
Suddenly being transferred to another world and having a broken skill

A world with only war, Robbing, Killing and rape is common A place you don't want to go A place that don't have that much technology, A bow isn't even invented yet, Monster Appears, A labyrinth, our mc, who can buy anything he wants just by thinking about it, He is neither the hero that will save the world nor a Demon lord that will destroy the world He is not a bad person so is a good person, Just your average human, Having no harsh past

KLUX · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Killing is also part of being in another world

"Yeah, I can see that from here..." "Wow, as expected from the young master!" the one who report was a kabol, "Let's go and meet this group" we met them with my army, 10 tanks plus 10 Artillery the kabols are using the tanks while the elves are using the Artillery the lamia is quick and fast good for frontline, and the minatours or Ogre now, are using heavy-duty rifle such as machine guns.

Standing in front of all this vehicle with Ryu and Ashley, "Hey Ria, so who are they? are they enemies or allies?" "Looking at them they are the tribe around here, but their behavior is strange they are drooling and walking as if hungry animals" "they are all dead" "oh? how can you say they are all dead Ryu?" "I have seen this magic before, it's using black magic to control their bodies even if their dead, they are called zombies, and they will bite you and you will become one of them"

"Ohhh so zombies exist in this world" "Master it's not the time to be excited" In this world? kukuku interesting Ryu have thought "sorry sorry" "So young master, what will we do?" "Ryu, you're a dragon aren't you? can you... no never mind, kill them don't leave any survivors behind" "Yes, young master" Ria look at the kabols representative and the elf then nod, "Fire!" they shouted, I can only look at this guy with cold eyes letting them live would kill others and I don't think we can save them anymore... I'm sorry for killing you all.

It was a complete annihilation, [ Confirm deaths 100,000 ] "I'm leaving, burn the bodies and be sure not to get infected" "Yes! please be careful on your way young master" "Thanks" Am I always been cold? why do I feel sad about their deaths? I mean I was who ordered them to kill those but... If I won't then they would spread, right? It was the right choice... right? I have all this thoughts while sitting inside the vehicle with Ashley and Ryu with me.

"Hahhhh, Master you don't have to worry about their deaths, well it's normal that you feel guilty about it but if you continue this you will have to decide on more challenges than this, I have seen this once before the demon king was forced to decide who to save his country or his family" "what did he pick?" "He's a King of a country after all, one decision will decide many citizen life, he have the whole country in his hands" "He picked his country huh..." "Yes, and with that his wife and sons have been killed but you know what's the funny thing about it?" "No, what's funny?" "The country that he loved the most betray him"

"Hmp, that's indeed funny" "I don't think that's funny at all!" we looked at Ashley "Ho?" "?" "He has suffered from deciding who to choose yet the one he chooses betray him, I think it's not funny and it's... sad for him to get betrayed even if he loved them" Ryu smiled "Then, Master, if you were in a situation like that who would you pick?" "... me? the country... or my family? the one I loved is what will I pick" "Interesting as always" "I don't get it, what do you loved?" "hmmm, both of them"

"But... there is a rule that you can't pick both so... I think it's cheating..." "But, I am a cheat itself I have a broken skill after all" "But... I still don't get it" "Young master, were here" One of the elves opened the door "Yey, let's go" "You don't have to get it for now, let's enjoy our life too the fullest and cast the problems aside okay?" "Okay..."

"Ashley, What's the news for the fight earlier?" "We have successfully burned the corpse, and we also found the culprit of this incident" "Who was the one behind it?" "Ogres, I believe they have a shaman with them and those are the ones who cast a spell on them" "I see... these ogres are they strong?" Rex came and greet me "Welcome back young master, I have received the news I would like to talk to you about the ogres" We walk to the meeting hall with the other representatives

"Ogre are fearsome creatures, they are what we fear the most when we were still a minotaur, that's because they are much superior to us and also we evolved to them that we never achieved that's why we avoid having a conflict with them in the past but now I heard that they are planning to rule the western of the barbaric land" "and now that they have shaman is the time for them to rule this west side of the barbaric land right?"

"That's right young master" "hah, what a pain in the ass, leaving them and hide they would just become stronger, taking care of them now is also an option" "Why not just do it? you have the power to do it after all" "Ryu... but they have a shaman, they can use magic they might able to block our attacks or even destroy our weapons" "Sighed, Don't worry I'm here okay? I'm strong you know" "I shall not hesitate anymore, I have you guys with me now after all I declare war within the Ogres!"