
Successor to the Omniverse

Arcadia Locks. A typical Teenager who had his heartbroken. He worked hard to become a better version of himself everyday. However 1 day he just woke up into a new world and had to participate in the Omni-Trials. In this new world, nobody had any knowledge about Anime, he was the only one who knew it at all. Watch him use his overpowered knowledge to become the strongest in a short time, and enjoy life to the fullest. ... (Low-Key wish fullfillment, idk really. Just have a good read)

Fat_Cultivator · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 7: The Demonstrations

Chapter 7: The Demonstrations

As she said that, everyone started to clap, it seems like it's a big thing to have everyone surviving these trials.

"RIght, for those of you who want to know, these people are from the Stralight Guild, representing the Association. They are both A-Rankers." She said as the class looked at them in shock.

A-Rank…probably a power scaling. I wonder how strong that is?

I decided to use my Ki sense to check their powers, but I could sense no Ki inside of them. They both had odd types of energy and many different strong items on them but that's it.

I had no idea how strong they were but I was stronger than them for sure.

After realizing that I quickly lost interest in them.

Then, Ms Stacy took out some books and passed it to all of us.

"Record down all the methods and all information you know about your book. Remember, the more information you provide the more you will be providing to the human race." She said in a solemn tone.

She made it sound like we were under some sort of threat.

Of course we were. Humans always dig themselves into holes in every anime, and now since all anime are probably real, it applies to us too.

"Right, now we will all be moving to the main hall, where we will be checking your ranks, and after that we will have a quick debrief." Ms Stacy said as everyone stood up and followed her.

It was then everyone realized that my body was a lot more toned than usual, and that I had a tail around my waist.

Muscles were bulging out of the Dogi Whis gave, which was orange, like the one DBS Goku wore.

I was 1.85m in height and had black hair and dark brown eyes. Usually I would be self conscious about the stares I was getting, but this time I just shook it off.

Anyways, Max and I walked in silence with Ms Stacy. Max wasn't really a talker, he only talked just now since he worried about me.

Usually I would be the loudest one in the class, blabbering non-stop, but this time I did not say anything, which people seemed to have not realized.

Everyone was wearing different types of clothes, some were still in the academy provided gear.

I was able to recognise most of the world's people went to, but I am only human, there are gonna be some I was unable to recognise.

Well, I was only human, now I am a Saiyan Frost-Demon hybrid.

Soon after about 5 minutes of walking, we reached the massive Hall which was the size of 4 football fields.

It was essentially a massive stadium, and the 4 classes gathered at different sides of the stadium

I immediately used my Ki-sense and after scanning everyone, I was able to see that Kevin was still alive.

I could also see a small rectangular case and cards inside of it.

That was probably the Kamen-Rider, Dragon Knight world.

Anyways, after that, I saw a man, about the height of 1 meter, appear at the center of the stadium.

He then placed his hands on the ground and immediately a platform formed for him to talk on.

A variety of different anime and light-novels shot through my head, but there were too many possibilities for me to be able to tell which one the power came from.

He then taped onto his vocal chords and spoke loud enough for everybody to hear.

"Hello everyone, I am Itfeg, once a fellow human such as you, who changed into a Dwarfs Race during my time in the Trials. Today we will be all analyzing your ranks, one-by-one.

After figuring out your ranks and displaying your talents, you will be re-assigned to your classes and each go through training to hone the skills you have gotten.

Since each of you only had 1 week inside of the trials, it makes sense that you have just gotten your skills and have been unable to grow them properly so don't be too disheartened if you get a lower power based rank, as then your skills will be separately evaluated, and allow you to be able to place in the better classes.

For now, we will start with the *Main Combat* related class from last year. Can all of you from that class please step in front of me so we can start."


I just sat down since no-one from my class was moving.

The first one to go was actually one of my old friends.

As he walked up, Itfeg instructed.

"State your name, world name, level of difficulty and what you have learnt."

My friend who was wearing the same gear the academy gave walked up and said to Itfeg.

"My name is Dhaadr, I went to a world named the Law of Ueki which was a Hard level world and I gained the power to turn Beads into Bombs." He said.

"Alright, demonstrate your strongest attack possible, hit this." Itfeg said as he took a massive orb up.

The orb looked similar to the one hunters tested their mana on in Solo-Leveling.

But it was obviously different since in this world not everyone only had mana.

Dhaadr nodded and took out a handful of beads and threw it towards the Orb.

After checking his tablet, Itfeg said," Alright, you have the power of G-rank. Borderline F-rank. Move to the side and start filling in the book."

Right, the rankings seem to go from G and upwards, unless someone gets lower than G rank. I also have to still find the highest rank out.

Eventually loads of people went yet the lowest rank someone in the class got was G.

I also realized that it is possible to get the same options since someone did use a beyblade and get F-rank.

Most of the people weren't surprised that a middle ranked difficulty outscored higher rank ones though. Probably because at the end, the potential of a skill is more important.

World difficulty seems to literally translate to the mortality rate of people who gain power in that world.

Eventually, my expression finally changed as I saw 1 specific person walk up to Itfeg.

"My name is Smran, I went to the world of Pokemon, a hard level world, and learnt how to train and capture pokemon with pokeballs." He spoke with slight hesitance.

"Alright, the world of pokemon is already fairly familiar, so show your pokemon and its strongest attack."

Smran threw out a pokeball and shouted," Charmeleon, I chose you!"

"Charmeleon uses flamethrower!"

Then, the chameleon threw a massive fire attack at the orb.

"Borderline power of F-rank." Itfeg said.

Smran did not seem to mind the just above average result and moved to the other side to start writing in his book.

"Wow, Draice will probably be really proud that Smran tried instead of getting scared." Max muttered a name which caused me to feel sad for a split second.

Draice…my best friend…well she still thinks we are good friends…I have long since lost those views.