Hiruzen just smiled. They then went out of the Hokage's office and headed to their own homes, Naruto while on the way was walking home thinking of all the things what will happened in the Chunin-exam's in 2 months.
(Time skip to 2 months later)
In this two months not that much happened except Naruto going on Mission's and completing them but he has to do it by himself as when he still wanted to participate in the Chunin exams he had to be in his own team by himself but still his Jonin teacher change from Kakashi to Yugao Uzuki.
He has also started to use a sword although not his [Hakai boido Sword] as it is literally to op so he is using the sword he used against Zabuza so basically the Kusanagi of Sasuke. He has also become famous for using it and that is also why Yugao became his Jonin teacher.
(A/N: I know what your going to say " Author-sama but the MC is already too op so why are you not letting him used as what's the point by now" and I agree with you but...but hear me out MC+OP Sword= not a good story so I won't be letting him use it until the future)
The missions he has been going to are mainly B and A rank but sometimes S-rank so he has officially become the most talented Shinobi and even the other major villages know of his name and his talent but not that he has done A-rank and S-rank mission only the Hokage and some individuals that he trust know about it.
Right now he was coming back after completing an S-rank mission which was to assassinate someone from the leaf village that had important information and could not be leaked out. He was hurrying because today is the Chunin exams and he dint want to be late.
Once he got to the place were the Chunin exams were and was going upstairs until he came up on the "3rd floor" which was just an illusion and it was just the second floor. He went their and saw Lee just got push back from one of the two kids blocking the entrance to the room.
"Please let us through we're supposed to go in there to take the Chunin exams." Said Ten-ten
Just as she said that and stepped up she was also pushed back and one of the guys said " Don't even think about it your not ready yet and this isn't even that hard as the Chunin Exams that is going to make this look like child's play." While the other nodded, Naruto just ignored this and kept going upstairs at least he wanted to until someone from the crowd said " what are you doing going upstairs don't you know this is the floor if you want to participate in the Chunin Exams" Naruto stopped turn around but no one could see his face as he was wearing the Assassins coat/hoodie but different color he also change his voice so not even Sasuke or Sakura could regconize him, here is the color of the coat/hoodie check comments.
" No this is the second floor this is just an illusion, so if you want to participate in the Chunin Exams you better go upstairs soon as it's almost time it starts." Said Naruto as he turned around and kept going upstairs.
Soon everybody finished processing what he said and started rushing upstairs this also included his old teammates. While the two that put up the illusion smiled while thinking ' He really deserves to be a prodigy to just know it's a illusion by one look although he is also an Uchiha so there is that'.
Once Naruto got to the third floor and opened the doors a lot of people look at him but since they couldn't see his face some just looked away while some still looked at him. He didn't mind this so he started walking up to a seat and took his sword from his back sat down and put the sword to the side of the chair.
While some were looking at him the sound of the door opening took away everyone's attention as they wanted to get a look at their future opponents. When the door fully became opened a lot of genin's entered including his old team everyone started murmuring about their new opponents while some were talking about Sasuke as he was the number 2 rookie and an Uchiha so a lot of people were trying to guess his power level.
Sasuke was looking around the room until he noticed the person who called out the illusion and walked up to him to try and confront him and tell him that he was going to beat him.
" I'm Sasuke Uchiha, what's your named." Asked Sasuke
"So you don't even recognize you old teammate Sasuke?...But since you asked its Naruto Uchiha." Said Naruto
(A/N: I don't know, I want his last name to be Uchiha so what do you guys think? if you say for it to be Uchiha but don't like Naruto as his first name I could change it to Alex since Alex is my favorite name or I could just keep Naruto Uzumaki until the future.)
At this Everyone in the room turn to look at Naruto because he said he was an Uchiha and no wonder as everyone knew the once famous clan only had two people left and now there's some saying they are from the Uchiha clan how could they not get shocked and look at him with wide eyes.
" Naruto I though you would be doing the Chunin exams considering you said you wanted to be a Jonin." Said Sasuke out loud for everyone to hear and get more shock.
"Yeah but I still wanted to take part in the Chunin exams and old gramps said it was fine." Said Naruto
" You mean the Hokage agreed with it?" Asked Sasuke out loud again for everyone to hear and get even more shock to the point that if they get one more shock their eyes will literally fall out.
" Yeah he said it was fine and that I could just skip Chunin and become a Jonin after I finished though." Said Naruto though a little quiet as to not shock everyone and it work as everyone got out from their shock. At this point Sasuke was about to talk again when their old classmates came to them and Kiba talked.
" Wait Naruto how you said you're an Uchiha and how come Sasuke dint refute?" Asked Kiba while all of their classmates from the clans nodded.
"That's because Naruto is an Uchiha." Said Sasuke surprising all of his ex-classmates
" Wait what how." Said Kiba
" Although I am an Uchiha I don't know from who it is that I got it from or from who either from my mother family or my fathers." Said Naruto
" Wait you were an Uchiha all along and we dint even know." Said Kiba with everyone nodding including Sakura but not Sasuke as he already knew.
" Yeah only the Hokage, Sasuke, and well obviously me knew about it but I guess know all of these people know too." Said Naruto while looking around
" Wait if your an Uchiha does that mean that you also have the Sharingan." Asked Sakura
Naruto dint say anything and just blinked while activating his EMS and opened his eyes showing everybody his eyes.
" This is the EMS an eye more powerful than the Mangekyou Sharingan but this is a secret only known to the Uchiha clan so nobody is to say anything got it." Said Naruto in a voice so that only his ex-classmates could hear
Everyone nodded his head with Sasuke also doing it but inside his mind he was thinking about how they are the same age but Naruto already surpassed him in everything even in the Sharingan.
Then soon the doors opened and a man wearing a coat two scars on his face while several other shinobi's followed behind him. The man wearing the coat said " This is the start of the Chunin exams if you still want to proceed then stay if you want to leave the doors are open amd for those who stay get ready as the fist test the written exams of the Chunin exams are officially started."
I know I've been out with vacation and having to come backl so I haven't done that much writing but I'm back and I'm going to start writing again.