
Super Alan Adventure

A young alien boy goes a crazy and epic adventure to save the world from an evil sorceress.

AdrianWilliams · Fantasy
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15 Chs

A Pirate's Life for Me Under the Sea

When they arrive at the cove, they see that the maingates are closed. "Darn," said Marky, "The main gates are closed! I guess we'll have to land at the outer island." Flavio headed off to the island and the heroes got off board. "Are the Spluffs in the fortress?" asked Maya. "Yup," said Flavio, "this is juuuuuuuuuust perfect." No sooner had the team walked off the port, the pirates shot the boat, sinking it. "Great," said Marky, "Now we need to find the Spluffs AND a new boat."

"Let's worry about the boat when we need to get off the island," said Alan, "right now, we need to find a way into the fortress. And avoid the cannons." The cast walked off and they saw some strange sawfish with legs. "Nauteloids," said Alan, "They're just as pathetic as Goombas." "Well, that's nice," said Spluff Spinder, as she kicked them into the water, and punched down the wall. They headed up an in-climb and they had to cross a boat to get to the fortress. Guarding the ship was a Blastaneer. "How is it able to hold a live cannon?" asked Blake. "It just can," said Alan, "there's magic here, alright." Bloom flew to the top mast and she looked around. "Hey guys!" she cried, "I can see the place where the Spluffs and Star Spirit is!" Leaf found a key, and she unlocked the gate.

After the gate was unlocked, they found a beast with a squid face, and welding a giant anchor. Alan dueled against it in a blades vs point match. Just then, a Magikoopa, appeared, and he created puddles. Storm then arrowed him. Lily found the second key, and she unlocked the gate, and they found the Sea Spluffs and Island Spluffs.

Upon arriving however, they discover over the pirate's radio that Dark Water Cove is closed for the day, as the spluffs are scheduled to be executed soon for their violation of Article 4 of the Pirate Code, after destroying one of Vora's ships on Plunder Island. Alan and his friends hurry through the pirate's caves and barracks to save the spluffettes from being fed to a giant kraken the pirates have named Bubbles.

Meanwhile, The Island and Sea Spluffettes are sneaking through a jungle to find some fruit while trying to hide from the pirates and as they do they hear something in the bushes and retreat quickly. Once they do, Spluff Prim begins checking on how much fruit they've collected. "I told you it was dangerous. We should make do with what we have." Spluff Berry said to Prim, "I'm so hungry and there are so many pirates here." Spluff Rosey said, "Luckily, we have enough food for at least a few of us, some will have to share though." Spluff Prim explained until they hear alan's voice calling from them "Hello! Any Spluffettes here?!" Alan echoing. "Did you hear something?" Spluff Berry questioned, "It's the trees! They're talking to us." Spluff Kala said, "We've been over this. Trees don't speak." Spluff Prim reminded Kala after a sigh. "That's what they want you to think." Spluff Kala said making Prim roll her eyes.

After meeting Admiral Bombarry, he tells Alan and his friends that if they want an audience with Cortez they will need to complete the Pirate Trials located at Skull Mountain, however upon getting there they find the trials are actually a theme park attraction.

Nonetheless they partake in the trials, which include a shanty karaoke challenge where Alan became equipped with a Cutlass and begins hitting the animatronic pirates in the correct order with energy balls, and fighting several waves of pirates, as well as a Swashbuckler named Crabcakes McGee. After they save Bombarry from it, Bubbles the kraken began following Alan and Co. as they made their way to Captain Cortez and the spluffs.

Meanwhile, The Island and Sea Spluffs are looking for more fruit and supplies. Until, Alan and his friends find them and explains to them that they're here to save them and bring them home. But before they could, Prim hears a rustling sound coming from a bush, to which Kooper becomes startled. Prim begins looking around, raising her ears to stay further alerted. Kala then hides behind Leaf. Everybody turns their attention to something running in the bushes. One of the bushes rustles again. A cawing sound can be heard as the thing behind the bushes comes out of hiding. "RUN!" Prim shouted in fear, Everybody begins to turn and run away until prim stops alan. "Not you! Go deal with the pirates!" She asked as she runs off. The pirates find Alan and attacks him and alan gains the upper hand and beats the pirates, and he tells the others that he took care of them but is then caught in a trap which happens to be a deep hole making him fall down unconscious. The pirates then chains up the cast, and takes them to the brig in their pirate ship.

