
Summoned Twice into the Same World

Life didn't treat me well. I slipped to my death and reincarnated to a new world. Tragedy happens, while I kept moving forward but then I got summoned toward my own world. What's happening right now?

Rouxk · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Aerith's feeling

I felt stinging pain on my head. I move my hand to my head, then I touch something soft and drop down my hand. It feels weird touching something you didn't see. I try opening my eyes, then I saw Maria's face so close to mine.

Both of us get into a moment of awkwardness, but she starts covering her breast and said "Kyaaann- Arthur-san, so pervert. He touches my breast with indecent thought.".

I groan in pain that I felt from my head, and get up from her lap "Ugh... At least drop your flat tone. You make it looks like you ask for more." I said while holding my head.

"Oh, you already wake up." Barton after realizing me sit up. "Stop! You make me felt a deja vu." I said stopping him. He just shrugged his shoulder, while maintaining his armor.

"What happens? and where's Aerith?" I ask after I walk toward him that sitting beside Laris. "She is in the room, checking something. She hasn't talked at all. So, there she is. Looking for a clue if something bad happens to you." Barton explain.

"As for what's happening. You got burned by a blue flame and your clothes now had the pattern. It looks good though. We tried to tell Aerith that it's not a curse to calm her down. You know the rest, she keeps searching for something there." Laris explains while sharpening his sword. I check my clothes, the fire blue pattern is at the bottom of my coat. My both hands got a tattoo, one is blue while the other is red.

"Hmm... Yeah, it's good. Even better." I said after observing my own clothes. Maria then comes to sit with us. "Arthur-san, what do we do now?" Maria said while sitting closer to me. I move away from her "Nothing, we should go back to the surface." I said without even looking at her, and eat my food.

"What you gonna do with the mana stone, Arthur?" Barton asks since I don't have the space storage bag while pointing at the mana stone behind him. "Ah, right. Keep it a secret too, ok?" I said while walking toward the mana stone.

"Why do I feel, he gave us more secret than we should?" Barton said with a troubled face. "Because he is." Laris said.

I put my hand to the mana stone and start to release my mana covering it like a cocoon then press it with more mana density. Not forget I let my mana inside to keep the structure while making it stronger and smaller. Now the mana stone becomes only a few centimeters and colored green.

Barton and the other already drop their meat with their mouth agape. I throw the small stone in my pocket since I'm not gonna use it for now. When I look back at them, they look surprised and not moving.

"What? Takes it as a normal thing will you." I said while sitting with them again. "You really make us speechless, Arthur." Barton said. "Yeah, you looked mysterious. Like the last member of the Lightning Dragon party." Laris said.

"Now, that you mention it. I thought I heard you mention 5 of them, but I only know 4 of them. Who's the last one?" I ask him curiously. "Who's you already know?" Laris ask.

"Emmm..... Leon the King, Edlyn the Queen, Kieth, and Lynna." I said while mentioning them. "Oh, just as I thought. The last one is the mysterious one, he disappears from this kingdom without news. People call him the Flash since you can only see his flash of a sword before he kills a monster. Edward the Flash." Laris said.

'Edward?.. Where did I hear this name before?' I thought since the name is familiar. "Now that you mention it, Laris. He also had golden hair like you, Arthur." Barton said following Laris's statement.

"Oh! It's my father? How could I forget?" I exclaimed it loudly since I always call him dad, or father. It made me forget his name without my family name. "Oh! You truly are his son? No way! No wonder you looked like this. Can I meet your father?" Barton said with excitement.

I made a long face but not too sad anymore "He's gone now. Along with my mother.". Then everyone turned silence "Oh.. I'm sorry, Arthur. We didn't mean it." Barton said lowering his head.

"No.. it's fine... I'm not as sad as I'm used to. They might be smiling right now since I meet his fans. My father used to boast a lot. He would certainly be happy that he had a fan." I said smiling at them.

Then we make small talk while waiting for Aerith but she never showed up. "Should we check on her?" I ask them. "Then, can you check on her, Arthur? Sorry for asking you like this." He said while still packing his stuff.

