
Super Devouring System 1

After transcending to a new world, Ye Xuan miraculously obtained the Swallowing System. Not only could it swallow everything (wink wink nudge nudge), it could also extract bloodlines, martial arts, godly weapons, medicinal pills, treasures… “This (beer) is way too strong! Don’t challenge me! Do you believe that I can’t swallow your divine swords?”

the_gamer_8106 · Eastern
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Chapter 2: Tiger fall Pingyang

Now, Ye Xuan has merged the memory of the unlucky ones, so she is also very familiar with Ye Family and will not get lost.

"It's really a shame that this waste is dare to come out."

"That is, he must have done something that people and gods are indignant, and it leads to the failure to be repaired and become an ordinary person."

"Oh, my cousin is now entering the martial arts, and he has no spiritual power. I am afraid that even my cousin can't beat it."

"Sadly, from the first genius of Ye Jia, to the first waste of Yuncheng now, if I had him, I would have been killed."

"Hey, isn't he committing suicide by cutting his wrist?"

"Haha, maybe he suddenly remembered that he still has a beautiful fiancee, so he doesn't want to die."

Some of Ye's children were whispering there.

On the way to the treasure house, Ye Xuan also met a lot of people, but these people are looking at him with a weird look. After all, the whole body was repaired for no reason, and even Yuncheng was the first time.

Everyone is skeptical that Ye Xuan has not done anything that is both insulting and angered.

Although Ye Jia has not been established for two hundred years, it is also a big family in Lianyun City. The original Ye Xuan was the first genius of Ye Family, but now it has been different.

When Ye Xuan came to Ye Jiabao, the manager at the door of Baoku looked at him with a look of disappointment and shouted: "Ye Xuan, what are you doing?"

"Administrative, I want to receive a hundred years of blood ginseng." Ye Xuan heard the other party's direct call to his name, but also somewhat unhappy, but he did not show it, but said faintly.

"A hundred years of blood?"

When I heard it, I also yelled: "You still are the first genius of Ye Family? The precious thing of a hundred years of blood ginseng is used in your waste, it is a waste, go away."

"You... The owner said that I can receive a hundred years of blood ginseng every month." Ye Xuan retorted.

"Home lord? Oh, the owner sent orders yesterday, and now you can't take it." Treasury management puts a high-profile gesture.

"Can't you take it?"

After hearing this news, Ye Xuan's heart was also half cold.

The owner of the treasure house is the owner of the Ye family and the uncle of the unlucky.

When the unlucky ghost is still there, the unlucky one is also training him all the time. Every month, he is allowed to receive a hundred-year-old blood ginseng to enhance his blood and body.

"Yes, can't take it, who knows that you will not commit suicide tomorrow." Treasury is cold and cold.

"You..." Ye Xuan was a little angry.

I thought that when the treasure house manager saw him, he talked reverently. However, now he is looking down on him with a high attitude.

"What are you, this is the rule, go quickly." Treasure manager said.

"Is there not to increase the spirit of Dan, as long as it is the younger brother of Ye Jia, no matter how it is repaired, he can receive three lingering angels every month." Ye Xuan suddenly remembered one thing.

"You still remember this thing, but the owner has an order. Now you can't even get a bonus." Treasures are cold.

"What, one can't take it?"

Ye Xuan's eyes widened and he almost thought he was wrong.

Zeng Ling Dan is an medicinal herb that can increase spiritual power. One is a hundred and two, and three is three hundred and two. And the hundred years of blood ginseng that Ye Xuan received before, one is 100,000 silver.

Now he is repaired as a total loss, and his uncle is not even to give him a hundred and two, this is simply a bad dog, not right, it is a stone.

Ye Xuan did not say anything more, just clenched his teeth. It was really a tiger who was bullied by a dog. Before he could slap it, he could fly this thing, but now, the other party can kill him with only one finger. he.

"When I regain my strength, I must make you look good!" Ye Xuan secretly remembered this hatred, remembering the look of this matter.

However, if you can't restore your strength, then everything is in vain.

Ye Xuan returned to his room and began to think carefully.

However, not long after, one person walked into his yard.

After seeing the arrival, Ye Xuan immediately shouted: "Da Bo!"

"Ye Xuan, I heard that you have been to the treasure house." The comer is Ye Xuan's uncle, Ye Jia's current owner Ye Zhang.

"Yes." Ye Xuan nodded.

"Don't blame the uncle, now your repair is falling. If you can recover, this is of course the best. However, in these three days, you have spent a million yuan of silver, but you still have no A little sign of recovery, so we decided that you can't get any more cultivation resources." Ye Zhang shook his head and expressed regret.

"Has you given up on me..." After listening to it, Ye Xuan is also bitter.

"Not giving up on you, but you can no longer practice as before. So, when your body recovers, just pack up and help the family to take care of the industry." Ye Zhang said slowly.

"Okay, I know!" Ye Xuan nodded.

It seems that Ye Jia really gave up on him. Otherwise, Ye Zhang would not ask him to pack his luggage because it was for him to leave Lianyuncheng.

Now he is the first waste of Lianyuncheng. Everyone knows that if he leaves Lianyun City, it will be good for Ye Family. As long as time is long, people will forget this matter.

Just as Ye Xuan was ready to turn into the house, Ye Zhang suddenly stopped and said: "Ye Xuan, don't leave, there is one more thing."

"Da, what else?" Ye Xuan turned his head.

"This is the case. Before the family set a marriage for you, that is, you and Lin Xueer of Lin family to set up a relative, but after you repaired it, this Lin family is a bit..."

Ye Zhang did not say anything.

But Ye Xuan understands, saying: "What is the meaning of the uncle, is the Lin family wanting to retire?"

"Well, and the Lin family has already arrived, just in the lobby, even the dowry has brought." Ye Zhang nodded.

"Da Bo, I know, I will go now." Ye Xuan said seriously.

This matter, again verified a sentence, the tiger fell Pingyang was bullied by dogs.

However, this is also a human nature. No one wants to be a jewel in the family, marry a waste, a waste that cannot be cultivated, and a waste that can't stand the blow of a wrist.

In Lianyun City, even some farmers who farmed will cultivate. Although their strength is not strong, there are some spiritual powers in the body. And Ye Xuan doesn't have any spiritual power now. I am afraid that even a strong man who can't cultivate can't beat it, let alone those who are warriors.

"You can look at it, and Lin Xueer is also seen by a sectarian powerhouse and accepted as a disciple. This sectarian powerhouse is said to be much stronger than the Yunyun sect." Ye Xuan glanced.