Alan wakes up and climbs out of the hole only to find out that his friends are now on a large pirate ship sailing away. "I see a pirate ship over there!" Alan pointed at the pirate ship.

"It must be where Cortez is at, and my friends!" Alan said heading to the pirate ship but he and Bombarry need a ship of their own and luckily for them, they come across a flying pirate ship and head towards it. On the airship, they hide from its crew of anthropomorphic birds, but they are soon discovered. As indicated by the insignia on their uniforms, they are also in league with Queen Magica. As the birds decide what to do with the stowaways, they turn to their leader Captain Celaeno. After consulting Queen Magica's rule book, Celaeno declares that they be tossed overboard. But just before they do so, Alan convinces them that he can help them escape from magica's tyranny.

Celaeno and her crew are indentured delivery parrots for the Hive Queen. When Amy asks to "deliver" her and her friends to the Flower Fields, Celaeno refuses out of fear of suffering the Queen's wrath. The group learn that before the birds served Queen Magica, they used to be sky pirates. Until, Alan encourages the pirates to oppose Queen Magica's iron-fisted rule and return to their swashbuckling ways. Inspired by Alan's words, the pirates discard their uniforms and raise their ship's rainbow-colored sails and help Alan rescue his friends.

The Cast arrive at an island called Plunder Island. "There it is!" Alan said to everyone, "This must be the island where the sea and island spluffettes are being kept at, and where the pirates hideout at." Alan steers the ship to the docks and they head out to save the spluffettes, while having to fight off an army of pirates, and Cortez. On the outside, the pirate ship mentioned earlier was a little bit bigger than the SS Flavion, meaning it might hold a lot of other treasures besides the Star Spirit.

Upon boarding the deck, Alan gazed at the door leading into the main cabin. "Five against one. Shouldn't be too bad." Alan held the door open, allowing everyone to go in first before he entered too.

Inside the cabin was a row of barrels on the left side, covered with cobwebs and binded by ropes. There were also some dusty crates here and there. Suddenly, the ghostly voice bellowed out once more, "OoOoOoOoOooOooOoOoOoOoOoOo... You ignored my warning... Come inside the doooooor... And be lost in darkness..."

The lights turned off immediately.

"This is just as cheesy as the black chest," Marky chuckled.

Even though nobody had a flashlight, Alan remembered how he lit up a passage in Creepy Steeple the previous night. He formed a fireball in his right palm, illuminating the room deep orange.

"Follow me," Alan said. He approached another door ahead and carefully opened it, making sure not to set it on fire by accident.

In the next room Alan and friends entered, the walls suddenly started glistening.

Alan moved his palm out of the way, seeing what was causing the shimmering: two large piles of Coins on either side were reflecting off the fireball's glow. There were also a couple chests filled with jewelry and necklaces as well as..."Hey! I think that's it!" Marky pointed at a star card half-buried in the left Coin pile.

"OoOoOoOoOooOooOoOoOoOoOoOo..." The persistent oohing interrupted everyone from examining the star card. "Come intooooooooo my-"

Suddenly, loud coughing replaced the oohing, making the group confused. The lights turned back on while Alan's fireball dissipated.

Then, a small tornado formulated in the back of the room, accompanied by white flashes. After the fifth flash, a giant skull with a pirate hat appeared.

"Enough! I grow tired of this spooky 'OoOoO' business!" the skull said with a thick British accent. "I am a pirate, and pirates do not moan! Nor are they crying ghosts!"

"You sounded like a ghost, Cortez." Alan retorted in British, getting Cortez's attention.

