

when an attempted suicide fives her a chance to start a-new, she finds nothing is new, just no one remembers what they did and she can't help but feel the curse within this unfortunate blessing. Her love and worst enemy whom she was thankful to not meet is suddenly thrown in front of her and now she must marry him. The whole world seemed to have gone mad. and she is not ready to let go of her grudge just yet. If the universe wanted her miserable, she has no intention of letting it have peace too. Watch Anna turn from a scared little girl to a woman with plans. "I told you I was the devil and you thought I was exaggerating. that's your luck for underestimating my royalness." *Extract* * Scared to look at the queens my eyes wandered, taking in the beautifully decorated room with miles of space and grandeur, which suddenly felt like a crammed underground tube. The silence became too loud, and their gentle sips didn’t soothe my mind. I suffer from anxiety; this feels like torture. My leg is cramped, my butt has been sat for too long, my back is aching for sitting perfect for too long, my nose is itching, my palms are sweating of my rings! I. Can. No. Longer. Endure! Shoot me. In this stiff situation, I began to wonder, should I, do it? Can I really do it? The murder of all murders in everything royal. I am going to do it. The voice in my head is chanting, “do it, do it, do it.” And I am a sheep. I am going to fart. Oh yes. You see when I first came to this world, I was taught by my lady’s maid; the ways of surviving as a lady in this realm. And dare I say I am a pro. And farting is a holy taboo. Which mean I am about to desecrate this alter. *

BlueGirl1 · Fantasy
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8 Chs


Since officially entering the palace, I have racked my brains for how to deisolate myself. There are a lot of things I want to create, see and eat in this new world I created. And if I am to die, I want to do it myself. I have sort of lived and loved in this world and it scares me to think I would end up in the one I came from if care is not taken. I surprise myself saying this but, I do not want to die. How much better could my life get? There must be a way to deisolate. In my past life, the only time I saw a lot of people, was school or my birthday party. I have apparently finished lady school, So, that is out of the question. Which leaves me with birthday. But it is not my birthday for months.

"Your Highness, the queen has invited you for some snacks." Urgh! This girl! She needs friends. She is always requesting this or that from me, like... chill.

But then again. She is a person. And I need to deisolate, so, this is in my favour too. Squatting on my bed biting my fingers, a habit I will stop. Eventually. Back facing the crowd of maids who probably thought of me as a raving mad woman with no culture. I stare intensely at the curtains; how can I add more people to this brunch?

"Your highness, her highness is waiting." The robot said again with zero emotions.

"Okay, I got this." I said to no one as these people are less interactive than Alexa. I have decided to jump on the mission. Jumping of the bed I take a brush to squiggle birthday on my palm, so I do not forget my train of thought.


Arriving at the gazebo where we were having lunch, I could see the Queen turning to look at me intently. She always does that. But then again, she is too young to know how to hide her emotions. I knew clear as day, she hates my guts. Why? I do not know, I do not care.

The warm breeze blew away strands of my hair from my face ever so softly. This gazebo was my favourite place so far. It is surrounded with a man-made lake and some lilies. The water is so clear you could see the fish in the lake swim about and find food. Sometimes they jump out and dive down. The area around here is quiet and serene. The only thing that spoils it is...

The Queen.

"Your highness." She greets. Which I returned the same.

About eight people followed me over, the same amount usually followed her over, but I could see they doubled. I sat down and scanned the table, no chicken. In this world, there are no countries and only one king, cultures are intertwined and there is only one religion, and it is the same religion that pronounced chicken holy. I miss Hinduism, no cow, simple.

"I hope my continuous invites are not a bother." The queen started with a clear as day fake smile on her face. "But your peculiar way of speaking intrigues me.

"Thank you. Your highness. Her highness honours me with such remark."

"And you honour your family, so effortlessly might I add. You are utterly unique." What is she trying to say? These rich girls and talking with a bent mouth. If you have something to say, just say it straight and do not twist the words.


I stare at her blankly, unsure what she wants from me. Her soft hair caught the sun's rays like a basket for golden light and she shown like an angel. But she felt like the devil.

In that moment I caught her staring at my palm. "It seems you have a stain." She speaks. "You must put away all childishness and become your title." Says the 15-year-old girl. Even her stern expression was pretty.

"I understand." I say trying to hide my hand when she grabs it and inspects it suspiciously.

"Birthday?" The Queen says looking at me confused. "Is it your birthday?"

"No. Your highness." I tried to rack my brain for an idea when she let go of my hands and clapped loudly. Eyes bright, with one hand clutching her dress tightly and the other pointing its index finger at my nose accusingly.

"You are trying to make a new birthday, as you have been reborn!" She sounded so excited and certain. So, I said. "You are correct your highness."

The Queen came unbelievably close and held my hands, "Your highness is too formal." Indeed. "Just call me mother." Heck no!

"It is not done in the royal family. Father, mother, or sibling. You are the Queen of the Kingdom, and I am a member of said kingdom, therefore, you are my queen. I must address you so." Before she could refute, I quickly held her hands and spoke. "My Queen, as your servant, please can you bestow upon me a new birthday. I'd like to have it before my marriage."

"That leaves a handful of days. However, two days before the wedding is auspicious too. So, you could have that as your new birthday." She said briming with joy.

"Her highness is gracious and thoughtful." Simp. "May I hold a celebration with invited guests from the noble banners close by? I'd like to…"

"I think you should ask the dowager about things that complicated." She said looking down as she sips her tea. Of course, she is that useless.

"Have you spoken to His highness lately?" she asks still looking down as she slowly cuts a cake without making any sound.

"The prince? No. The King? No" I said tempted by the cake as I take a bite too.

"I guess the prince really is against this." She said finally looking at me, obviously trying to read me.


She got nothing because I got nothing.