
Sukuna in the Multiverse of Madness

When Kai's hunted monitor dragged him to another world as Sukuna, the first thing he came across were zombies but why are there vampires here and is that Iron Man? ------------------ This fic isn't related to dimension travelling or traveling to other universes, it all just happens within a single world. The main story will follow alongside MCU but the story will contain several other movies wrapped up neatly within a single world.

Cold_Ramen · Movies
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10 Chs

Point Farming pt.1

"Lilith, can I remove you?"

"Not yet, but you should be able to once you're strong enough." Lilith said not fazed with the question, "I know what you're thinking, but that isn't the case."

"So you're not collaborating with this 'creator'?"

"I am not." Lilith said sternly, "I have been abandoned here the same as you, and besides, I don't even have a body, to begin with and your choices are your own. If you can't trust me then, I can turn myself off completely till you are strong enough to remove me."

"No need to get that serious," Sukuna chuckled, "I am just trying to figure things out."

Lilith didn't say anything under Sukuna's playful gaze, "You know, I imagine you to be like a sexy teacher sort of figure. The creator truly knows what I like so from the first time I heard your voice, I knew that it was made to my liking."

"I am so glad I don't have a body." Lilith said acting creeped out, "So what is your next move? We have been here for a week with these survivors, going on night hunts. The longer you wait the more Zeus will get used to his powers."

"Lilith, can you tell me what my weakness is from what you observed so far?"


"You can tell me." Sukuna pushed a little more.

"You are way too dependent on your physical strength. Sure you're stronger than everyone else here but that's it. You don't have any idea of how to fight as there is no technique behind it. You're just pushing your way through with strength alone with a lack of defense. Since the enemies aren't tough you'll be okay for now, but with someone more intelligent and strong you'll likely get screwed over."

"Go on."

"I know you've been trying to practice your cursed energy but with such a massive amount that you carry, it's harder to actually perform it. So you can't use your biggest trump card."

"Exactly, as long as I know how to deal with my cursed energy, I can strengthen my attacks and defense. I can even use my cursed techniques. As for fighting, that will take some experience, after all, I never once in my life had to fight someone before I got here."

"Oh, what a surprise," Lilith said sarcastically, "So why don't you use the shop to get some power boost?"

"There are tons of cursed techniques and cursed weapons in there but as long as I don't know how to control it, that stuff is useless to me," Sukuna said as he remembered scrolling through the countless stuff in the shop menu.

As it might be the theme of his powers, everything in the menu was related to Jujutsu Kaisen and nothing else. There wasn't a Sharingan he could buy regardless of the points.

But it didn't matter much as there were extensive cursed techniques such as Limitless in the shop, powers that would make him invincible but the price tag on those items wasn't something to scoff at.

Even if he were to become the next Hitler causing genocides, he still wouldn't have enough souls to buy some of the stuff in the shop. So the conclusion was for him to defeat stronger beings so he could buy more stuff and become even stronger.

This also proved his theory of how complicated this world was, after all, no one would be giving someone so much power if all he had to do was chill alongside normal people.

And the fact that he could find about Stark industries, with the weapons the soldiers bought in sometimes and things about Tony Starks scandals on the internet, he knew that the MCU was a part of this world too.

Though it seems, he wasn't Iron Man yet, so he was going around acting like a playboy genius.

This world was more complicated than it seemed and the pressure of having to get stronger was getting to him.

But all his knowledge of Cursed energy was limited to his understanding from the anime, which helped him in knowing the potential he had but learning how to control those powers was a completely different concept.

And it didn't help that he had a lot of cursed energy bottled up inside him, which wasn't a bad thing per se, but it was annoying when you were a beginner with no one to teach you.

"There is a way to help you." Lilith hesitantly said,

"It's the first I am hearing of this..." Sukuna tilted his head asking her to go on.

"It's this item from the shop," Lilith said as a banner appeared in front of his eyes,

"Sukuna's memory?" Sukuna read the description of the item, "Holy shit! This is exactly what I needed. Why didn't I see the item in the shop before?"

"Because it's exclusive and dangerous." Lilith said seriously, "Currently, even though you're in the body of Sukuna, you're just a blank slate copy of him. You don't know how to use the power. With this item, the thing you lack will be filled."

"So what's the catch?"

"Sukuna was an evil being, and I am sure you're aware of that. Sukuna's existence far outweighs yours, whether it be the time he stayed alive, the time he spent as a cursed object or his power. All his anger, sadistic nature will be transferred to you."

"So you're saying, that even though I will still be me, my actions will be closer to Sukuna's if I were to accept this item?"

"Yes, the chance of you being corrupted with Sukuna's memories is 99% and the chance of you still coming out as yourself after this is less than a percent." Lilith said, "I am your assistant and one of job is to make sure you don't carelessly die or end up becoming a monster, so I won't recommend this to you by any means. But at the end of the day, it's still your choice."

"So it's either take the long route by learning how to use cursed energy myself and risk dying without unlocking my full potential or take the easy route by taking the chance that my being might be corrupted." Sukuna analyzed the situation in silence, "Both have their cons and pros so it's really hard to choose between the two ways."

"Umm... even if I were to be corrupted I will still be myself, won't I?" Sukuna asked hesitantly,

"Just imagine an evil version of yourself."

"I guess, I have to take the chance then. As long as I am still myself, I guess I can reason with myself. But if I were to take longer to control my powers no matter how many fingers I consume or cursed techniques I gain, I will still be weak."

"Sigh! Don't tell me I didn't warn you." Lilith said, "But this will still cost you 5000 shop points."

"I thought it was free since there's no price attached to it," Sukuna said with his lips twitching,

"Of course not, it's just that this is an exclusive item, and besides for something like the memories and experience of the King of curses, the price can already be considered cheap."

"How many points have I collected so far?"

"2350 shop points!"