
Super Alan Adventure

A young alien boy goes a crazy and epic adventure to save the world from an evil sorceress.

AdrianWilliams · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Star Spirits on Ice

In a cold, snowy, and wintery place, Alan wakes up and sees himself and his best friend have been sent to the Shiver City. In Shiver City, Alan and Marky find out that they cannot go to Starborn Valley unless the mayor grants him permission. 

However, they find the mayor unconscious on the floor and becomes a suspect for the mayor's murder. With novelist Herringway's help, the truth is revealed: the Mayor was knocked out by the falling box containing a gift for the novelist. With the mystery solved, the mayor allows Alan and Marky to go to Starborn Valley.

On the way to Starborn Valley, Alan and Marky face Smolder again.

"There you are!" Smolder said, "I've finally found you!"

"Finally?" Alan questioned. "I'm guessing she's here for you, alan." Marky added in. Alan goes into his fighting stance and asks if they here for the emeralds, to which they say 'yes', unfortunately alan tells them that their master already has them and they did it by themselves. Smolder is surprised by his words and believe that Vora has given up on them. "No! This can't be! She gave me another chance and you ruined it!" Smolder said, "Wait! Magica may have gotten the star spirits herself, but she still wants me to stop alan from ruining her plans." She will kill alan and finally make her master proud of her, just as she was meant to do.

Alan thinks that she is being a pawn of Magica and doesn't have her own free choices to make. He begins feeling bad for her and tries to reason with her. "Wait! We don't have to fight, and you don't have to do what Magica tells you all the time." Alan reasoning with her, "Why should I do that?! Magica wants me to do what she asked me so she'll see that I'm not worthless anymore." Smolder stated. "Yeah, that's what 'she' wants, but what about what 'you' want?" Alan said. "I...I... I don't know what I want. All that matters is what my master wants. I've already failed one master, I can't fail another." Smolder exclaimed.

Alan doesn't believe her and tries to help even more. Unfortunately, The dragon lieutenant has heard enough and engaged him in battle once more, willing to fight the young hero to the bitter end. Alan has no choice but to fight her and marky tries to assist him as best he can. After a fierce and climatic battle, they were ultimately defeated by Alan's Magic fury attack, the dragon minion is on her knees saddened by her defeat and failure to destroy alan and make magica proud.

Smolder began to cry, but Alan and Marky stand down and Alan walks up to her with Marky telling him to be cautious and he continues walking towards them. "Look, I know how important making someone proud can be. But that's why I'm here. Your master is trying to the world, and the world is an important part of my home." Alan explained.

"But...If I can't be useful to Magica, What am I meant to be?" Smolder asked, "Your own person, with your own choices. Not the choices someone tells you to choose. I mean, people will tell you what choices to make, but they will only do it when necessary or want to help. But until then, your decision to help magica or not is your choice." Alan reasoned with her, and she wiped away her tears and look at Alan with a smile as he and Marky smiles back. "So what do you say? Are you gonna continue working for Magica or free yourself from her and help save our home?" Alan letting them choose.

The two look at each other and agree to do what they've chosen to do. Help Alan and Marky stop Magica and save the world.

Once Alan and co. reach the Starborn Valley, they meet Merle, who tells Alan to go to the Crystal Palace, where the seventh Star Spirit is being held. He then gives Alan a scarf, telling him to use it on something special, then telling Mario to go and ask Mayor Penguin for the other special item, a bucket. Alan and his friends go to a line of snowmen on the path between Shiver City and Starborn Valley, one missing a scarf and the other missing a hat. Alan gives the items to the respective owners. The snowmen thank him and open the way to the Crystal Palace. Along the way to the palace, they meet the spirit of Madam Merlar, who gives Alan the Star Stone, to reach the palace.

