
Succumb To Despair

"You have delved into the forbidden, trespassing on realms beyond mortal understanding. You have disturbed the seal of ash, opening doors to the deceased and breaking the chains that bound those who hide. Ignorant of the horrors that lurk beyond, you chose to tamper with the spawn of dread, breaking not only your own chains but also theirs. As a consequence, you have doomed yourself and your kin."

Lord_Sleepless_ · Horror
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1 Chs

Silent Tears

Tortured, tormented, abused, Broken, and battered by the world's cruelty, he no longer strived to find happiness, he struggled to find the reason for pursuing such a hopeless endeavor. "Unknowing of who I was, unknowing of who to trust, who to love, and what to stand by, I found myself stranded in a broken world where my very existence is despised, I, a once jolly man, Succumbed To Despair"



Sitting on a rusty, old, partially frozen bench in the middle of the night, a malnourished young boy sat down, shivering even under the subtle warmth of his tattered black blanket while looking down at the alabaster cup that sat comfortably in his hands; the cup of milk wasn't the cheap somewhat artificial kind that they sold in stores, no it was fresh cow milk! As well as some milk that was kindly provided from the breast of his nemesis's sister!

He lifted the cup of milk to his face and took a whiff of it, frowning at the pungent aroma that it gave off. 

"No wonder those things smelt so bad." He grimaced while looking down at the milk again and ultimately decided to drink it; he had committed many nefarious and risky acts to obtain all of these essential items and he would use them to their fullest extent.

As he took a sip, his face softened and his sips increased in quantity, enjoying the taste of the milk he continued to drink more. In no time had vigorously slurped it down, finishing its contents within mere moments.

After finishing it he placed it to his side, content with the amazing feelings that assaulted his taste buds.

"No wonder they drink this stuff, it's good!" A satisfied smile formed on his face as his gaze shifted to the other, hopefully as, or even more tasteful things he bought with the money that he might've stolen.

He reached for the beef jerky that he had carefully tucked under his blanket and pulled it out of its cozy confines and to the cold of the outside world.

He opened the bag and brought it to his face, taking a whiff of the red strips of meat. They smelled smoky, it wasn't like the occasional blunt that he saw the richer men smoke but at the same time it smelt a bit similar.

As he reached into the bag hoping that it would be as delectable as the milk, he had an incredibly potent brain burst.

Nearly all the wealthy folks he had seen had more blunts on them than he had hairs, and his luscious locks could already be considered a mane, or at least he thought so, but the point was they were always smoking and smoking was unhealthy for them to put something so unhealthy in their mouths then it had to taste good, and the meat was healthy and beef jerky was meat even more so, this meat smelt smoky meaning that must be both delectable and healthy.

"I knew I spent my money right!!" The smile on his face widened as he brought the beef jerky strip to his open mouth and threw it in. Instantly, he was assaulted by a thick, rough texture. Although it wasn't as delectable as milk, it was quite good if he had to say so himself. He reached in once more and consumed yet another beef jerky strip.

He placed it in front of the cup of milk and smiled, happy to eat some food to complement his drink.

He then reached into his blanket again and pulled out yet another hopefully delectable item. It was a clear bag full of orange rod things labeled: "Peeled Baby-Cut Carrots". He was pretty sure he wasn't a baby, but the bag said that it helped babies' brains grow faster and although he wasn't a baby in the slightest, the adult carrots said nothing about growing faster and his brain growing faster was definitely a good thing.

"I wonder if it will work inside a gun?" He opened the bag and looked at the orange rods within with skepticism, which was a bit unusual but it wasn't very surprising someone who genuinely found carrots scarily similar to bullets had such a reaction. 

The boy reached into the bag pulled out a carrot and warily poked at himself with it, upon seeing it did not harm him he applied more pressure, and a few lethality tests later he had concluded that the carrots were safely edible and could not cause any harm.

Unless he stuck the carrot in one of his eyes, got a few pieces of the carrot in his lungs, inhaled carrot chips, or got it stuck up his ass of course; not that he would imagine that happening in the foreseeable future.

"Well, here goes nothing...wait no, here the carrot goes." He then unceremoniously stuffed it into his mouth and bit down. As he bit down on the carrots and failed to bite through, he thought for a split-second that he had actually bought a bunch of bullets. Of course, he quickly realized he had simply failed to apply enough pressure to bite through, having actually mistaken carrots for oversized orange bullets would be...horrifying to say the least.

