
Summoned Twice into the Same World

Life didn't treat me well. I slipped to my death and reincarnated to a new world. Tragedy happens, while I kept moving forward but then I got summoned toward my own world. What's happening right now?

Rouxk · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Hot Spring

After the dinner, I escort Leon and Edlyn back to their carriage since they need to go back to the palace. I also decided to make a guest house for them.

"Thank you for coming, Father, Mother." I said while we reach the door going outside. "Take care of our daughters, will you? Kieth can't visit often but he leaves this message to me." Leon said while grabbing my should.

I look at his eyes, longing eyes of a father. His face makes me smile. I close my eyes for a second before look at him again "Don't worry, I will protect them." I said with a determined face and a smile.

Leon starts going to the carriage while Edlyn that standing behind him, step forward to me "Please take care of yourself too. If it's not because I know about you. I might think that Leon cheated on me. Ufufu~" Edlyn said while leaving me. Arlette and Elise standing behind me. Both of them only smile at Leon and Edlyn.

Arlette then steps forward "Be careful on your way home, Mom, Dad.". Leon and Edlyn stop for a moment before looking at us above the stairs. Both of them smile before going back into the carriage and we saw them ride away to the distance.

We walk back inside and the maids also standing there seeing off the King. "Thank you for all the hard work. You can take some rest for today. It must be hard for you to receive the King as a guest." I said while looking at all of them.

The maids bow to us before I walk to my room with Arlette and Elise. "Can I use the hot spring first, Arlette?" I ask her. "Sure, dear. We will wait." Arlette said while taking a seat on the bed with Elise.

I get inside first and take a dip. The heat penetrates the skin. Relaxing feeling, with a nice nature voice around me. I almost fell asleep while enjoying this hot spring. "Hey, dear. Is the temperature hot enough?"

I opened my eyes and my body become stiff. I turn my head a little to check if it's a reality. I could see Arlette and Elise with their body wrapped up with a towel. "Wha... wha... What are you two doing here? I told you, I'm going to use it first." I stutter my word while avoid looking at them.

"Yes, but you already use it. Now, we gonna dip in with you." Arlette said while both of them get inside the hot spring. Arlette took my left and Elise sit on my right.

The place turned to silence, then I start talking "You know that there's still a lot of space around, right?". Then both of them look at each other before resting their head on my shoulder and the silence continues for a quite long time.

It's my first time being like this. I don't know what to do in this situation. "It's fine, dear. I know we need to wait for the wedding but please let us stay like this." Arlette said after she realizes how awkward I am.

I sigh and relax a little bit. "Hah~, I'm sorry for making you all worry back then." I said while thinking back about the conversation. Elise shakes her head "No, we should be thank you. Still, doesn't mean that we aren't worried.". "Um... Elise is right. Thank you so much, dear." Arlette said and kiss me on my cheek, followed by Elise.

I realized both of them also pushing themselves since they also didn't have any experience. I could see that both of them turn their faces red. "We shouldn't stay here too long." I said to wake them up. "Ah! Yes, I will go out first." Arlette said. "Me too." Elise also said while both of them get out of the water then leaving me alone.

I became more relax "Hah~ Being loved, turned out it's not that bad." I said while also getting out. I dress up to my sleepwear and notice Arlette and Elise waiting for me at the bed.

Both of them looking at me since I get out of the hot spring. "What? Why both of you looking at me like that?" I said since noticing their gaze locked on me. "Nothing." Arlette said and start whispering to Elise "See? He didn't get excited at all. Do we really need to be like Lily to get him excited? Or is he actually didn't love us?".

"I could hear you." I said while getting annoyed when I'm just about to drink some water. I then drink some water before getting into the bed. I sigh and look at both of them, then I hug them "Listen, I love both of you. I won't remove my hand if I could. So, don't think bad about your fiancé like that." I said while giving them a kiss on their forehead.

Then I sleep and this time both of them sleep on my chest. Much closer to me, which made me more wonder if they really like it. Since for me, I prefer a soft pillow to sleep.

Meanwhile, at the maid side of the hot spring. The maids already having a talk on by another.

"Nee... Mel, Tina. What did you two do, to get Arthur-sama's attention?" Ask one of the girls that just get inside the hot spring.

Mel and Tina turn red "We.. we didn't do anything." they explain. "That's right, Ella stops pushing them like that. You should know that we still haven't introduced ourselves. Arthur-sama must have been remembering our name from the paper we submit." Said one of the girls with black hair that sits on Ella's right.

"Hmm... Still, Katie. Don't you think, Arthur-sama is too nice?" Ella said while put her finger on her chin. "Yeah, that's true. At first, I thought I need to serve a selfish noble with fear he might do something to me. But this is totally different." Said Katie.

"Ara~ It's not nice to talk bad about Arthur-sama you know." Someone said behind them. "Then, what do you think, Nancy? He supposes to be the future king right? and also a hero on top of that. I thought that we need to seduce him so we can be his mistress." Katie said asking for an opinion.

"That's true, it will be nice to live as a mistress but aren't we already living with better condition right now? Even our family got a safe place to live." Nancy said while taking a dip into the hot spring. "I... I don't think we need to seduce, Arthur-sama." Mel said to join the conversation.

"But, Mel. It's true that he knows my name but still, can we trust noble that easily? What would happen if we made a mistake?" Tina said after thinking for a while.

"Ara~ all of you also here." Someone new gets inside the hot spring. "Hmm? Oh, Lily. Come here, the water feels nice." Katie said after noticing Lily.

Lily then take a quick rinse and went inside. "Hhaaaa~ It feels so good.". "Hey, Lily. Didn't you get an exclusive place inside the mansion?" Katie ask.

"Oh, yeah. I do." Lily said while closing her eyes. "Then, can you tell us about, Arthur-sama? You looked like you know him for quite some time." Katie continues asking. "Hey, Katie. It's quite rude you know." Nancy interrupts.

"It's fine, Nancy. Arthur-sama won't mind at all but if you girls want to seduce him. All of you better give up. Even I couldn't do it. Only Arlette-sama and Elise-sama manage to do it." Lily said telling them. Everyone started to get silent and listening to Lily.

"Then, tell us your story with Arthur-sama." Katie said intrigue. "Hmm... I was saved by him when I serve a certain noble. The noble gave me to his underling as a play toy. That's when I met, Arthur-sama. He covers my face, not to let me see as he kill the scums. When I realize, I already getting carried away.

Since then I work for his family, also as a maid. So, here I am and he never calls me for night duty." Lily said while lying about being Arthur's maid and fake tears at the end.

"Eh!! That's mean we won't get a chance?" Katie said. "Hmm? Aren't all of you got your own place? Even so, look at this place. Do you think any noble with treat you like this?" Lily said arguing with them.

"Still, isn't he looked handsome, Katie? Aren't you mistaking seducing him for his wealth and his look?" Nancy said teasing Katie. Katie cough, clearing her throat "It's true, No one is as handsome as him. I don't mind being called for night duty." Katie said while blushing.

Then the night gossip between maids continues until all of them get out from the hot spring to take a rest.

Thank you for reading the story that I made.

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My study starts today, so I might slow down a little.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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