
Submitting to the Demon within : A journey to the throne series book 1

revamped Warning 18+ mature content Bdsm ,cheating ,revenge ,rejection. Attentive suicide ,blood gore. Insinuation of sexual and physical abuse. But does not show detail of acts. Blurb : He can't get rejected right now. It will kill him for sure.    Before I could protest both of them completed the rejection.  It looked as if accepting took the only oxygen he'd had.  His eyes shut as it seemed ge stoped struggling to breath his hole body went limp.  Caydon no stay with me .  Josh moved to the other side still very naked but no on was worried about that.  "Caydon! stay awake" Footsteps approached behind us I didn't have to turn to know it was the understudy.  Caydon stay with us the doctor is almost here ." My voice shook as I spoke the words. Just then  a black and red smoke went into Caydons mouth and nose. His blood slowly moved off the grass.  Reforming into the droplets as if some pressed rewind on time.   The blood disappated into a crimson smoke . Wrapping around Caydons still body as if it where a cocoon .  Then his body disappeared.  Making me feel as if the wind was knocked out of me. "Caydon!"   A growl of fear and furry erupted from me ,filled by an angry grumble under out feet. Grass and rocks, shot up what seemed to be 50 feet high. As the ground shifted apart.  synopsis Caydon Wes is your typical nerd,or is he . He is bullied all through grade and high school. Upon turning 18some secrets come to light from his past. Letting everyone know he's not you run of the mill guy. * Sexual acts are depicted graphically throughout this book. As well as bulling and the occasional death blood shed.

Brittney_Flint · Fantasy
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8 Chs

He's Gone

Chris's pov

Truthfully I for one did not want to be part of this party. However I didn't have a choice due to the the fact the main reason packs throw mate parties is so ther Alpha or Luna to be can find their other half. They don't specify it in such a way but everyone knows it. But everine uses it as an excuse to dress up and look for their other half. Id much rather hang out with Caydon all night but he's right, I should try to find my mate. Since I'll be taking over as alpha in two days. This will be the best chance I'll have to meet her. Since 15 packs are here . Not even 3 seconds after I stepped away from Caydon a group of 6 she wolves walked up to me . I sighed I didn't expect anything less. "Excuse me Ladies " I spoke trying to be polite. We just wanted to see if you were any of our mates . ". The bond wearing nothing it seemed said. "Sorry but no I can smell that from where I stoo- " my words were cut off. As I smelled hot chocolate and peppermint. A light growl escaped my lips as my eyes burned slightly alerting me they were glowing red.

"Look ladies im sure youll find your mate but I'm not him. And as of right now your standing in between an Alpha and his mate. It's a dangerous place to be. ". I warned. Causing them to huff and scatter . Don't let the sight of our mates fool you Chris she is stronger then she looks . She is perfect for us . ". Caster linked as I closed in on the distance. Laying unconscious on the ground was a small frail figure. Her clothes were covered in dirt and dust Basically rags. Her brown hair was caked in what seemed to be oil. Her skin was an ivory cor but she was covered in acne . My heart broke seeing my mate this way, and rage filled me someone put her in this position. Gently I picked her up , to carry her toward the pack hospital linking the doctor. As I reached the hospital doors the doctor was rushing out . "Alpha what is it ?". My mate I found her unconscious and barky breathing. I stayed putting her down gently. Chasity in danger caster warned fast . Athena linked me . "What" . I asked. Take care of my mate Grayson I yelled over my shoulder to run out of the hospital as fast as I could . Only to see Josh's large wolf lunging for Chasity. Caydon was slumped at the bottom of an oaktree. The corners of his mouth were bleeding. Torn I jumped Infront of my twin. With a loud growl. Shift back . Tell me what's going on . " I commanded . Josh landed on his feet a foot Infront of me. Shifting to his naked human self. Though I demanded he tell me I was to worried about Caydon so my attention immediately switched to him. As I moved and dropped to my knees Infront of him linking with the pack doctor. Only to rember he was working on my mate so I told him to send his best understudy. Only he was not at the pack.  He'd be here in a few minutes. Problem was I wasn't sure if Caydon had that long .  An internal war waged inside me . Caydon is my brother in so many ways but my mates life could be in danger if the doctor stepped away. It wasn't a choice.  I'm sorry Caydon I thought to my self.   In pure furry I growled what the hell is going on. The ground shook under all of our feel. At my level if furry. Wich scared me because that has never happened. I felt my heart was put in a blender.  And lungs have closed up. I can't lose of them ,they both mean far to much to my blood was hot as if flames of furry burned through my veins.   Chasity had the audacity to growl at me .  " He called me a heartless whore. "  If the shoe fits.".  Castor huffed.  Caster you wouldn't put up with me saying that about Athena I haved. That because Athena not a whore she wanted only her mate . Leaving  the spat alone my attention went back to Chasity.  "Yea and what did you do to get that reaction? "

Caydon has liked Chasity and I know he has but she been ruthless to him . Anything he said to her she has deserved . "Nothing yet you interrupted my rejection. " My eyes went back to Caydon . He can't get rejected right now. It will kill him for sure.    Before I could protest both of them completed the rejection.  It looked as if accepting took the only oxygen he'd had.  His eyes shut as it seemed ge stoped struggling to breath his hole body went limp.  Caydon no stay with me .  Josh moved to the other side still very naked but no on was worried about that.  "Caydon! stay awake"  Footsteps approached behind us I didn't have to turn to know it was the understudy.  Caydon stay with us the doctor is almost here ."  My voice shook as I spoke the words.  Just then  a black and red smoke went into Caydons mouth and nose. His blood slowly moved off the grass.  Reforming into the droplets as if some pressed rewind on time.   The blood disappated into a crimson smoke . Wrapping around Caydons still body as if it where a cocoon .  Then his body disappeared.  Making me feel as if the wind was knocked out of me. "Caydon!"   A growl of fear and furry erupted from me ,filled by an angry grumble under out feet. Grass and rocks, shot up what seemed to be 50 feet high. As the ground shifted apart.