"Ah, you speak British too, Mr. Blue. I give you my respect."

Before Alan could reply, Cortez butted in instantly, "NOT! You'll never get my respect, and you'll never take anything from my ship! Especially! My! Treasure!"

"Not without a fight?" Alan asked.

"No! And I'll turn your hat into a bone-polisher!"

"On guard!" Cortez's battle exclamation echoed all around as his skull rose up and an amalgamation of bones formed a skeleton beneath him. Four arms emerged from the skeleton; each respectively wielding a bronze sword, a rusty hook, a cutlass, and a rapier. Right as Cortez revealed his weapons, Alan took out his Cutlass and commenced the battle, striking the bronze sword first. Both traded swings for several seconds while Marky planned his move.

Eventually, Marky and Bombarry decided to gun it toward Cortez's cutlass while the latter was distracted. Upon arriving underneath the cutlass, Sonia backflipped and kicked the cutlass out of Cortez's grasp.

For a split second, Cortez felt the cutlass being kicked away and turned only to notice Marky chopping the empty arm off his body. Cortez yelped and flinched backward, temporarily halting the "sword fight" between him and Alan. At that point, he saw the cast wielding their respective weapons. "Not fair..." Cortez groaned. Nonetheless, he still had three weapons in his possession. For good measure, Marky electrified his cutlass while Alan lit up his with a single fireball. Again, both swung at Cortez's rapier and sword repeatedly, hoping they'll eventually land a lucky shot.

It started to become clearer as Cortez's rapier glowed orange from Alan's fiery cutlass and was on the verge of breaking in half. Meanwhile, Cortez's sword gradually cracked all around due to the electric shockwaves from Marky's cutlass.

"We gotta help Alan and Marky, Admiral!" Leaf exclaimed. "We can't stand and watch them fight by themselves!"

"Good point," Bombarry agreed. He went and lit up his fuse. "Throw me towards his hook."

Leaf didn't have time to ask why or how it would work, so she had Pikachu use Thunderbolt at Cortez's hook.

In simultaneous fashion, Alan finally broke the rapier with the sharp end melting into molten metal; Marky shattered the bronze sword into miniscule fragments; and Bombarry blew himself up, destroying Cortez's hook.

The combined attack caused Cortez's ribcage to open up, exposing a green gem in the middle.

"That looks like his heart!" Goombella said, pointing at the gem.

"You want to know what a broken heart feels like?" Marky asked Cortez in British. But Cortez couldn't answer since he was stunned at this point. "I'll take that as a yes."

In unison, the Boys shouted, "Circdraw Plode!" Red and green crayons spawned in Alan and Marky's hands, respectively. They threw the crayons right at the gem, creating a brown circle around it (Blue and Yellow combined makes Green).

The green circle compressed in on the gem, blowing it up into nothing. As a result, Cortez's skeleton and head fell on the floor.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! MY TREASURE!" Cortez shrieked. His head started to fade away, only to reappear moments later in a white flash.

"What? He's not dead?" Alan wondered.

"Yohohohohohohohohoho! You are foolish, amigos! (You are foolish, friends!)" Cortez laughed. "I am not dead! Well, technically, I was already dead... But my spirit endures, tied to my treasure! So you cannot do anything to me! Still, guarding this treasure for hundreds of years is almost as boring as death!"

"We're not here for treasure, Mr. Cortez," Maya said. "We want that Star Spirit." She pointed to the blue star spirit. "Huh? You want this?" Cortez hovered to the Star Spirit. "This is what you call a Star Spirit?"

"Yes." Maya replied.

Cortez stared at the Star Spirit for a few seconds. "Well, that's no big deal... What do I need one or two extra gems for? I did not really like that one, anyway."

Right as Cortez finished his statement, the Star Spirit floated into Alan's hands and he tapped the card and it turned into the Star Spirit Muskular. Now that they had four, there was only three more Stars out there. Then, a faint blue dot appeared below the purple dot on their right arms.

"And that should do it!" Cortez declared. "If you don't need anything else, away with you!"

