
Super Devouring System 1

After transcending to a new world, Ye Xuan miraculously obtained the Swallowing System. Not only could it swallow everything (wink wink nudge nudge), it could also extract bloodlines, martial arts, godly weapons, medicinal pills, treasures… “This (beer) is way too strong! Don’t challenge me! Do you believe that I can’t swallow your divine swords?”

the_gamer_8106 · Eastern
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Chapter 1: Crossing

"Come on, come on, the young master committed suicide by cutting his wrist, come on..."


When Ye Xuan woke up, he found himself lying on a big bed.

"Hey, the head is so dizzy..."

Ye Xuan sat up.

At this time, the pain from the wrist was so painful that he couldn't help but frown. He stared at it and saw that his left wrist had been wrapped into a blind man.

"The trough, what is this?" Ye Xuan did not understand, but he could feel that his left wrist was injured.

However, in the next moment, his eyes were suddenly screaming. He felt a lot of things in his head suddenly, it was a memory.

Xuanyang Empire, Nanlin County, Lianyun City, Ye Jiashao Master Ye Xuan...

This memory stimulated his brain, causing him to clench his teeth and make a scream of screams in his throat.

After a full half, the blue veins on his forehead were collected.

"What situation, is this my crossing?"

Ye Xuan felt the memory in his mind and hurriedly climbed out of the bed and looked at the mirror. He found that the owner of the body was exactly the same as his long, and even the melanin precipitated by the sun was the same.

He vaguely remembered what happened before he crossed.

At that time, he was reading a novel on a website called Palm Reading. The electric light on the ceiling suddenly began to flash, just like the big thing happened in the movie. However, what happened in the next moment was to make him remember.

The electric light on the ceiling suddenly went out. Then, the 30-inch monitor in front of him that had been bought at a big price, began to **** up like a vacuum cleaner.

The noodle bucket, mouse, keyboard, and mobile phone were all sucked in by the monitor. Finally, even Ye Xuan was not spared. He could clearly hear the sound of the current, which was extremely harsh.

"Isn't it really going through it, or is it that I am dreaming?..." Ye Xuan was a bit uncertain.

Just as he was about to pinch himself to see if he was dreaming, there was a sudden footstep outside the door, followed by a petite shadow.

"Young master, you woke up..."

The speaker is a girl who is about twelve or three years old. She looks slim and her face is as refined as a natural one.

Ye Xuan just turned around and immediately had a memory floating. This is her personal maid, Liu Er.

Not waiting for Ye Xuan to open, suddenly, his stomach felt like a thorn in a thousand needles, this pain suddenly came, almost stunned him.

Now, Ye Xuan can be sure that he is definitely crossing.


Ye Xuan made a scream.

"Young master, you are lying down..."

When Liu Er saw it, he hurried forward to help him to the side of the bed. He said: "Master, your Dantian is broken, repaired as a total loss, or it is better to rest in bed now..."

"Hey? Dantian is broken, repaired as a total loss?" Ye Xuan was a little surprised, and he felt a little more and found himself with an ability of internal vision.

He felt that his Dantian was empty and his heart had a wonderful sense of emptiness.

"In the end, what happened, I crossed into a happier broken Dantian, what did I do over?"

Ye Xuan has no choice.

However, he suddenly found something different in his broken Dantian, this is a golden ball.

"The gap in Dantian is the same as the size of this golden ball. Is it that you led me to repair it?" Ye Xuan understood it all at once, but even though he had seen many fantasy novels, he could not find any related. data.

What is this golden ball?

He began to recall.

Three days ago, the replaced unlucky Ye Xuan practiced boxing in the back of the Ye Family and accidentally picked up a golden ball. Then, the golden ball directly broke into his dantian and knocked his dantian out of a hole, causing his spiritual power to leak out and unable to condense.

When the spiritual power is consumed, the power can be restored, and in addition to Dantian, the warrior can hide the spiritual power in each meridian.

However, this golden ball not only broke his dantian, but also exhausted all the spiritual power and realm in his body, and he became an ordinary person.

Originally, he was the first genius of Ye Family. At the age of fifteen, he had already broken through to the fourth martial arts. He was able to compare with him.

However, now he has no spiritual power in his body, and it is estimated that even a child of a leaf family is inferior. You must know that the Ye family has been practicing martial arts since childhood, even if the 10-year-old child has the first martial arts.

After repairing the whole loss, he is constantly practicing, trying to prevent the golden ball from absorbing the spiritual power, but also taking a lot of heaven and earth treasures, but it has no effect.

After the matter spread, the whole Lianyun City was also turbulent, because he had been accepted by a force called the Li Yunzong and became a foreign disciple.

Years later, he will report to the Li Yunzong.

The fissure Yunzong is a powerful sect. It is probably better than even the ten consecutive Yuncheng additions. The reason why the split Yunzong received Ye Xuan is because his qualifications are good.

But now, Ye Xuan's repair is completely lost, and it is impossible to recover. The Yun Yunzong will definitely not want a waste disciple.

When I learned that Ye Xuan's repair was completely lost and could not be restored, the entire Ye family was dead. If Ye Xuan entered the cracked Yunzong, then Ye Jia could also rise in bed.

Unfortunately, Ye Xuan has become a waste.

Now, Ye Xuan is also figuring out what is going on, that is, the former unlucky ghost was smashed by Dan Tian by this golden ball, and then he could not stand the blow and committed suicide by cutting his wrist.

Moreover, it really succeeded in suicide.

Then Ye Xuan passed through and replaced the unlucky one.

"You are all right, young master?" Seeing Ye Xuan not talking, Liu Er also hurriedly asked.

"Oh, nothing, Liu Er assured, young master, I will not commit suicide again, and there will be a blessing in the end." Ye Xuan said seriously.

When I heard Ye Xuan say this, Liu Er is also smiling and hurriedly said: "Then your young master is resting here, and Liu Er will give you a bowl of blood porridge."

"Yeah." Ye Xuan nodded.

Because of the excessive blood loss, Ye Xuan could only stay on his bed, and he rested for a whole day.

On this day, he did not have no gains. He first adapted to this body, and secondly, he understood how to practice cultivation and then gathered spiritual power.

However, these spiritual powers that have just gathered together are all absorbed by the golden ball when they flow to Dantian, and there is nothing left. Moreover, even if it is not absorbed by the golden ball, it will be broken because of the broken Dantian.

"I don't believe it. It is said that this unfortunate Ye Xuan was the first day of Ye's family. His uncle allowed him to go to the treasure house every month to receive a hundred-year-old blood ginseng. I will go get one to eat now."

Ye Xuan thought, just dressed, and then went out.