The stone suddenly emerged out of the cold diamond, even though it was perfectly solid. While everyone pondered how it was possible, Merlar said this was the key to get into Crystal Palace. With a word of how she'd tell them the full story someday, she vanished. Alan stayed in place, then shook off his daze and grabbed the stone. Making his way back up to the frozen star carving, Alan placed the Stone carefully into the hole. The ice seeped into the edge of the wall, the ground started to rumble, a big bank of pure white ice showed up, and kept going up with frosty stairs popping out from the side. After what seemed like three stories of frozen water, it stopped rising.

"…wow." was all anyone had to say. Alan and co. pushed onward, and, after beating a White Clubba…

"Awesome!" Smolder gushed. "I adore that shade of pink!"

Alan waved a hand and continued the trek upward.

Alan led them around the way to the mirror side of that room from the previous one. In the next room was some sort of mirror flip thing. Marky placed Smolder by one switch and told everyone else to get on the round part of the machine. When Smolder blew the switch up, they all were pushed to the other side. The door was on that side, so using natural instinct Alan entered.

"I hate all this weird mirror stuff!" complained Sonic as he observed a Duplighost pacing on the other side of the glass the same as a Clubba was. Alan didn't pay much mind to it after they beat it, but when alternate versions of them were caught in the mirror, it freaked a select few out.

"That's not a reflection…" Marky breathed.

"Of course it isn't! It moves a step after we do!" Alan said.

"Creepy…" Smolder added.

"What's it doing?" wondered Smolder. The Alan on the other side was shooting Marky into a hole, oddly. Alan thought deeply before trying it out on the hole at his feet. Sonic sent Kooper on through, but he didn't come out…

"Gah! Kooper!" Marky gasped. Everyone looked through the hole, only to be ran over by Dawn, Kolorado, Goombella, Kooper, and Koopa Koot.

"You've gotta be kidding…" Alan moaned.

"Alan, I'm the real Kooper. But of course you know that," explained the Kolorado. "Don't you, old boy?"

"Yeah right! Kooper wouldn't look like an explorer-gone-wrong! I can't even imagine why anyone would call that weirdo an archeologist!" Alan rambled.

"I still support him!" Kooper input.

"Alan! Look at me! I'm the real deal! No one else looks like Kooper!" stated the Goompa.

"No one except Kooper, which, um, isn't you!" Marky chortled.

"Alan, come on. I'm Kooper! This is ridiculous!" Kooper murmured.

Everyone gave a nod in agreement.

"I'm the real Kooper, sonny! You believe me, don't you?" added "Koopa Koot".

The entire gang banged their heads on the walls.

"Do you really think we're THAT dumb?" Marky shouted.

"I'm...the real Kooper! There isn't any doubt...in your mind, brother!" Dawn said.

"See? Kooper isn't Alan's brother! He doesn't even have a brother! We're not idiots!" Marky boomed.

"Okay, old bean! You'd best smash these impostors one by one," Kolorado the Fake finished.

"Who are you calling an old bean?"

The rest of the impostors agreed and Alan went to smashing. First, he hit Dawn, then Kolorado, Goombella, and eventually Koopa Koot.

"Yes! Yes! Good call Alan! I knew you'd get it right! Those were the worst disguises ever!" Kooper guffawed.

"Oh tell me about it! I've seen better…" Marky scoffed. "Right Smolder…Smolder? SMOLDER?!"

The yellow foxboy suddenly jerked his head back and forth, trying to find his friend. She was nowhere to be found.

"She must've been taken when we were busy with the copies!"

The two Duplighosts bowed before the Crystal King. They explained what they had brought, and he gasped in surprise. One dragon handed the King 2 beautifully crafted crystal bows while the other one dragged a orange dragon out in another room to freeze. The king halted him. He had better ideas.

Outside, a snowy path went upward. Everyone trudged through the snow, and noticed a trail where Kirby rolled back down.

"He must have been forced down…" thought Marky.

He caught up to Alan (who was going at a steady pace so he wouldn't ditch anyone) to tell him they'd make the Crystal King pay for whatever he did.

"Who comes to my palace?" a deep voice bellowed. Everyone looked up into the sky to see what seemed like a headless floating man appearing from nowhere. He lowered himself onto the freshly fallen snow.

