
Summer, Idol and Love

"I remember his eyes!!" * * "I can't let this happen!!" * * "Will you put the ring on my finger?" * * "What do you think of my back after checking it out with your donut eyes??" * * Kaya Rai....a girl studing in university and NJ aka Han Eun Woo is a lead rapper of worldwide famous K-pop boy band Blue. Both of them living in their own different worlds. But... " " " But.....Kaya and Eun Woo met each other and they found their lives get entangled like a rope. So let's dive into the book. There is a lot more to discover in the book about the two. A plenty of things that running around Kaya Rai and Han Eun Woo are yet to know!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I will try my best for all of my lovely readers ♥️ Support my book!! Vote my book!! This is my first time writing a novel. I wrote a few poems and much more stuff before but nobody has ever read them except me so I don't know at all what others think of my writings and what are my limitations? where do i lack? where do i have to improve? So, tell me about anything that you think of my writing and novel. Let me know of your thoughts about my writing and my story making in comments and reviews.

Ivie · Fantasy
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45 Chs


Just one week left for the art camp to end ;Su Yeon, Dhruv, Noah and Kaya were sitting in the park with Hitachi and Eun Woo( as always with a mask and a cap).

Kaya said,"After one week Noah will go back and Su Yeon will go again to live with her sister. I wish we could celebrate till we are all together and could go somewhere like an event or something."

Su Yeon stood up suddenly and said,"There is an event,the biggest event.....The Blue concert!!"

Meanwhile,Eun Woo started coughing and Kaya asked,"Are you ok?? Do you have any kind of flu?" Eun Woo said,"No!No! Its nothing. I'm fine"

Then Dhruv said,"Ok done we are going to that concert." Noah asked Eun Woo, "Do you also wanna come?" Eun Woo said while rubbing back of his head, "Uhm! I have bought my ticket for that concert already!!!!"

Kaya said,"Ok then! With you guys i will also go. But who will buy the tickets?" Eun Woo said,"I will buy the tickets and no splitting; Ok kaya!! Its on me. Ok guys!! Take it as a gift of mine." Dhruv said quickly, "Done.....!!!!"

Kaya just said,"But.." when she was interrupted by Noah saying to Eun Woo,"What splitting money has to do with Kaya?" Eun Woo said, "Last time when we had dinner together, she forced me to split the bill; so!!"

Noah just said, "When.." and Dhruv cutted off him and said, "Let's go back now its getting late guys!" Kaya, Su Yeon, Noah and Dhruv went to their dormitory while Hitachi and Eun Woo went to their home.


*20minutes ago*

Before they left the park

Eun Woo mimed Dhruv and Su Yeon to go to the park entrance gate and they went to the gate while Kaya didn't noticed because Kaya was drawing something on her ipad and Noah noticed but he didn't go their as Dhruv messaged him to stay near Kaya.

Eun Woo said to Su Yeon and Dhruv, "Actually, i wanted to tell you something...." But Su Yeon spoke suddenly, "To us???" She moved his forefinger pointing from Dhruv to herself.

"Don't get shocked. Please react normally. Don't scream." Eun Woo said.

"Woahhh!!! What is this?" Dhruv laughed about it.

"I'm NJ of Blue!!" Eun Woo spoke. Both Su Yeon and Dhruv laughed at him before Su Yeon spoke, "You know what...I'm Dion of Blue."

Eun Woo lowered his mask for a bit for them to see his face fully. On seeing his face they both went still like a corpse. A few moments later, they both were about to scream when they put their both hands to cover their own mouth in order to not let the scream out.

They were having their time to digest all this when Eun Woo spoke, "Don't tell Kaya about this. I want to tell her myself. Please!!!"

"I'm following you all since your debut. How couldn't i recognise you?" Su Yeon said with dejected look on her face.

"Will you two tell her?" Eun Woo asked again.

"We will not!!" Dhruv spoke with a sudden change fron shocked to stone face.

He twisted his neck slowly and looked away with those serious thinking eyes,"Hmm...Good Thanks!!"

Dhruv again spoke coldly,"She hate liars and cheaters the most. And you are tye first man whom she have trusted after so long. And you lied to her." He turned and walk away from both Su Yeon and Eun Woo.

Eun Woo sighed when Su Yeon spoke, "Oppa..."

"Just Eun Woo!!" Eun Woo spoke.

"Ok!! Eun Woo!! Tell her soon." With that they both also went to the bench where others were sitting.


When Eun Woo reached at his home with Hitachi, he went straight to straight to Ha Won's room where Dong Hwa and Ji Wook were also present. He sat and said, "Guys, Kaya is coming to concert. I dont know how to tell her? How will she react? What's going to happen?"

Ha won said,"Everything will be fine at end. Just don't lie to her anymore."

Ji Wook speaking to himself inwardly, "Wow!!! This always confident, calm, cool, collected arrogant, coldest, emotionless and blah- blah person is getting nervous!! having emotions!!" He smiled playfully.

