
Super Chip in MHA

this is a novel created by i PTSDdestroyer, and i hope that my novel can make you happy and smile btw ping me when there is an error i promise that i will fix it and make it better

PTSDdestroyer · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 9 Super Chip new function?

in the dark alley, a bearded man walked slowly, his eyes seemed to flash indelible hatred, and there was an indescribable heaviness in his step.

step...step... step... step

"it's been a long time bastard, do you miss me? " the shrill voice echoed in the alley, and the sound of machete getting dragged make the situation more creepy.

"who are you?, do i know you? "Lloyd put down the metal box in his hand and looked at the bearded man that is slowly approaching him.

" you don't remember me?, then i will make you remember me after i breaks every bone in your body!! " the bearded man dashed forward with a hatred in his voice.

"break my bone if you can"

the metal box that had been placed on the ground was kicked by Lloyd and the metal box is flying towards the bearded man at a super speed, and before the bearded man got hit by the metal box he slashed the metal box with his machete.

then the metal box got destroyed before it made contact with the bearded man, a lot of money is flying everywhere and scattered in every corner.

"die! "

the bearded man whose sight was blocked by the money that is scattered everywhere roared and slashed horizontally with his machete, at the same time the machete is slashed the bearded man's body emitted a light blue arc at a speed visible to the naked eyes.

"ohhh, so it turned out to be you" suddenly, a voice came from behind the bearded man, causing his spirit to drop rock bottom.

before Lloyd became number seven, the bearded man was the previous number seven and he is known as the electric man, he is one of the nine legend in the arena but after Lloyd and the electric man had a duel, electric man lost his identity as the number seven.

a leg emerging from behind the electric man suddenly slammed into the man's back waist, the electric man had no chance to resist, he got knocked away and hit the wall of the alley.

"cough, cough"

the electric man was coughing blood in embarrassment, and a little bit of his internal organs is coughed out, however looking at the man wearing the black robe that is walking towards him made his eyes filled with unforgettable hatred, and the memories of when his title got snatched got replayed in his mind again.

"if I'm not wrong, you are the electric man? "

"finally, you remembered me" the electric man sigh in exhaustion as he watched Lloyd walked towards him.

"why do you want to take your revenge one me, we fight fair and square"

"you make me lose my pride and dignity of a man, even if i die i will make you suffer, and i will humiliate you the same as you humiliate me"

"i will kill you! "

the electric man punched with his right fist, with a light blue arc around his right fist, a two meter long spear made from lighting shot out from the electric man's right fist in an instant.

but then before the spear that is made from lighting made any contact with Lloyd, Lloyd Dodge the spear at a super speed.

and stabbed the electric man with his sword on his back, and it got inserted into the electric man's right arm, he even nailed the electric man and the wall of the alley together. ( ̄‐ ̄)んーー

"if not for my reflexes that is faster than ordinary people, then i think i will be done for"

looking at the man lying on the ground, Lloyd did not show the slightest pity, he grabbed the man's next, and slowly lifting it up.

then Lloyd nail got longer and stabbed into the man neck, then after the nail is stabbed into the man's neck a red liquid is flowing from the neck and dripped into the ground.

"drip, tick, drip,tick"

but at this moment, Lloyd's right hand paused slightly, carefully filtering the information that suddenly appeared in his mind after he ask super chip to scan the electric man quirk.

-electric man-

quirk : electric manipulation

tiers : C

information : it can release electric from the user body, but it has a side effects, the side effects can make the user reflex slower by 30%

time : 20

Can be upgraded

'what the fuck, this is a trash quirk' but when he finished reading the information he sees the "can be upgraded" at the bottom of the information

'super chip what is that? ' Lloyd asked

-master, this is one of the few quirk that can be upgraded, and master can make some connection to his mind and can control his mind after his quirk is upgraded-

'wait super chip can be used like that? ' Lloyd is surprised, he didn't know that super chip have this kind of function

'why are you not telling me that you have this function'

-it's because I am evolving and getting stronger as the time goes by, and i get new function as master and i grow stronger-

'oh so that's why' Lloyd came to a realization

'upgrade his quirk super chip, i don't want this kind of quirk but i guess this guy can help me build my villain organization'

-okay master, upgrading quirk is in process-

then after the process is done the electric man quirk became cliff hanger ᕦ( ᐛ )ᕡ