
Successfully connected to my dream life

what would be your reaction to wake up one day and find yourself in a completely different place or maybe different world, will you be scared or try to enjoy the moment. _______ Reya Amani a 24 years old girl who was literally worth zero in her father's eyes one day she was only joking with her siblings saying " imagine dad will throw me away from home saying I'm a free loader.. hahahaha.." this was only a joke between them yet the next day her father did the unexpected or rather what she never wanted to believe. one day she was with a home to shelter under the next day she became a homeless wanderer with only 5 dollars in her pocket. " I don't deserve this sob .. I'm not gonna accept this too sob..hic.. just wait you stingy old man I'm gonna show you my worth .. hic .." tears falling nonstop like a waterfall from her eyes Reya glimpsed a flying poster [ Are you a girl? a girl in a desperate situation?? a girl in need of money??? good we are in need of someone like you ! don't worry we are not hiring for prostitution nor we are kidnappers , just come to this address you'll be the luckiest girl in the world after . still not believing in us ? then sorry you not suitable for the job just rot in the streets ] " WTF , what's with this are they making a prank? the more I read the more suspicious it became, nevermind I'm gonna go there before it's getting dark " Reya was only desperate at that moment so before she sneak back at home she was curious about the poster. not knowing that her life will change completely by taking that quick decision. " I successfully connected to my dream life!!!!" _______

I_Am_Na · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Strange thoughts 3

" my housekeeper..." Reya muttered to herself, after quite some time she finally regained her strength walking towards the body she hesitated for more than three times before touching it.

" it seems it's not working" Reya didn't know what to do with the body as it was still similar to what she used to see in horror movies ' scarry things should stay in movies not come to my life ' unexpected to her the next scene made her run out of the bathroom only to hide under the blanket.

[ welcome back Madam ] hearing the man like voice Reya's heart almost left her body, it was true that extreme situations unlock the hidden potentials of the human body, Reya's reaction was similar to teleportation the moment she heard that voice she didn't know how she found herself hiding under the blanket

' please Lord help me ... what is a man doing in my house .. no in my room boohoo...' staying like that for few minutes she decided to get a quick peek around ' huh... no one here ...!? no no no i can't be hallucinating the voices too. could it be a ghost!? '

" who are you? what are you doing in my room.. no my house?" her voice wasn't completely stable as she was still trembling out of fear.

[ answering to the madam i am your new acquired AI housekeeper ] the man's voice sounded again

" AI ?.."

" AI as in artificial intelligence?!... robot! .. oh .. then housekeeper what happened to you ?! why do you look like that?!" the words come out from her mouth smoothly as if having an AI housekeeper was a complete normal thing.

[ There is no information data on my memory that show the reason why i became like this.the only information i have is that I'm your housekeeper ]

" no data!? there must be a problem on your system functionality" Reya's doubts were so obvious but her fear of the gory scene of that robot was much more her first concern ' when did robots looked like humans... more than that this one looks like a disfigured corpse in a horror movie...'

".. that. housekeeper could you change your appearance .. it's disturbing me " no matter what she said Reya didn't leave the bed.

[ answering to Madam i can't change my appearance right now as my body's battery went low, that also indicate why the appearance fluctuate ]

" ah ah ah i can't go like this just go and charge your body "

[ ... low battery.. systems shutting down.. beep ] the housekeeper's voice gradually changed from it's human like voice to it's actual robotic voice as it slowly turned off. for Reya shutting down was only adding to her troubles.

" gosh this is too much "

few hours later Reya finally finished her cleaning still she couldn't enter her room's bathroom.

" would it turn against me because i didn't help charging him? wasn't there a movie similar to this where the robots became sentient the moment their owners mistreated them and decided to take revenge by massacring all the humans !!!" her voice gradually softned down, with how her imagination worked Reya decided to give the robot's corpse a quick look.

" I'm not doing this because I'm scared! I'm only curious"

having a quick look was really a quick look as she didn't even give herself time to check the robot's body clearly " a quick look doesn't help, how could i be scared of something humans invented ... yes i'm the master here, beside it has already shut down "

with such fleeting moments of confidence Reya gave it another look this time she didn't hide neither scream out of fear.

" so shutting down also mean turning to it's original look?!.. HA .. HAHA .. great now i could finish my work here before it's night time "

while trying her best to move the robot aside she discovered a flat button in it's back.

< BACHUP ENERGY FOR EMERGENCY > was clearly written in a big font in case the owners didn't read the instructions manual just like Reya who didn't even remember purchasing the robot itself.

" huh! COOL I'm saved from doing heavy works haha " touching the button the robot automatically self activated but what Reya was waiting for didn't happen as the robot couldn't move

" what the fu..n , why aren't you moving!?" her frustration was near exploding but why care when he's just a robot who aren't a human.

[ beep.. beep .. a virus was detected on the system, only 5 minutes left for ... beep beep beep repeat a virus was detected on....] the robotic voice who fluctuated nonstop finally ceased

" man will it explodes or what. how can i stop this from happening" looking at the red timer emitted from the robot then at her surroundings Reya took a deep breath ' calm down, nothing gonna explodes .. think , think ..' while looking around her eyes fixated on a black laptop, a sudden thought appeared on her mind ' scan the system _ destroy the virus ' like lightning she couldn't know when or where those thoughts would strike her the difference is this lightning like thoughts were always to her advantage nothing like harmful.

" that's it " maybe the fear that the robot's unfinished words might be a timed bomb or the excitement to touch the laptop made her body moves flexibly.

Reya was too focused on the process as she connected the laptop with the robot's system her hands moved like it never did before, while her fingers danced on the keyboard the timer was also moving forward from five minutes it turned to two minutes.

in such situations no matter how great you are a bit of worry will be shown yet Reya's face was slowly beaming " there it was hiding, humph dare play with me ?! no way ! " as the different types of writings changed in the screen Reya's fingers never ceased from moving not long after a red alert showed up on the screen < delete > with a smirk on her face she clicked on it.

" that was exciting to play with hehe ... huh ! " this time her smile turned to a frown ' how did i do it ' but another sound changed the direction of her thinking.

[ beep... reset the system data .. beep, three. two. one.. beeeeep initiate the reset process ]

" sh*t, wasn't the virus deleted ?!! " the doubt on her face turned to a painful expression as she held her head with both hands the pain spreads all over her head not able to withstand it anymore her consciousness went black slowly.