All of his thoughts were cutted off when Eun Woo nodded and let out a sigh and said, "That day when she was yelling at me i was just able to listen her only i just couldn't feel anything else right there but when she started crying i feel like i wanna hold her and tell her; i'm here. Then i tried to meet her everyday, i started liking to spend time with her; talk her; listen her; walk with her. That day when she came home, i actually had gone to meet her and tell her the truth. But i just couldn't and i ended up talking about Hitachi's sickness. When she told me about Blue that day she came here, again i lied. I don't know what stopped me but maybe i just wanted to spend time with her as a normal guy and be the part of her daily life; make her happy; protect her and a many more!! Do i...?? No! No!"

Then Dong Hwa laughed and said,"You should figure out on your own. Now have rest; we have to leave for Sydney tomorrow early." Everyone said good night and they went to sleep.

When Eun Woo left the room, Ji Wook said sarcastically," Lo...ve is in the air!! Love is in the summer!!"

Ha Won teased him, "Should i tell him what you are saying?" Ji Wook said to Ha Won, "Shh!! Go away you reynard."

Meanwhile,Su Yeon, Dhruv, Kaya and Noah had dinner at dormitory while Su Yeon and Dhruv were discussing about Blue , Noah said to Kaya,"You don't wanna discuss about that Blue thing with them!"

Kaya said,"Not at all!! I have no interest in knowing their personal life. I don't even know their names. But I loved their music, so soulful. And I just want to listen to their music and because i think may be our curiosity to meet them; to know them; to see them and things like this make their life little caged like they can't go out and hangout anywhere they want; they can't sit at any park they want like we do ; they can't wander freely in local market with no purpose like us and a lot more stuff like this."

She was speaking yet when Su Yeon asked her,"Then what should we do when we see them at public places?"

Kaya said," Ah! You two were also listening. Uhm..mm, When we see them at public places we should just smile at them, give them a thumbs up and let them enjoy their own time like all of the people at that public place are doing."

Dhruv said while pulling Kaya's cheeks,"Oh my lovely Kaya, you have so deep thoughts. I never even think about it." Su Yeon said,"Me too!"

Noah said,"She love to take care of everyone." Listening to their praises for her, she got embarrassed and told them to stop.

Noah then said,"You remember how she tackled with that girl in camp who was following Dhruv every second and now she admires Kaya more than Dhruv."

Su Yeon said,"You are amazing! We are proud to have a friend like you!" Kaya said by covering her face with her hands,"No! No! Its not deep or amazing or anything. Stop saying these things. I'm feeling shy guys!!" Then they all laughed and went to their rooms.

Next morning, they all went to camp classes; after coming to dormitory that evening Kaya was in her room with Su Yeon when she got Eun Woo's call; she picked up; putted phone on speaker and Eun Woo said,"Hello!! I will not be able to come for walk today and Hitachi too!! We are going out of town for two to three days."

Kaya said,"Ok!! Ahh!! I will miss Hitachi. Wait!! We have decided to go on concert which is 'after two days' ; are you not coming?" Eun Woo said,"I will meet you all at the concert now!! I have sent tickets." Kaya said,"Ok! bye!! Take care!!" and Eun Woo cutted the call.

Next day also passed just going to camp and at night they all four had dinner at the restaurant where they first ate. After coming back to their rooms; Kaya and Su Yeon went to sleep while Dhruv said to Noah, "Don't you think you have to tell me something?"

Noah said,"What? I don't remember anything that i have to tell you." Dhruv said little loudly,"Ugh!! Noah i know you like Kaya."

Noah looked at him with wide eyes and mouth open,"That's not....wh-wha-what...i mean..... like...uhm how do you know?" Dhruv said, "Oh dude!! Its just obvious. You look at her photos;whenever she talks, you just look at her listen her; you watch her from window everytime she go out and come in; you get jealous whenever she mention Eun Woo. What is all this then?"

Noah said,"Ya!! You got me. I like her. But i don't know what to tell her,how,when? What will happen and what not?" Dhruv placed his hand on Noah's shoulder and said, "Just tell her the truth. She deserves to know. And no matter what we all will always be bestfriends. Tell her soon otherwise you will never have the chance." Noah said while smiling, "Ok!!" Then they slept.

The day before the concert and after having dinner and playing some games Noah and Dhruv went to their room while Su Yeon and Kaya went to their room.

Su Yeon and Kaya lied down on their own beds to sleep.....Su Yeon saw Kaya was closing and opening her eyes continuously and asked Kaya,"Hey what happen? Are you okay? You are behaving little weird since you came from camp."

Kaya turned to Su Yeon's side facing her and said, "Nothing i'm tired and dude... I don't know but Eun Woo is coming to my mind again and again."

Su Yeon smiled and said,"Do you like him?" Kaya said,"Hahaha!! Not at all. We are friends Su Yeon and i will never like any guy, i know this. This love, like kind of things are always hurtful. I'm fully resistant to these things."

Su Yeon said,"You will get to know soon, my cute Kayu. Good night, now sleep. Tomorrow evening we have to go on concert." Kaya said, "Good night, my Su Yeoniii!"

Kaya turned to other side facing the wall and talking to herself, "What is it happening? Why am i missing Eun Woo? Why do i want to see him and talk to him? Do i really?"

Then Kaya rubbed her eyes and pat her cheeks with her hands and continued talking to herself, "Its just because i go on walk with him everyday. Su Yeon was just joking. We miss friends also. He is also my friend. So, Kaya just sleep..... sleep... sleep... sleep... sleep... sleep..." and she fell asleep.