"Thank you." Alan thanked Cortez, knowing it's the only other language he can speak besides English.

With that, Alan and friends exited Cortez's ship.

"That was like an earthquake in there!" one of the Toads said, shaking with fear. "Are they all right?"

"I hope so!" another Toad replied.

"Don't worry anymore!"

Everyone turned to see Alan standing in the archway alongside Marky, Maya, and their friends. "They beat Cortez!" Spluff Berry shouted, prompting the crowd to cheer for the victorious heroes.

Alan and friends waved at the crowd while Bombarry winked.

After the short celebration, Buster approached Alan and Co. "Now that you've got some free time, why don't you get us out of here?"

"Umm..." Alan tried to think of how to get everyone out of the grotto.


Another Toad got everyone's attention, standing next to a crack in the wall to the left of the archway. "All that shaking caused this wall here to crack a bit... I feel a breeze... If we could break down this wall, I think we could escape... I guess that's not much help..."

"That's where I come in." Bombarry approached the cracked wall and blew it up. To everyone's surprise, the resultant hole led outside of the grotto back to the beach. "It worked! Just as I thought!" All the Sea and Island Spluffettes hurried through the hole with Alan and friends following behind. "Man, that damp cave air is just not good for us to breathe!" Spluff Kya said, walking alongside Alan on the way out. "How long have we been in there for? Ages?"

"Looked like it," Alan answered.

The six caught up with the Toads at the shore. Also with the Spluffettes were Flavio, Pa-Patch, and Felipe. "Ah, Captain Alan and first mate Marky! Welcome back to you and your friends!" Flavio greeted the Cast.

Upon seeing the boys back on the Black Skull's deck, Cortez's crew applauded for them.

"We've done it, old boys!" Bombarry exclaimed. "I should say she won't be too keen on seeing us again, eh?"

"Uh, I don't know," Alan replied. "Magica doesn't seem to give up."

Five minutes later, the Black Skull was parked at the shore, Cortez, Bombarry, Toads, and the Spluffs still aboard the ship. The rest (including Alan and Marky) stood on the sand for now. "You... You have distinguished yourself in battle, friends! You are worthy in my eyes!" Cortez told Alan and friends.

"Ah, many thanks to you! This ship can get us back to Lonalulu in no time! Let us get away from this coconut pit and back home!" Flavio said.

"I can't wait to get home... We've been looking forward to this for so long!" one of the Sea Spluffs agreed.

"Returning home alive is all the treasure I need! For real!" another Sea Spluff added in. "Well, what are we all waiting for?" Flavio asked. "To sea, everybody!"

"Actually, I'm going to stay here," Pa-Patch stated, stopping Alan and friends. "It's a right nice place to live without any ghosts, eh?"

"Are you ready, friends?" Cortez called out from the Black Skull. "We're coming!" Alan said. With that, Alan and friends boarded the Black Skull.

"Now, cast off!" Cortez's command signaled the Black Skull to start back to Lonalulu. The ship actually went faster than the SS Flavion, meaning it could arrive at its destination in record time.

In the distance, Magica sees the fireworks, and turns her airship around. As Magica's airship approaches Celaeno's, the pirates hide Alan and his friends below deck. Magica, Smolder, Cubot, and Monty board the ship and asks where Alan is, but Celaeno and her crew claim ignorance. Below deck, Sparrow fears the pirates will give them up and Alan comes up with an idea. He opens the hatch on the ship's undercarriage, and the cast fall through the sky. In midair, Alan uses a crate, a Hive Empire flag, and some rope to create a makeshift hot-air balloon, and he and his friends fly towards Lonalulu.

Back on Captain Celaeno's airship, Magica finds Alan's map and learns of he and his friends' next destination. As punishment for harboring alan in secret, Magica's destroys Celaeno's ship.

