
Sunny & Sweet A Delicious Romance

Will sunny be his dream will sweet be hers. This romance is centred around a love of desserts and these two cannot avoid the idea that cakes are the spark and the heart of their feelings but is that enough?

LagoonaMermaidia · Urban
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36 Chs

Jealousy begins

<p>It has been a month since Sunny started work and I had to admit it was a struggle to stop myself from getting distracted. When she couldn't tell I did find myself watching her doing ordinary things like bussing tables, taking orders and cleaning. I couldn't help myself but think about how everything about her drove me crazy. Sometimes guys would try to flirt with her when she served them and every time I felt a pang of jealousy rearing up. Today was one of those kind of days, the guys at the table were pushing their luck. It bothered me that she didn't tell them straight away she had a boyfriend but I couldn't tell her that. <br/><br/>Sunny was definitely hot headed at times and I wasn't the best at explaining what bothered me. She made her way around to the till where I was pretending to read a baking book. <br/><br/>"Order up", she said with a chipper tone and smiled handing me the order she had written. I looked at the paper and it was mostly just pizza slices, she always put hearts at the bottom of orders for me. <br/><br/>"Coming right up, sunshine", I smiled half heartedly still feeling a small well of jealousy. I headed into the kitchen and tried to ignore my agitation. "Slices in 5", I called from the kitchen. <br/><br/>Once the slices were done I brought them out to the table myself. Sunny would get annoyed whenever I would do this and this time was no exception. Coming back to the counter she scolded me.<br/><br/>"You know it's my job to bring the food to tables!", she grumbled folding her arms in annoyance. <br/><br/>"I didn't have much to do so I figured I'd let you take a break", I tried to placate her but she didn't seem to buy my excuse.<br/><br/>"Do you think I haven't noticed!", she was looking more aggravated and signalled me to follow her into the kitchen. Once in the kitchen she looked at me expectantly for a reply.<br/><br/>"Notice what", I projected ignorance. My attempts to appear unaware were not working and she only became more annoyed with me.<br/><br/>"Don't play dumb with me, you only ever bring the food out to customers when it's young guys at the table", she said rolling her eyes whilst pointing towards the door to the front of house. She looked at me again anticipating a response. I was trying my best to look innocent but my true feelings were bubbling up.<br/><br/>"You can't be serious, it has nothing to do with who's at the table", I said defensively folding my arms defiantly in response. This made her more angry and I was quickly losing any chance of deescalating the situation.<br/><br/>"Just admit it you're jealous", her words were sharp as they left her lips, they were true but they stung my heart like acid. I dropped my hands down in defeat not knowing what to say next. She crossed the distance between us and placed her hand on my arm. "We can talk about this later but I'm your girlfriend you won already, there's no need to be jealous, just think about that okay", she said in a reassuring tone, kissing my cheek briefly before returning to the counter. <br/><br/>I needed to settle my head, I went out the backdoor to get some air. Once my feet hit the grass a flood of frustration washed over me. The images of those guys flirting with Sunny crept into my head. The way they looked at her and spoke to her, it made me snarl in anger. I took a few deep breaths and Sunny's words popped into my head. 'There's no need to be jealous, you won, I'm your girlfriend' she was right. I was letting petty jealousy control me and I was upsetting her with my behaviour. I put my hand over my face and let out a groan of disappointment. I was more annoyed with myself now that I had made Sunny mad at me. I calmed myself down and went back inside. <br/><br/>When I got back into the kitchen Sunny was bringing the tables plates through and started to wash them. She was completely silent only the sound of plates clinking filled the room. I made my way over to her and leaned myself against the draining board.<br/><br/>"You're right", I sighed looking at her apologetically. She didn't look at me and continued to wash dishes.<br/><br/>"Right about what?", she said coldly not looking away from the plate in her hand. I moved closer to her hoping she would meet her eyes with mine.<br/><br/>"Okay fine, I was jealous, I'm sorry", I stared swallowing my pride. In that moment her eyes darted up to me and I was grateful. No matter how mad she got she could never hide the sweetness in her eyes. <br/><br/>"Go on, why were you jealous", she pressed knowing I hated admitting that I could feel like this.<br/><br/>"I suppose it was the way those guys were trying to flirt with you, the way they look at you, everything about it just irritated me", I sighed I was starting to feel the jealousy re-emerging as I reeled things off.<br/><br/>"I understand but you can't keep rushing in every time you feel jealous", she said sternly taking a pause from washing plates. <br/><br/>"I know I know it's just hard watching them drool over you, I get worked up", I said quickly not meeting her eyes.<br/><br/>"Do you think I even notice?", she said drying her hands on a cloth. She stood in front of me with her hands on her hips.<br/><br/>"Well I suppose not", I started to mumble avoiding eye contact. She took hold of my face making me look her in the eyes.<br/><br/>"You have to trust me, I'm your girl right? Stop caring so much about what those baboons say", she smiled cautiously looking a little defeated. I swung my arms around her and pulled her tight to me. This relaxed her immediately <br/><br/>"I'm sorry of course I trust you, you are my girl and I love you, I'll try to not get so jealous next time", I said calmly kissing her softly.<br/><br/>"If you trust me then show me that you do, when these things happen let me deal with them myself", she sighed placing her open hands roughly against my chest. <br/><br/>"Okay that's fair, I promise to let you fight your own battles but promise me that you will let me help if you ever do need me", I agreed not entirely convinced she could handle that.<br/><br/>"Alright that seems reasonable, now let's not think about this anymore, I love you too my strong protective Sweet", she spoke tenderly hugging me extra tight before going back to washing up. I stood pretending to read my book again whilst she carried on washing plates. I told her when she started I wouldn't get distracted but the way she moved was so delicate and she exuded a subtle confidence.<br/><br/>"Are you going to stand there and watch me wash all of these", she surprised me as she didn't look back but merely gestured at the plates. I scrambled to bring my book back over my eyes. <br/><br/>"Just reading my book, why is there something I should see?", I grinned tauntingly from behind the pages. I lowered the book slightly to see Sunny arms folded looking straight me. <br/><br/>"You're too easy to toy with, it wouldn't be a fair fight", she winked at me with a smirk, she was challenging me. <br/><br/>"Oh really, why don't you prove it then", I goaded her as I put down my book and stood right in front of her almost touching. She paused for a moment then walked her hand up my arm painfully slowly. My arm twitched at the sensation to which she displayed a mischievous smile. Her hand slide up the back of my neck into my hair and I sighed in enjoyment. Suddenly she pulled my head sharply down to hers and kissed me roughly. I groaned into her lips as my hands made their way to her back. She pulled away sharply and started to walk away a look of triumph on my face. I shook off my frozen stance and grabbed her hand quickly while she was still in reach. <br/><br/>"Where do you think your going", I pulled her back to me and once again kissed her ferociously pressing her deeply into me. She broke her lips away once again to my disappointment. <br/><br/>"See your like putty in my hands", she whispered alluringly. I kissed her rapidly all over her face sweetly. <br/><br/>"For you I'd be anything, you do something I can't explain that makes me want to grab hold of you whenever I see you", I said softly, licking my lips at the sight of her.</p>