Since I'm the only one that already finishes, I don't really mind "Sure." I said while walking to the boss's room.

I saw her sitting in front of the wall. I walk closer to her before I could hear her crying while punching the wall "Noo!! Why you won't give me the answer? You stupid wall. Give me anything a sign or something."

'Ugh... Looking like trouble.' I start backing out of the room before she cried even louder. 'No... Don't cry any louder when facing a wall. You make me feel more guilty now for backing out.' I thought when I saw this.

There's only one thought when I look at this. The longer I remain the more I can't resist, so I walk behind her but she still hasn't noticed me.

Using my wind magic to bounce my voice off the wall, I start speaking while modifying my voice into a cute little kid. "Onee-chan~. Why are you crying?" I said. 'I really can't help to tease this girl.' I thought while remembering this strong attitude girl crying like this.

"You... No.. Please, tell me what have you done with him?" Aerith said after her surprise and clutching her chest to organize her breathing and start kneeling. She looked like crying for a long time now. She decides to take no risk to anger something she didn't know and speak to a wall. I hold my laughter for a second there. "I don't know what you're talking about. Onee-chan."

"Please, I need to know. At least give me the answer, is it a curse?" She said lowering her head. "Don't worry, Onee-chan. He will be dead when he reaches the surface. Hahahahaha..." I turn the voice into a deep demon voice at the end while using fire magic to appear in the wall and spread the voice to echo around the room.

'Ugh... I can't see her face from here.' I thought while Aerith's faces become pale. "Noo... I need to tell him." She said while turning around so fast and about to run. She froze after looking at my face.

I couldn't contain my laughter anymore. I cover my mouth from laughing too hard. Her face turns red, she pulled her bow about to shoot. I quickly gesture her to wait a second "Wait... wait... Ok, I'm sorry." I cover my face about ready to take the hit on the other part but the arrow never came.

She tackles me down "Thank god, you're still here." she cried more. Then my left-hand shine and Blazesong came out. I confuse and look at it, but then the sword flies on its own and slap me with her flat side.

I send flying to the other side of the room while Blazesong stabs on the ground, in front of Aerith. Aerith stunned there watching me flying, she about to help me but stopped by Blazesong that stabbed to the ground in front of her.

The sword humming brightly, make Aerith grab her. Her illusion magic broke and Aerith returns to her elf form.

I dig deep into the wall. 'It hurts more than Cade's attack.' I thought while trying to get out of the crack.

Aerith then turned red after grabbing Blazesong and as if being told what happens. She glares at me sternly "You... Do you know how worried I'm!!??" She pulls Blazesong off the ground and charged to me.

Frostkeeper quickly went out to defend me from his sister. "Wait... Aerith... Timeout... I can't help it. Stop it already." I said while clashing sword with her. "Shut up!!!" She shouts while swinging the sword. Even though she can't use a sword, her swinging angle made me had to defend all the time.

"Oi, partner. Why are you hindering my movement?" I ask my own sword. Then after a few clashes, I lose the fight. Whether because I feel guilty or I feel bad for her looking at her expression right now. She still had a trace of tears on her eyes while gritting her teeth and glaring at me.

My sword got flown by her strike. I look at it fly but when I about to return my sight to her. She already kisses me. Now, that's shocking for me. That made me froze there while Frostkeeper turns back into a little blue orb flying to me.

It's just a short kiss, but feel weird. "You... You blocking my goal. Now, you owe me a new one." She said while leaving me there. "Now, that escalating too fast. Even to the direction I wasn't hoping for." Then I glance at my swords. Both of them already gone back.

"Oi, partner. Aren't your sister throwing too much tantrum? See where she gets me?" I said while thinking about what just happen. I scratched my head thinking hard what should I do now. My swords not even consider replying to me and sat in my hands.

Thank you for reading my story.

Sorry for my late update too

I know I'm not the best writer and sorry for using English while I'm not a native English speaker.

I will try my best.

Rouxkcreators' thoughts