"Alan…you've finally arrived!"

"Heh heh heh heh heh…I know you believe you can save the Star Spirit, but I'm afraid I won't let you. First I shall defeat you, then present Magica with an iced Alan gift!" Crystal continued. Alan stayed crouched with one fist ready to attack. He then darted at the king at full force.

"All right Royal Dork. You are going to pay!" Alan growled. His first move was Mega Slice. Then, used Tidal Wave to demolish some damage and make the Crystal Bits disappear. Crystal cackled and tossed Bow's crystal bows at Marky's face. Marky was too in awe to move and got a good 10 taken away from him. Alan grunted and fired a missile. then he "coolly" tossed a Spiny. The Crystal King mumbled to himself and cured himself.

Crystal attempted to freeze Alan, but failed thankfully, and Alan used another Power Bomb. They were attacked by Crystal bits, though Alan's sturdy shield protected them both. Smolder weakly fluttered her eyelids to try to watch Alan. She knew he could do it, even without her. He went on a rampage after Alan upped his FP so he could do another Mega Slash. Crystal cackled and used his final Heal move.

His Whirlwind started to make Crystal get uncontrollably dizzy, and he stumbled a bit. Sonic cockily cackled while adding some punches and kicks to the routine. He showed mercy after a few rounds of that, only for Crystal to be burned out by Kooper's Fire Spin. Crystal was getting low on HP, and he needed to think up a strategy. He finally used his Divide and Conquer, creating duplicates of himself. Mario didn't want to take a risk so he called forth Star Storm, locating the real Crystal with ease. Parakarry knocked a good chunk out of Crystal, and Crystal could meagerly send out his bit brigade. Link unsheathed his sword for the final blow.

"Time for the Last Lash!" he smirked. However, it failed, and Alan sucked down some honey syrup since that was all that was left. Marky was so mad he didn't block the Frost attack Crystal had up his sleeve. Alan wailed at Marky frozen in some ice and desperately tried to blow him out. Alan couldn't take anymore and arose with his cutter held high.

"WOOHOO!" he howled as he sliced right down Crystal's middle. Crystal cried out in anguish as Smolder on the sidelines feebly tried to cheer. She got weaker by the second, and Alan rushed to her side.

"Oh noo! The last Star Spirit! Queen Magica, forgive meeee!" wailed Crystal. He spun around as he faded out in defeat.

Alan watched the scene for a few minutes until he noticed that last Star Spirit's card floating in mid-air. Marky and Smolder joined him, and all three of them touched the last card of the last Star Spirit.

All seven Star Spirits had finally been found, and after many misadventures, hardships, and fun, their times together was slowly drawing to a close…but before that, Magica needed to be stopped…will Alan, Marky, and Smolder beat Queen Magica, and save their friends? On the other hand, will wishes forever go ungranted and Magica will reign until the end of time?

"My name is Kalmar. Alan, everyone, well done. Thank you for coming. You have successfully rescued all of us Star Spirits. We are in your debt."

"Eh, it's how we do!"

"How we do?"

"I'm trying some new slang…"

"Now all that is left is for you to challenge Magica. My power should help you…to bring back the Star rod and Super star, to beat Magica, to bring peace back to Avalar and all other worlds, and…to save your loved ones."

Kalmar summoned some of his magic and Alan raised his arms to accept it. His Star Energy was now up to seven and could use Up and Away, the newest Star Power move!

"Whoa! We can turn all enemies into stars! Sweet!" Alan exclaimed.

"Alan, you must make your way back to Shooting Star Summit. From Shooting Star Summit, we'll prepare the road to Star Haven. The name of this route is Star Way. Once you travel the Star Way, you'll finally reach Star Haven. My only wish is for you to save this precious world, and all the others. You can do it, Alan and friends. Good-bye for now."

Kalmar created the well-known rainbow sparkle and returned to Star Haven once again, anxious to see Alan once more.