
Sun Sun fruit in one piece

After getting reincarnated with the abilities of sunshine, Ra makes the best of his new life establishing his own path while trying his hardest to ensure that his pride which knows no bounds does not hinder the path that he treads in the pirate world. **This is the first time I am writing a fanfic and I am not really sure where I am headed with it but I'll try my best to keep it interesting. Thanks for reading.**

An_lf_line · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 14

Ra pov

Making my way through the amusement park while carrying a bag slung across my shoulder, I thought back to what bear san told me before leaving their ship,"You are too kind for life at sea." That's the most I heard him say during my stay there but who's to say he's lived too difficult a life to not know that truly kind people are rare to come by and I am most likely not one of them. But those were just random thoughts as I felt the bag full of beli now in my possession. I had no money at the time but they happily and kindly offered me some for my use while travelling.

That aside, this truly was a magical place with bubbles everywhere though it was quiet and peaceful, at least for now. Who would have thought that slave trading was taking place in this very island at the moment. I continued foward while looking for a place to eat. I asked random guy for directions in search of a diner and just my luck, I am now in an area full of rough looking and mostly ugly pirates. I don't remember which area exactly it is that pirates gathered in the Sabaody Archipelago but judging by the nasty looks on their faces it doesn't really matter.

Haaa! How could I have been scammed and misled though I have the ability to sense emotions now. I guess emotions aren't as simple as they appear if a haki user such as myself can be lied to while the words spoken by that unremarkable passerby came out as truth. Now I have to deal with the scum approaching me, maybe I really am kind for not immediately burning away the smug looks on their faces. I should just use armament and hopefully one of them can see it and urge the rest of these stooges to back off.

Yeah I am not doing that, I have some built up some frustrations for being lied to by a weak piece of shit and I am not gonna scare of these guys just yet. I wanted to dramatically put down my bag, roll up my sleeves and show them a great time but my fear of being robbed won over and I tied the bag on my waist. I immediately heard a tsk! sound from one of the dark alley's and I couldn't be any more prouder of my decision on. I gazed at the twenty men swinging weapons and showing them off as I sighed remembering the axe I left on my boat in fear of being caught for carrying a weapon around.

Before they could jump me I asked,"Is there any among you who wants to introduce the devil fruit they possess before we fight?" They didn't get the joke and it was now my turn to tsk,"Nevermind just come all together and let's get this over with." They all tsked! also annoyed by my provocation and a vein popped up on my head. You know what! I'll just beat them all down as soon as possible and find my own way to a restaurant and have a King sized meal.

That was what I did and a few seconds later they were all on the ground with smoke coming out of the back of their heads as I walked back to the direction I came from. I didn't see the expressions of the observers as my now grumbling stomach was itching to be fed meat. My footsteps halted for before me stood a very familiar face, a girl around twelve years old at most though I remember her being a woman when I last saw her. She had a stone cold expression on her face face but trying her best to act in a pitiful manner she said,"Excuse me strong and kind sir, would you be able to extend your kindness and show your strength by giving me some beli so that I can eat."

She was obviously lying but because she was the first person to strike my already forming ego and considering the fact that she looked like Derieri from the seven deadly sins franchise with spiky long orange-blond hair and black eyes albeit a malnourished and younger version. She wore old worn out clothes but I didn't want her to know she had captured my interest for the moment so I replied in a disinterested manner," Show me the way to a diner and I just might buy you a meal."

She was behind me as I walked ahead but my observation picked up when her body momentarily froze but then she followed along then walked by my side and silently directed me to where I wanted to go to. Busy with my thoughts I wondered if me meeting her was the act of fate or just pure coincidence cause I have never read any mention of her in the fanfics or the wiki. Maybe she was a background character who was never mentioned.

We were sitting in a seemingly run down restaurant with creaking tables and chairs which for some reason have not broken down til now. It was a minor inconvenience as compared to the delicious meat that was served here. I was finishing my twelfth serving but the Derieri look a like far outpaced me finishing her twentieth serving. It was a deserted place, us two being the only customers present. When I inquired the maid said it was still too early in the day and the pirates would make their appearance when the day was ending. I finished my final serving and waited for the girl to finish hers.

I had warned her that she should not eat too much at once given her body's condition but she replied saying her body could take it and being the good guy I was, I let her do as she desired. Now the table being cleared I started the conversation," Now why would a little girl like you trust someone unknown like me cause as far I can tell you have lived a hard life and don't look much like the trusting kind."

"I don't trust you, you are too innocent,I trust my instincts." She replied

What the hell was that, it was too brief comparing to how much she talked when we first met. Haah! I wanted to be angry but the blank gaze she gave was too much so I held it back in for the moment and asked.

"Could you be more specific?" She thought for a moment and replied ,"I trust my instincts and they told me to approach you." "And how then did you know I would give you food if you referred to me as strong?" I inquired.

"Instincts!" She replied once more. That's quite a load of bullshit she's spitting out at one time.

She doesn't seem to want to say more so I decided to ask the final question,"What's your name and can you navigate?" I inquired for the sake of it cause I needed a navigator badly if I wanted to set sail on my own.

"I am Derideri and no I can't but my instincts always tell me where to go."She replied

That fuckin settles it, our meeting ain't no type coincidence and I can safely assume she did not exist in the original timeline cause if she did, she would either be a great pirate or marine with that bullshit instincts she possesses. At last we just sat there staring at each other while I wondered what my next course of action should be.