
Successor of god

Long story short, Dave was a guy who everybody looked up to he was the richest man to live he was a scientist who made the cure to cancer but then he died, and got a chance at a second life, but this life is more interesting as he gets to travel to Anime worlds while in the process getting stronger as he is the Successor of THE GOD and for that to happen he needs to be strong. I don’t own Naruto all credit to that goes to their creator. All I own is the MC.

Supreme_Galaxy · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

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As soon as he asked this he started to move at a speed to which normal joining would only see a shadow even Kakashi would barely keep up with unless he used the Sharingan of course but to Naruto his speed was that of a snail.

Haku then started to throw senbon's at Naruto who just dodge every single one of them and sometimes Naruto would throw them back but made sure so that it only scratched her or if it didn't hit it won't be in any dangerously places.

Their fight continued like this for about 30 seconds before Naruto got bored so he ran to him even though he could just walked and already be there but just chose to run towards Haku he then grab him by the collar and threw him to the ground even though he dint use any strength and only the force that was enough to break and arm and 4-ribs from Haku.

Just when Haku was about to try and get up and somehow manage he saw Zabuza was about to die to Kakashi who had a Chidori ready to pierce Zabuza just when he was about to be pierce Haku appeared in front and got killed from Kakashi's Chidori. Zabuza who saw that shed a tear from sadness as he grew radder fond of the boy who acted to nice for his well-being.

" Kakashi if you could just kill me and let me rest by the side of Haku that would be my last and most desire wish so if yo-." Said Zabuza but got interrupted as he saw people a bunch of people with weapons in their hands.

" Well if you couldn't finish the job Zabuza I guess I'll have to after I kill you that is and with that I won't have to pay you well that was the plan all along as even if you could kill all of them I would have kill you in the end so that I could save money." Grinned Gato as he just confessed all the things he wanted to do

" WHAT DID YOU SAY." Screamed Zabuza in anger

" What you just heard I would have killed you." Said Gato still grinning

" I'm going to have to make you wait for a while on my wish Kakashi I still have some unfinished business." Said Zabuza grabbing his sword and rushing towards the whole group that amounted to about 120 people af course he couldn't finish all of the alone so Naruto and Kakashi helped.

After 10 minutes of a whole one-sided battle, well 10 minutes because Naruto and Kakashi only killed as little as posible so that Zabuza could vent out his anger. When Zabuza had killed the rest and even Gato he fell down but with is last dying breath he said " Kakashi I'm ready you can put next to him now." Although a little slow he still could say the last sentence and was somehow still hanging until Kakashi who was carrying him pit him down Mext to Haku did Zabuza looked over with a smile and closed his eyes before he died.

" Let's burry them and then let's head down." Said a Naruto

" Yes they deserved to be buried after all they have gone through while they might have been bad they only chose this path because they had no other option." Said a Kakashi

They then headed towards a mountain buried both Haku and Zabuza made a slight prayer for them to be happy in the afterlife and then headed back down we're they saw Sasuke still a little dizzy from being knockout for a long time and Sakura taking care of him with Tazuna behind, he had already finish the bridge in the time both Naruto and Kakashi were gone so their mission was now officially over.

As they had both finally reach the bottom and soon we're closed to them Naruto decided to greet them.

" Hey our mission is over so we can leave I'm going to head back to Tazuna's home and take some stuff I left there." Said Naruto as he quickly body flicker and appear in Tazuna's house.

" Well like Naruto said let's head back get our stuff and set off back towards the village." Said Kakashi

(Back to Naruto)

" Tsunami are you ok and did my clone manage to be here in time for them not to hurt you." Asked Naruto with a worried tone as he saw Tsunami in the house

" Yes Naruto-kun I've always knew you would save me so I wasn't worried." Said Tsunami while smiling and felt her heart going warm because she saw Naruto being worried for her. I mean which girl wouldn't want to see the person they love be worried for them even if it's just something normal like a scratch.

" Tsunami I'm going to have to leave... but don't worry I'll visit from time to time." Said Naruto a little sad that he couldn't be with her no more until he visit that is.

" It's okay Naruto-kun I know you have to go back and I'm already happy knowing you'll come to visit." Said Tsunami with a smile though you could tell she was also a little sad.

So Naruto and Tsunami went to a room and Naruto put a time barrier with the sound barrier or the whole village will be hearing loud moans and let's just say those loud moans continued for a few hours until they died down.

After that they fix the whole room and went out a few minutes later team 7 arrive with Tazuna they all got their stuff and headed out towards the bridge. Once they got there they all said goodbye to everyone and Team-7 officially finish an A-rank mission well only Naruto and Kakashi as Sasuke was just being trashed around while Sakura was aaaaaaall they way in the background and dint even get any screen time in the fighting scenes. They arrived at the hidden leaf village without any problem and all of them said their goodbye and went towards their home except for Kakashi and Naruto as Kakashi had to report and Naruto had wanted to asked something.

When they got there they knocked the door until a voice from inside said "come in" and so they did they went inside and found Hiruzen sitting behind his desk filled with paper work and you could barely see his face for all the paper work.

"Hokage-sama we finished our mission thought I'm sure you found out later it was an A-rank but we finished or should I say Naruto finished as he did most of the fighting." Said Kakashi

"hmmm yes I receive the message from your summon and all the information so why are you here Naruto." Asked Hiruzen

" I'm here to ask to become an official Jonin but before I can I want to still go to the Chunin-exams as I find it rather interesting and I want to see we're I placed in it when there are other Genin participating in it and I hear some of them are powerful so I wanted to fight them if I could." Said Maruto

" Well yes you can though from the report Kakashi sent before you guys came back we're it reported you fighting an elite-Jonin and beating him and almost killing him if it wasn't for an interference. So I'll be taking you out of your team and you will be going in a separate team and considering your strength you will be taking you Chunin-exam alone and it will be harder so are you sure you want to do this Naruto as you will still be under Kakashi but you will be doing mission A-rank and sometimes S-rank alone." Said Hiruzen with a serious tone

" Yes I know and I still want to do it gramps." Said Naruto with also a serious tone

He still and alway's has called Hiruzen gramps as he feels like hiruzen is more like his gramps then his care-taker so he still does it. Which turn out to be reciprocated from the old Hokage as he smile after hearing Naruto calling him gramps as he also see's Naruto as his Grandson

"Very well then Naruto I guess I'll have to give you A-rank and S-rank mission's now." Said Hiruzen with a proud and happy tone to which Naruto picked up.

" Thank you gramps and I won't disappoint you I'll take first place in everything." Said Naruto

Hiruzen just smiled. They then went out of the Hokage's office and headed to their own homes, Naruto while on the way was walking home thinking of all the things what will happened in the Chunin-exam's in 2 months.

As promised here is the second chapter of the day and tomorrow I'll try to do the same.

Supreme_Galaxycreators' thoughts