Back at Lonalulu, Spluff Marina and Spluff Willow are still waiting for the girls and their friends but begin to worry. "It's getting late and they still aren't home!" Spluff Marina said, "This is getting ominous, isn't it?" Spluff Willow replied. Just then, the two spot a large pirate ship with Alan, his friends, and the Sea and Island Spluffettes onboard. "It's Alan! And his friends! They saved our girls!" Spluff Willow said in relief. The other Sea and Island Spluffettes come out of their homes and sees their fellow spluffettes and cheer for Alan and his friends' rescue.

The party heads to Atlantica in pursuit of the star spirit. The party is fascinated they can breathe underwater but note that talking to the queen is the main priority. They eventually meet with Queen Aqua who knows of Alan's quest through Michelle. She introduces Alan to the Star Spirit, Muskular, while also allowing the party to be welcome in the sea anytime and join her kingdom and Lonalulu for a party to celebrate their Heroism of saving the Sea and Island Spluffettes.

Muskular floated next to them.

"Phew! Ah…fresh air! After being coped up in there so long I could really use the outdoor exercise. My name is Muskular. Alan, I must thank you for saving me. Now it's my turn to help you…"

Alan sighed as the Star Spirit gave him the power to use Chill Out, like he was ever going to use it. His Star Power increased up, though. More chances to use Star Storm. Just as the Star Spirit went to leave, Twink wailed out Alan's name. Everyone became alert. When Twink came, it was awfully important. This time was no exception...

"Alan! Alan! I have news…news from the castle!" Before Twink could explain anything, he noticed Muskular right next to him. "GASP! Honorable Star Spirit!"

"Hi! Hmmmmm…I believe you are…Twink, no?" the Star Spirit asked. "You're that youngster who just recently ascended from Starborn Valley up to Star Haven."

Twink was bewildered. A Star Spirit knew who he was. "WHAT!? You remember my name?"

"Ha ha ha! Why, of course I do! We're like family!"

"I…I…I'm so touched!" A select few snickered at his reaction.

"Ho ho ho! Don't make such a fuss lad. I'm sure you'll go on to do great things! I must make my leave now. Goodbye Twink, Alan…" Twink sighed in happiness as Muskular returned to the sky. He then remembered why he came and turned to everyone.

"Wow! I talked with Muskular, the honorable Star Spirit! I rarely have such a chance, even at Star Haven! I'm shaking!" Twink gaped.

"uh, weren't you here to tell us something a little important?" Samus asked, with her foot tapping.

"oops, I'm sorry! I have some really important news from the castle."

"Is it good or bad?" Kooper wondered. Twink cringed.

"A little of both…according to information Spluff Ivy, Spluff Atta, and I got …it seems that one of the honorable Star Spirits is being held at Music Kingdom."

Alan and co. are happy to hear this but tell twink that this can wait because right now it was time to party.

At Lonalulu, The both Sea and Island Spluffettes gather for a massive party with the merpeople and sea creatures, as King Trollex the leader of sea creatures, is about to drop his latest song. After the song drops and everyone enjoys the music, Fireworks begin to appear thanks to Alan.

While the party goes on, Alan sees Kya sitting on the beach enjoying the view in front of a small campfire. "Hey, Kya." Alan getting her attention, "Oh, hey Alan." Kya replied.

Alan asks her if Kya is enjoying the party to which she says 'yes' and tells him that this is her first time going on a big adventure ever since she was left at her school by her mother when she was six years old.

"I know what it's like to feel like you aren't ready for adventure. Even I wasn't ready for the world. Whenever I wanted to go out to other lands, but my moms and the spluffs were trying to keep me safe by having me stay close to their village." Alan explains his first time going on his first big adventure.

"I want to be happy about this, but I can't. I'm not even sure i'm cut out for it, or if I ever will be. It's still feels like it's the first time I've been exploring the world again." Spluff Kya explained in a shy tone. Alan begins to know her better and tries to help her feel like she's ready for exploring the world. "Well ya know...Exploring the world is great because you get to discover new things and meet new people." Alan said.

"I'm going to rejoin with the girls now…Alan, as always, good luck!" And with that, Twink flew away.