
Summer, Idol and Love

"I remember his eyes!!" * * "I can't let this happen!!" * * "Will you put the ring on my finger?" * * "What do you think of my back after checking it out with your donut eyes??" * * Kaya Rai....a girl studing in university and NJ aka Han Eun Woo is a lead rapper of worldwide famous K-pop boy band Blue. Both of them living in their own different worlds. But... " " " But.....Kaya and Eun Woo met each other and they found their lives get entangled like a rope. So let's dive into the book. There is a lot more to discover in the book about the two. A plenty of things that running around Kaya Rai and Han Eun Woo are yet to know!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I will try my best for all of my lovely readers ♥️ Support my book!! Vote my book!! This is my first time writing a novel. I wrote a few poems and much more stuff before but nobody has ever read them except me so I don't know at all what others think of my writings and what are my limitations? where do i lack? where do i have to improve? So, tell me about anything that you think of my writing and novel. Let me know of your thoughts about my writing and my story making in comments and reviews.

Ivie · Fantasy
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45 Chs

The Blue

After an hour; Noah, Dhruv, Kaya and Su Yeon were in study room amd doing their home assignment. It took 1-2 hour for them to complete their home work and Kaya said while stretching her arms and yawning,"Ahh!! I'm done." Noah said, "I have completed since ages." Dhruv said, "I'm done too." Su Yeon said, "Me too!!"

Su Yeon asked Kaya,"How was your walk with Hitachi and Eun Woo?"....Kaya replied while scrolling her phone,"Ah! Hitachi is so adorable. At last,he was so tired that he fell asleep. It was fun!" She has completely forgotten that car incident when Eun Woo pulled her close to him.

Dhruv asked,"What are laughing at? I'm bored. I also want to laugh." Kaya showed everyone her phone and said,"Eun Woo has sent Hitachi's photos and videos. See!"

While everyone was watching those photos and videos, Noah stood up and said,"I want to sleep." Dhruv also said,"I am also feeling sleepy." Su Yeon,"Let's call it a night then!" Then they all collected their things ; went to their rooms to sleep."

Next morning, they went to their classes and after that a trip to a museum. On their way to museum, there were posters of a K-pop boy band 'Blue' which has four members; NJ(aka Han Eun Woo)- the lead rapper ; Rime(aka Choi Dong Hwa)- the lead vocalist ; Dion(aka Kang Ji Wook)- the sub vocalist and Lino(aka Lee Ha Won)- sub rapper.

Su Yeon while watching those posters and pointing everyone with her forefinger,"I wish i could meet them; NJ ,Rime, Dion, Lino- they are best!!" Dhruv said,"Take me with you when you are going to meet them. I want to know that how they attract so much girls."

Meanwhile, Kaya said, "What's the fun of desiring to meet a person with whom you can't even talk ever after?" She stopped talking talking and looked at the poster for a while, then she said,"Su Yeon, this guys that NJ looks familiar."

Su Yeon said,"Obviously, they all are. You must have watched them somewhere on social media."

"I'm not sure...." she looked confusingly at those posters, but her thoughts were interrupted when Su Yeon said,"They looked so adorable even on these posters. How will they look in person."

Then Noah wauled from the museum door," Come inside guys!!" They all went inside but Kaya stood there for sometime looking at NJ, 'He looks familiar. His eyes.....Eun Woo...' She smiled affiliatively to herself, 'This can't be possible. How can a famous person like NJ can wander in streets like me and Eun Woo. You are overthinking Kaya, just stop it." Then she went inside the museum.

At that time,Eun Woo got a message from someone," Boss, Miss Kaya was looking at your posters and told her friend that you,NJ looks familiar." Eun Woo's didn't replied, but his eyes showed a weird emotion, an emotion of fear may be.

Few moments later, Kaya's phone rang loudly and without even watching her phone she switched off the phone quickly. Then after their trip, they went to dormitory.

*Camp dormitory*

That evening, Kaya said Su Yeon," I'm going to buy some things. Do you wanna come?".....

