
Super Alan Adventure

A young alien boy goes a crazy and epic adventure to save the world from an evil sorceress.

AdrianWilliams · Fantasy
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15 Chs

We Got the Beat

A day has passed, and the group arrive in the flying city of Music City, and are greeted by a Pop Spluffette named Spluff Maddy. Maddy introduces them to Spluff Ari, Princess Leader of the Music Spluffettes. Then, Ari shows the cast their musical city and they meet more music spluffs like Spluff Suki and Spluff Sparkle who are best friends and experts of Pop and Techno Music. During the tour, Spluff Ivy, Spluff Atta, and all of alan's friends and family along with Twink reveal themselves to have already arrived at Music City and The cast are really happy to see the two princesses again and get to meet Twink as well. "We're so glad to see you two again!" Spluff Blossom hyperactively said, "How did you three escape?!" Spluff Flora asked. Ivy and Atta explained that they had to sneak past Magica's Minions using an invisibility potion and rode a large bird to Music City when they heard that their friends were headed there for the star spirit.

Meanwhile, Vora is disappointed at Smolder for failing to destroy Alan or retrieving any of the six Star Spirits.

"You fool! You've failed me again!" Magica said in disappointment.

"Apologies, your highness. Alan has proven to be stronger than he looks." Smolder explained. "And you have proven to be complete failures at doing two simple things, Destroy Alan, and Collect the seven Star Spirits, or find the Star Rod and Super Star." Magica angrily replied. "Yes, but perhaps if you--"

"SILENCE!!" Magica shouted out, "You two have one last chance to end the boy. Fail me again, and there will be dire consequences." Vora threatens them. "Yes, master." Smolder said.

The dragon heads off to hunt down Alan, while Magica has other plans. Meaning, She will head to Alan's location and deal with him and retrieve the stars herself, believing the two lieutenants have messed up enough already.

Back at Music City, Spluff Ari explains that denying their differences would be denying who the truth of who they are. The Music Spluff leader then reveals the sixth Star Spirit to Alan and his friends and gives them to alan as a token of their gratitude.

Alan waited for it to turn into a card. When it did, everyone gathered to witness Star Spirit Klevar.

"What a pleasure meeting you! My name is Klevar! Thank you for finding me," the Star Sprit explained. "I feel that if you hadn't come, Magica would have done it first. Now there is only one of us Star Spirits still trapped. Just one more Alan!"

"Awesome!" shouted Alan.

Klevar gave Alan more Star Power, and the new move, Time Out.

"Now you are able to use the power of six Star Spirits. If you use mine well, it should be extremely helpful in battle. Don't become overconfident though. You must be careful. Bowser has power as well. Remember that stronger enemies await you…I hope our powers may help you so you can help us…We're all depending on you!"

With those words, Klevar returned to his beloved Star Haven. 

"We did it! We saved six of the Star Spirits!" Alan said with Joy. His friends began to celebrate their victory of saving six stars before Queen Magica could. Spluff Atta kisses Spluff Ivy, before blushing and apologizing to Ivy but she gave Atta a romantic look as she kisses back. Everyone just sit back and take some rest from their long journey and Alan introduces his new friends to his family as they get to know each other and become good friends too. But this moment quickly turns sour as Queen Magica appears with her sidekicks and army to attack them with Freeze Balls.

The alarm goes off and the Music Spluffs prepare for battle as the villains have arrived. Magica and Vora find alan and the emeralds, so Alan prepares to fight them. But instead, The Dragoon Queen uses a spell that sends him and apparently Marky as well, to some far off place where no one will ever find them. The spells works, making Alan's friends believe that Magica blew them up.

Everyone tries to run away but are quickly caught by freeze balls, Magica even thanks Amy and the spluffs for helping her find the spluffs, star rod, and super star. As Amy denies it, Magica tries to use any freeze balls on her but has no effect on amy since she's was an apprentice to magica and not a spluff. "No matter how hard you try, you can't escape your evil destiny." Queen Magica said to amy. the music spluffs are heartbroken by this reveal and magica flies off with her minions and amy's captured friends.

This upsets them dearly, so they get to watch helplessly as Magica captures them and the Music Spluffs and the Music Kingdom is plunged into darkness as Spluff Riff pulls the plug on their lights.

Amy Sparkle and her friends are now all alone and starts crying as it begin to rain, "Oh Alan, our best friends, what have we done." Amy said in sadness.

"The first time we finally find alan, he ends up being blown up by magica." Lily said in tears, "And poor Marky, seemed liked a nice little fox." Blossom said in sadness.

Just then, snappy appears and tries to talk to Amy and the girls and shows them a picture of their friends. "I'm so sorry, alan." Amy said in a soft tone. "It isn't your fault, Amy. We were all outsmarted by this." Storm said in a soft tone. Snappy tells amy that she should help them but denies this feeling that she has caused enough damage. "What do we do?" Blossom asked.

"We need to help our friends and stop magica...For Alan." Amy said and the girls head off to Spluff Castle.

Meanwhile, The Dragoon Troop Empire began invading other lands captures more spluffettes such as the Autumn Spluffs, Halloween Spluffs, Sea Spluffs, Island Spluffs, as well as all the friends alan made on his adventure. It seems as if Magica has won.

Or has she...?