
Suddenly being transferred to another world and having a broken skill

A world with only war, Robbing, Killing and rape is common A place you don't want to go A place that don't have that much technology, A bow isn't even invented yet, Monster Appears, A labyrinth, our mc, who can buy anything he wants just by thinking about it, He is neither the hero that will save the world nor a Demon lord that will destroy the world He is not a bad person so is a good person, Just your average human, Having no harsh past

KLUX · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Ogres War

In the western part of the barbaric land, the ruler of the west I will yet to introduce them "So the Ogres have started to conquer the east" "That's right" "Hmmm, We should sit still and watch how things will go if they have indeed successfully ruled the east then we have to go to war with them" "We need to do this?" "Of course, Ogre are fearsome creatures they also might want to expand their territory here so we have no choice" "If that's what you said"

In my sleep, the voice appeared [ You have now reached level 10, you are now evolving into a high human ] High human? what's that? [ Noticed, With the leader being evolved into higher species he who has a great power has now increased the power of his followers ] [Kabold has evolved into a beastmen the dog tribe ] [Ogres have evolved into Oni] [ As for Lamia, they don't meet the requirements to evolve but they can now turn their tails into a human feet ] [Lastly, for the high elves, they are already in their last form]

And with that I woke up in a high human form, I don't feel any difference from yesterday, I didn't change or anything but what changed the most are my followers! The ogres that are usually 2 to 2 and a half meters tall are now 1 meter and a half and they are all a beauty! they are more like a human form now, they have two horns in their heads but nothing more, and their physical ability become much strong.

As for the kobold, they are more like... a dog? they resemble Ashley but instead of cat ears they have dog ears and a dog tail, for the lamia... they didn't change much physically they can now just turn their tail into a human foot, now they can also drive and be inside the tanks.

"Thank you very much, young master!" "Thank you very much" "Without you, we wouldn't be able to achieve this form" As every one of them are in the plaza bowing their head to the ground "Now now, raise your heads! this is not just because of you, it's also your hard work" "Yes! young master!" The kobolds representative's name is Ina and for the Lamia, it's Lia "But it's surprising, that the kobold representative is a girl, I always know that she's a guy!" "We'll they all look alike so it's hard to tell," Ashley said

Our community total: 593

Elves - 30

Oni - 10

Dog beastmen - 305

Lamia - 245

human - 1

Ancient Dragon - 1

Cat beastmen - 1

"Ryu, you didn't evolve? ah considering the Lamia didn't evolve it's also hard for you right?" "Well not really, Ancient dragon is a high evolution for a dragon but that doesn't mean I still couldn't evolve, if I'm correct my next evolution is Dragon god but that's impossible No one has ever reached that after all" "By the way Rex, you're an oni now if the ogres can use magic... you should be able to now... right?"

"That's right, we would be using swords from now on but we would still use rifles If a rifle can't kill them then we would use our swords" "That's good than having that much firepower" "Yes, young master" "Ping!" the radar came out and looks like they are really trying to conquer this land.

"We are yet to celebrate, Prepare your things, We're going into a war!" "Yes! young master!" after the preparation we moved to the battlegrounds waiting for our enemies, that is dead tribe's bodies, "Young Master. they are still 1 kilometer apart it should be 2 hours before they come into our site" Ria said "Okay, don't let your guard down at any cost!" "Yes!"

Ria and the other oni are wearing white skirts and a cape, for the others, are wearing black military suits, I don't really care how I look but Ashley and the others insist saying that "It's for my image as the leader" so I picked a black suit with a white cloak, as for Ashley she's wearing a long maid dress or something like that and for Ryu she's wearing a kimono or rather costplay lolita kimoto thing? I don't really care but can she move with thay outfit? anime outfits are really weird

And here I thought the battle would be easy, The enemies are in sight we began firing and as I thought magic is protecting them, they cast a large barrier to deflect our attack. but we already guessed that so we plant bombs underneath the battlegrounds, now this should add damage but expecting panic from them was not a plan since they are undead that being controlled they keep their move even though they are receiving an attack from us underneath.

They are only half of them, We can win this I thought to myself but they've been walking toward us for hours don't they have any plans by now? I thought to myself and what's they done, with magic they teleported to us by surprise and attacked us with melee weapons "Don't panic! get out to the vehicle! maintain the formation!" but we manage to get a hold of the battle, with oni's one the frontline while rifles on the back it was an easy win for us and when we thought it's all over the thing we never expect came, Minatours it was Ria's brother and the others "Aria! don't! don't hesitate! that's not your brother anymore!" Rex shouted but they didn't listen and hesitate.

We... lost, we received several injuries "Not yet! master has not yet lost!" Ashley told me while holding my hands on the battlefield they are all protecting me they form the formation for... me? when? how didn't I see that? I slap my face pretty hard, "What the hell am I doing!?? we have not yet lost! don't hesitate and fight! if your gun was destroyed use your swords! if your sword was destroyed use your hands! if your hands were cut off!" "We'll use our mouths! we would sacrifice our life for master! we will kill all the enemies in sight! for master to walk to! we would offer our bodies to become the bridge you walk on to! we would fight for master and master only!" "You guys... Fire!" they shouted their determination, How can I not see this, I was blind from the start I should have not hesitate and trust you guys.

"Heh, it was a nice sight, Master I'm sure you would still grow and become a fine leader" Ryu shine brightly "I guess I need to do my part too, see later" and become a dragon, "Yeah, good luck, I've been so stupid huh... if I'm correct I can use magic let me test this here..." I swing my hand randomly but no magic has appeared "Umm, master I think you need to say the name of the spell and incarnation first" "Oh, that's right" I put my hand up and said "Black... spear, ah what's the incarnation of this... oh? it appears never mind then, kill them" with one strike from my hand everyone died, including the shaman ogre

Thousand of black spears appeared in the sky and pears to the enemy's heart, it's like a rain of spears! I have never seen a magic like this... master is truly incredible. on Ryu's side, she flies to the enemy's headquarters and went a rampage, for an ancient dragon, they couldn't stop her, and were killed in the progress, The war between us and the ogres is done! with our complete victory!

Ryu is an ancient dragon, mere missiles can't kill her, but then why does she follow our mc? hmm?? Hahaha, this story is getting interesting I have never thought about this tell me more of any interesting ideas! I would gladly read it and even add it if it's nice!

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