
Successor to the Omniverse

Arcadia Locks. A typical Teenager who had his heartbroken. He worked hard to become a better version of himself everyday. However 1 day he just woke up into a new world and had to participate in the Omni-Trials. In this new world, nobody had any knowledge about Anime, he was the only one who knew it at all. Watch him use his overpowered knowledge to become the strongest in a short time, and enjoy life to the fullest. ... (Low-Key wish fullfillment, idk really. Just have a good read)

Fat_Cultivator · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 13: Truth about Nightmare worlds

Chapter 13: Truth about Nightmare worlds

"Right, only tell me your Hard and Extreme world, since anything lower is a waste of my time, and Nightmare is the same one."

First up was Alex, and if I am not wrong he went for the Hard ranked 'Teen Wolf' world but earned nothing.

"My Hard world is 'Murim Login,' and the Extreme world is Dragon Ball Z." He said.

Bingo, found my Namekian! With him, I won't have to worry about anything happening to my family since they will just come back to life.

"My Hard world is 'Seoul Station Necromancer' and Extreme world is 'Omniscient readers Viewpoint." Dhaadr said.

Well he's basically fucked.

It's too hard to gain power in SSN without good talent and a bit of luck, and ORV is suicide, even I would not chose that.

With all the twists, turns and timeloops involved.

"I got 'Emperor of Solo Play' for my hard world and 'Everyone Else is a Returnee' for my extreme world." Kevin said.

Nice, just in case the cultivation plan does not work, he can join me for EER, if not, he can always become a Necromancer in Emperor of Solo Play.

"Well…I don't know if they're good, but I got 'Sword Art Online' for my Hard world, and also 'Solo-Leveling' for the Extreme world." Draice said.

"I also got 'Solo-Leveling' for my Extreme world, and I got 'Law of Ueki,' for my Hard world." Smran said.

As soon as she heard this, Draice turned towards Smran and said," Wait, how about we both go to this 'Solo-Leveling' world together?"

Wow, it did not take her long to forget about me.

Well, it's not like they will necessarily gain anything in that world.

I don't think the Shadow Monarch would pick random people to be his vessel, nor will the Fragments of Brilliant lights.

They might get lucky and get awakened, but that's probably it.

Not my problem, I'll pitch my idea and that's it.

"Right, I was wondering if all of you would want to go to the Nightmare world with me." I said, to which all of them stared at me with complete shock.


"Hey listen, Arcadia, are you okay? Just because you reached the SSS rank does not mean you can survive those worlds! They are cultivation worlds! The only one who survived those worlds, is the current head of the association, Queen Alice!" Shouted Dhaadr, equally as loud.

'Wait, if she survived a cultivation world, her power won't just be SSS rank…weird.'

I just stayed silent as they continuously bombarded me with those types of stuff.

"If you're scared, just say that, why all this shouting." I replied while digging my ear.


"Don't you know Arcadia, that in an Extreme world, you cannot bring any 'Foreign Energy' in? It's all converted to 'Stored Energy' to get replaced while cultivating." Smran said.

I just stayed silent at that…I should probably research about it more.

Do I really want to risk my life if I lose my Ki?

Does my Ki make my power, or does my martial arts…

If it's a pure quantity of Ki I want to train, I can just train it at another world.

If it's skills I can go to another world…why do I need to go to a cultivation world?

"...I am going to be honest, I did not know about that, however that does not change my question, do you want to go to the Nightmare world." I asked.

It was probably my inner Saiyan Pride which did not want me to back down, just due to the fear of death.

Isn't it obvious about why to go to the Cultivation World, it's to fight! To kill! To live on the edge of battle

"We…We are obviously going to need some time to think about this, you can't just spring this on us Arcadia." Max said.

"Right, take your time until tomorrow. Meet me right here around 8 am. Doesn't matter if you want to or not, just come here."

I told them, then before they could react, I used instant transmission and sent each of them into their classes.

After I sent Max inside, I continued waiting and said," Right, Ms Stacy, Aurora, why don't you guys come out now."

As soon as I said that, they both came out.

Each was surprised to see the other.

They did not seem too surprised that they got caught by me,

"I am just here to keep an eye on you by the order of the association, and to tell you that you can sleep at the Principals lounge which has been cleared up for you, Arcadia." Ms Stacy said.

I just nodded at her as she passed me a key-card.

Then, she promptly left.

"Now why are you here, Aurora."

Aurora, then, lifted the skirt she was wearing a little, and said,'' I, Aurora, Heir to the Duchess of Niwfrem of the Elven empire, have come to meet King Arcadia on official Elven business.

"An elf, you don't look like one, and how did you sneak in here?" I asked, actually surprised.

"Yes, since I went to a Hard ranked world, I had the chance to change 1 thing, so I changed my race to become a human, before that, I used a temporary appearance changing potion." She replied.

"And why go to all that trouble?"

"To meet with the one of the 'Selected' for the throne to the omniverse." She said with seriousness.

"You make it sound like there are more people around my strength."

She paused for a second and said," I don't know about their level of strength, but I do know that there are 3 contenders for the throne. 1 from the orcs, 1 from the demons and 1 from humanity.

I have been sent by the Elven empire to meet Humanities Selected."