Su Yeon said,"Couldn't you ask me earlier? Now I've promised to go out with my sister. I don't even want to go with her. She is again going to order me to live with her. I wanted to live on my own for sometime that's why i came here but i think my sister wouldn't leave me.....phew!! Ask Dhruv and Noah."

Kaya laughed and said," You can't escape from your sister girl. So stop running from her and try to develop your bond with her. Try to understand her." Su Yeon looking at the ground while thinking something nodded.

Then Kaya continued,"Dhruv and Noah are sleeping. I have to go alone. Now bye!! I'm leaving. Have fun with your sister. Be kind to her."

Su Yeon smiled politely and bid her goodbye.

On her way to supermarket, she was finding her phone in her bag when she hitted a person with her head; the person was a man have strong tough chest which accidentally hurted Kaya's head; she looked up while rubbing his head and said,"Ouch!!.....Sorry! Sorry!.....wait Eun Woo?".

That person was Eun Woo and he has covered his face as usual.

Eun Woo said,"Are you okay?" Kaya smiled and nodded.

Then he said,"Yup Eun Woo!! But how did you recognise me? No one in the world can recognise me like this except few ones." Kaya said while laughing, "Magic!! I'm a sorceress." He dotted his eyes on her.

Kaya laughed,"Don't look at me like this. Ah! I recognise you with your eyes obviously; you always wear this mask and cap so i just remember your eyes. Your green hazel deep eyes." When she said this, he got stunned like he forgot that what did he want to tell her. He just looked at her smiling thin pink lips and her innocent black eyes.

She looked here and there and asked,"Where is Hitachi?" Eun woo said quickly, "He is not well. Doctor said he has fever, so i came here to pick you as your phone was switched off. May be after meeting you, he will be fine." Kaya said,"What? Doctor....!? Let's go!!" They sat in car and went to Eun Woo's house.

As Kaya was about to open the door, Eun Woo stood behind Kaya; thinking and leaned his head on his right hand which was resting on his left hand, 'Oh!! Hitachi!! Just don't let me down. Behave like you are sick. At least do this little to me.' He was talking to Hitachi in this way in his mind like they both know telepathy.

On opening the door, Kaya saw Hitachi was lying down; she ran to Hitachi; sat down facing Hitachi. Hitachi put his head in her lap and Kaya started rubbing his back, said,"My Hitachi has got sick. No problem you will get better soon and we will go to walk every evening then."

Eun Woo also sat down in front of Kaya facing Hitachi and said,"Hitachi you are my family member but instead of me you love her more." Hitachi barks sweetly at Eun woo and rubbed his own face with his foreleg.

Eun Woo looked at Hitachi who was lying in Kaya's lap, 'Jeez!! This dog knows well how to get her all attention. I was worrying for nothing. This dog is smarter than i thought.' and he lifted his lips in little wise smile while Kaya kept rubbing his back.

Later, Hitachi fell asleep and Eun Woo gave Kaya coffee and said,"Let him sleep. So, now you are taking him at walk daily?"

Kaya in first moment thought about what he said than she remembered her words that spoke before to Hitachi,"I would love to if i could." Eun Woo stopped drinking his coffe and looked at her with so much affection,"You can."

Kaya looked at Hitachi and smiled,"For an year only, after that i will move out somewhere else. Then you have to take him on walk."

Eun Woo said,"You will go back!? What are you doing here then?" Kaya said,"Currently on an art camp, then as an exchange student for an year here."

Eun Woo nodded and Kaya asked while sipping her coffee,"What's with this mask and cap? Why are you always wearing them? Even at home?!!" She spoke last words in more of a murmuring while looking away from him.

Eun woo was about to say something when Kaya's phone rang and it was a spam call.

Then Kaya said to him,"You know what today i saw that boy band....what was its name... Bu..Blue!! Blue!! Their..."

