xiang's shadow darting about, it was clear that Zhuge Xiang was taking heavy blows from the organ puppet.

"So ruthless..." Hua Nongying, Ling Wufeng, and the others were similarly astonished. Zhuge Xiang's relentless pursuit of victory was breathtaking. He was unmerciful to his opponent but even more so to himself.

"Indeed, he's a ruthless one." Watching this scene, Ji Wuxue wasn't particularly surprised. During their duel, he had already recognized Zhuge Xiang's ruthless nature. Faced with a life-threatening situation, Zhuge Xiang didn't contemplate retreat; instead, he battled ferociously. At that moment, Ji Wuxue had grasped the extent of Zhuge Xiang's ruthlessness.

The mechanical puppet's attacks remained potent. A single strike caused Zhuge Xiang's life points to plummet by 17 points, as displayed in the character panel. Yet Zhuge Xiang paid it no mind. He continued his assault relentlessly, focusing solely on one goal: victory.

With 130 health points, 100 blood recovery pills, the life-stealing effect of the blood refining knife, and additional defensive boosts from the star-chasing boots and frost headband, along with the 50% defense bonus from bloodlust, could Zhuge Xiang withstand the mechanical puppet's onslaught for the remaining 20 seconds?

Whoosh, whoosh...

His sword moved like blood and flowed with the wind. Zhuge Xiang may not have learned any intricate sword techniques, but he excelled in the one element that truly mattered in martial arts: speed. When speed reached its zenith, even the simplest strike became a terrifying force to be reckoned with.

Zhuge Xiang's relentless assault evoked a curious expression in Lu Yuling's eyes. Despite her clear mind and the ability to comprehend Zhuge Xiang's movements, she couldn't keep up with his rapid attack speed. Nevertheless, Zhuge Xiang, who had abandoned his defense, remained unscathed.

"What's going on? Why is he still so lively?" Lu Yuling was well aware that whether it was due to his inability to stop the blood knife or being defeated by her puppet first, Zhuge Xiang should have been unable to endure any longer. Yet, he continued to fight vigorously, much to her surprise and confusion. Given the injuries inflicted by her mechanism puppet, Zhuge Xiang should have already been on the brink.

"This is..." Perplexed, Lu Yuling observed the numerous wounds on Zhuge Xiang's body. While they may have been dripping with blood, upon closer inspection, these wounds were visibly healing at an astonishing rate. This left Lu Yuling wide-eyed with astonishment, and she couldn't help but think of the tiny pill Zhuge Xiang had consumed earlier. She felt somewhat helpless—where did Zhuge Xiang obtain such potent healing elixirs?

Zhuge Xiang continued his rapid assault, launching strikes in a relentless storm. The deceleration effect of the frost headband kicked in, and ultimately, under Zhuge Xiang's relentless barrage, Lu Yuling's defenses crumbled completely.

With a swift motion, Zhuge Xiang's blood refining knife came to rest across Lu Yuling's neck. The blade glistened ominously, leaving no doubt that it could easily sever Lu Yuling's head with just a little pressure.

Time seemed to freeze in that moment. Both Lu Yuling and Zhuge Xiang halted their movements, and even the mechanism puppet paused. The frantic, high-speed battle that had been raging suddenly came to an unexpected standstill.

Gazing at the blood-refining knife poised at her neck, Lu Yuling offered a slight smile and conceded defeat. Following her admission, Zhuge Xiang let out a long sigh of relief. Shortly thereafter, a notification from the system rang in his mind.

"Ding, defeated Lu Yuling, who is at the fourth level of Qi Cultivation Realm, in battle. Gain 200 experience points and receive skill books."

"Ding, the bloodthirsty effect has been automatically deactivated, and you have entered a state of weakness. All attributes are reduced by 80%, and this condition will persist for 2 days."

The system prompts widened Zhuge Xiang's eyes in surprise. The fourth level of Qi Cultivation Realm? Lu Yuling had actually reached the fourth level of Qi Cultivation Realm? This realization caught Zhuge Xiang off guard; he had always assumed she was at the third level of Qi Cultivation Realm. However, with the bloodthirsty technique deactivated, Zhuge Xiang felt an unprecedented fatigue that nearly made him unable to stand.

His clothing was in tatters, his body covered in wounds, and his blood soaked most of his attire. Abandoning both defense and attack, Zhuge Xiang's appearance was more like that of a beggar. Ironically, as the victor, he looked even more battered and injured than Lu Yuling.

As the host ascended the stage to announce Zhuge Xiang as the winner of the Grand Competition, the crowd below erupted in thunderous applause and cheers. The entire audience celebrated his victory with enthusiasm.

Being crowned the champion of the competition was a remarkable achievement, signifying Zhuge Xiang as the strongest among the 100,000 disciples that year. This was a moment of glory, and his injuries and disheveled appearance served as undeniable proof of his hard-fought victory. The awe-inspiring battle he had just engaged in, combined with his unwavering determination, had deeply impressed everyone. He had earned the title of the undisputed number one.

With the competition now concluded, the top ten winners stood together on the dueling stage, while seventeen valuable prizes lay in front of them, inciting envy among the onlookers.

Zhuge Xiang, as the first-place winner, had the privilege of selecting five prizes. However, he didn't rush to make his choices. Instead, he turned to Lu Yuling and inquired about her preferences. Lu Yuling, without hesitation, pointed to several items: a footwork secret book named Lingbo Weibu, a first-grade magic weapon in the form of body armor, and a first-grade magic weapon ring.

Zhuge Xiang was surprised by her choices and asked, "Oh? Among these, the most valuable one is this storage belt, right? You don't need it?"

Listening to Lu Yuling's explanation, Zhuge Xiang understood that she already possessed a storage belt because of her mechanism puppet's size. Therefore, he didn't hesitate and took the storage belt without reservation. He also claimed the certificate that allowed him to improve the quality of a magic weapon.

Zhuge Xiang was pragmatic in his choices. Next, he selected a magic weapon cloak, which could offer him extra protection. He then chose a Yin Gu Pot, a unique item suited for Niu Geng, who specialized in poison techniques and the Five Poison Palm martial art.

As the other winners made their selections, the prizes were quickly distributed. Ling Wufeng, who finished third, had the chance to pick two items. Lei Potian reluctantly chose one, and the remaining participants each claimed their respective prizes.

With the distribution of the seventeen prizes, the competition came to an official close. The audience gradually dispersed, filled with excitement and anticipation for the next year's competition.

Zhuge Xiang, now the champion of the Grand Competition, looked at the prizes he had won and couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. His hard work and determination had paid off, and he had earned the recognition and respect of his peers.

As the crowd began to disperse, Zhuge Xiang turned to Lu Yuling and said, "Thank you for your advice and guidance during the competition, Lu Yuling. If you ever need anything in the future, don't hesitate to ask for my help."

Lu Yuling smiled faintly and nodded. "I appreciate your offer, Zhuge Xiang. Let's both continue to work hard in our cultivation. Perhaps we'll meet again in the future."

With those words, they bid each other farewell and went their separate ways, both carrying the memories of this intense competition with them as they continued their journeys of self-improvement in the world of martial arts.