After devouring a few more of the orange brain steroids, he placed them in front of the beef jerky and prepared for the main show.

"It's time to begin, huh..." He raised his hand to his face and stared at long, dark, skinny appendages that stood right ahead of his face. As he continued to look at his skinny malnourished body and dark skin, he thought of the lighter people that lived comfortably in the safety of their big cities.

"One day I will be like them, I will be happy..." He resolved his will and stood up, determination burning inside his eyes. Picking up the cup of milk, as well as the rest of the stuff he bought, he placed them where he had sat and covered them up with his tattered blanket.

He jumped around from side to side while clapping his hands and wiggling his fingers for around 2 minutes to warm up his body however the 'warm-up' had left him thoroughly exhausted.

He wobbled from left to right, struggling to keep himself standing, soon he inevitably failed; he fell to the floor like a broken mannequin, weakly outstretching his hands to negate part of the fall as he descended. He hit the ground with a loud thump and a stifled groan.

"Aghhh, fuck...." Groaning quietly once again, he lied on the ground breathing heavily, praying that the blanket would fall onto him from above. His muscles ached, his lungs hurt and most of all, he was freezing. The cold of the earth and chilling winter winds that assaulted his body in the dark of night were nothing to laugh at.

As he rested, he suddenly heard something and sprung up immediately. The sounds he heard continued to grow in intensity yet he was still unable to understand what he was hearing.

"What the fuck is going on?" Already awake and up from the ground, he decided to sit on his bench. He moved his stuff and wrapped his blanket around his body like a discount armor. Although the blanket covered his entire body from the neck down, he was still mostly unrestricted as he could simply stick his hands out of the many holes across his blanket.

He sat there waiting for anything that might appear, however, the noises seemed to stop so after a bit he decided to sleep again. Laying on the bench as comfortably as you could get while laying on a frozen bench in the middle of a winter night wearing nothing but a tattered blanket full of holes and a bunch of torn-up clothes of similar quality.

As he rested, his thoughts wandered to the past. He remembered the days when his skin was a rich coffee-brown color, the days before his skin had been battered by the radiance of the sun, the days when he lived comfortably without a care in the world. They were truly times of tranquility.

Until he had learned of the truth. Until he had been corrupted and defiled by the demented truth of the world. Marred by the burning radiance of the sun, tormented by the knowledge of what was to occur, for oftentimes the truth was not something to be seen by mere mortals.

"AHHHHHHH!!" Screams. Screams were all that he heard, a dreadful cacophony of terror, anguish, and incompressible pain. He wished he could say that he was unfazed, that he didn't care, he wished he could simply smirk nonchalantly in the face of danger. However, reality usually differed from one's hopes.

He was scared, he felt as terrified as those who had heard screaming, he was alone surrounded by what felt like pure terror, unending dread, and fear. He felt the urge to scream the same way everyone else was yet he refused to stoop to their level. He refused to scream and whine like a little girl.

So he yelled loudly instead.

"Just what the fuck is going on!?!?!" 

His eyes darted from side to side, a knot forming deep within his stomach, it gnawed on his intestines painfully as something eerily poked out of the tall trees surrounding him...wait what?

He was supposed to be in a park, not a jungle! trees weren't supposed to be here at all. He balled his fist tightly. His breathing rate increased wildly despite his efforts to control it. He felt licked his lips in an attempt to moisturize them but it wouldn't work, his lips were far to dry for such a thing.

He felt the horrible feeling in his stomach intensify. The feeling no longer gnawed on his stomach, instead, it ripped it apart with its fangs, it tore it up and devoured it akin to a starved beast.

And that was when he saw it. He stood there frozen in hopes that whatever was there would decide not to appear and just leave him alone. Alas, reality seemed to always differ from what hoped, he found himself saying this far too many times in one instance.

"Markus..." It rolled the the word of its tongue happily.

"Markus..." Markus's breathing quickened, yet his breath seemed to crawl out his mouth at a snail's pace.

"Markus..." A deranged smile formed on its revolting face.

"You're...", The creature spoke again. Markus clenched his fists tightly, his cracked lips smacking together in a quiet plea for help.

"So... So..." Its retracted claws slowly emerged from its fingers.

"Fucking pathetic... Hahahahahaha!!" And for the first time since that day twelve months ago, he cried. He cried silent tears of hatred, of pain, of longing. It was just as he had been told that day.

The world was coming to an end.

It was the start of the Apocalypse.

The smile on its face widened considerably, taking up nearly the entirety of its horrid, revolting face.