Eun Woo didn't let her utter more words as he spoje himself, "Let me tell you a funny thing..a lot of people tell me that i look similar to their rapper NJ but I'm Eun Woo, Han Eun Woo that you see." She didn't said anything but she just looked at him with a confused look.

Then later few moments, she spoke, "Seriously??!! How come i didn't notice it??"

He suddey asked,"Do you listen to their music?" Kaya replied,"Ya little bit. Not that much! I just started today. I listened few of them, i like their music."

Then Kaya looked at her watch and said,"Ah! Its going late. I should go now." Eun woo said,"Let me drop you, its late as you said!" Kaya said," Ok!!"

Kaya scratched Hitachi's ear gently and said," Bye Hitachi! Get well soon!!" Meanwhile, Eun Woo was looking with disgusting eyes at Hitachi who was enjoying that moment....may be it's a jealousy!!...Hehe!!!

Then Eun woo dropped her at dormitory and said,"Tomorrow evening.Hitachi's evening walk. Don't forget."

Kaya said,"Ok!!! Bye!!See you tomorrow!! Drive safely!!" and she went inside her dormitory. To this, Eun Woo blushing and smiling inwardly.

At that time, Noah was watching everything from his window.

After some time, Eun woo reached his house and as he entered three men were sitting there, one of them said Eun Woo to sit; give him water and said,"Let's have a chat today!"

Eun woo sat infront of those three men and one of them asked, "Who was the girl who came today?"

Eun woo said in a sophisticated and dignified manner,"Uhm! Firstly thank you all to not come out of your rooms when she came and she is Kaya...I've met her few days ago."

Then he told them the whole story how he met Kaya and afterwards what happen; everything. Then a blonde haired man said,"Does she know that you are NJ and you live with us three* and we are Blue!!!??"

*Three- Rime (aka Choi Dong Hwa); Dion(aka Kang Ji Wook) and Lino(aka Lee Ha Won).

Eun Woo said,"Not yet!!" Then Dong Hwa said,"You shouldn't lie to her." Eun Woo said very seriously, "I will tell her ASAP."

Ji Wook said, "Ok then!! But don't let the rumours fly. And no matter what happens, we are here for you." Eun Woo said,"Thanks!!"

Then they talked a little bit about their concert and went to their rooms.

Meanwhile,Kaya reached her room and Su Yeon said,"Finally you are back. I was waiting for you. I've brought Kimchi fried rice for you; you love it right!!

Then Su Yeon saw Kaya had bought nothing and asked her,"Hey! Why haven't you bought anything?"

Kaya said,"Hitachi got sick, so i went to meet him" Su Yeon said,"Does Hitachi is ok now?" Kaya said,"Ya now he is better. Doctor said that it's just a mild fever."

Then she made a puppy face,"And I've promised Hitachi to take him on walk every evening." Su Yeon said inwardly, 'Dog fever!! Liar!!'

Then they both ate Kimchi and Kaya laughed while showing her phone to Su Yeon, "See what joke Eun Woo has sent. Its funny right!!" Su Yeon read it and also laughed and then later they fell asleep.

Next morning, they all four went to art class and Kaya told Dhruv and Noah everything about Hitachi's sickness and Noah said,"You should have told us also. Today we will also go to meet Hitachi."

Then Kaya said,"Today we will go on a walk. You should also come then we all will play with Hitachi." Everyone said, "Ok!"

For next two weeks, Su Yeon,Kaya, Dhruv and Noah all went to their art classes and some of the trips to museum, art galleries;they do their home assignments together; once got punished together for bunking classes; they laugh and eat together. They were like really bestfriends.

Also Kaya,went on walk every evening with Hitachi and Eun Woo; always with a mask and cap. But Kaya never asked him about all this because she thought may there is something that he doesn't want to share, so she never made him feel uncomfortable.

Sometimes Su Yeon, Dhruv and Noah also accompanied them on walk. This makes Kaya and Eun woo's bond stronger, they were very comfortable with each other; they used to listen to each other, share their problems with each other, be each other's support and may be somewhere they started liking each other but they didn't know it yet.