
Submitting to the Demon within : A journey to the throne series book 1

revamped Warning 18+ mature content Bdsm ,cheating ,revenge ,rejection. Attentive suicide ,blood gore. Insinuation of sexual and physical abuse. But does not show detail of acts. Blurb : He can't get rejected right now. It will kill him for sure.    Before I could protest both of them completed the rejection.  It looked as if accepting took the only oxygen he'd had.  His eyes shut as it seemed ge stoped struggling to breath his hole body went limp.  Caydon no stay with me .  Josh moved to the other side still very naked but no on was worried about that.  "Caydon! stay awake" Footsteps approached behind us I didn't have to turn to know it was the understudy.  Caydon stay with us the doctor is almost here ." My voice shook as I spoke the words. Just then  a black and red smoke went into Caydons mouth and nose. His blood slowly moved off the grass.  Reforming into the droplets as if some pressed rewind on time.   The blood disappated into a crimson smoke . Wrapping around Caydons still body as if it where a cocoon .  Then his body disappeared.  Making me feel as if the wind was knocked out of me. "Caydon!"   A growl of fear and furry erupted from me ,filled by an angry grumble under out feet. Grass and rocks, shot up what seemed to be 50 feet high. As the ground shifted apart.  synopsis Caydon Wes is your typical nerd,or is he . He is bullied all through grade and high school. Upon turning 18some secrets come to light from his past. Letting everyone know he's not you run of the mill guy. * Sexual acts are depicted graphically throughout this book. As well as bulling and the occasional death blood shed.

Brittney_Flint · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The Guadian wolf

18 years Ago 

3rd person Pov 

The night air was cold and crisp , a mist resonated in the air. Giving the tree tops And grass of the dimly illuminated forest . A thin translucent grey blanket of fog. The Female ran as fast as she could the cold night air burned her lungs as her feet felt the were being fillted on the bottoms. Pushing though the pain away ,running as hard as she could holding two bundles to her chest. 

" Get back here Seline ,you and those impure spawns need to pay for your actions . " Kaine growled.  " The longer you make me chase you the harder this will be!".  One of the infants began to cry hard . Alerting the male to the direction of his target .  Seline moved behind a tree to place the pacifier back into the infants mouth . " Shh.. baby it's alright. " She cooed. How ever she had to start running once more due to the fact she heard him gaining up on her.  

In the distance their was swirl of red in the grey mist, looking as if the where a set of eyes. Mixed in the mist though thats not possible ,right? Seline thought to herself catching a fast glimpse of this mist. A deep menacing growl came from the direction the eyes were. It was purely terrifying, Cause a chill to run up the females spine . Pure terror filled her being ,as steps ran toward . The sound of four paws pounding on the grass, mocking her erratic heart that threatened to pound out of her chest.  

    A wolf that stood well over 6 foot on All fours was barelling toward her.   Holding her children tight she bent down in attempt to move out of the way. Though she fell on her back optingvto fall backwards versus crushing the infants she is protecting. The wolf dove over her , as she scrambled up and against a tree as fast as possible. Starring at the Smokey wolf now absolutely perplexed. This wolf was not a solid wolf it was complete fog. With horror she watched as the wolf tore of Kaines head.with a sickening crack, his headless body fell to he forest floor .With a loud thus, blood ran across the blades of grass. Almost in slow motion as she watched horrified. Unable to stop her self from the brutal sight and smell and the cracking of bone she turned to get sick. More foot steps moved into the clearing. The large wolf growled in warning at the men approaching . A deep almost Demonic voice was heard. " You would do well to leave what is mine alone !" " What's yours ?" A tall man questioned. " You must be confused, This is our Luna " The wolf chuckled.  The sound was enough to send a chill down Satan's spine. " Very well. ". The wolf disappeared. Confusion mixed with the terror this strange wolf instilled in the female. " His ? I can't be his I already have a mate." The female murmred to herself . Just as the thought was spoken aloud , the wolf appeared Infront of the man who spoken , with a loud snapping of bone he ripped the males head off. The headless body fell with a thud. As the wolf dropped the head . A man darted straight for Seline as 12 men enclosed . With one glace from the wolf's wirling misty eyes. The male that tried to rush Seline turned to ash, the instant e wolf eyes began to swirl. Making the other wolves holt. "what the hell?". A bulky man growled. " As much as I'd love to rip you all apart in the light of my mate being in the cold I'll give you one more chance to leave. But I will be coming for you make no mistake about it. " The men all looked at each other, Before making a run for it. Seline breath caught as the giant wolf's gaze turned to her. He moved slowly attempting the make himself smaller.  Her heart begain to steady slightly. "T..thank you... B..but... I.i " Seline begain only to cut off . As the giant wolf sniffed one of the bundles . Nuzzling one her neck . A bright blue light, Shone between them as a mark appeared behind the child's left shoulder. A matching one., appeared on the wolf left hip. A growl came from Seline. "no she's a baby! ".    " It's not how you think , you will understand in time. Now get them somewhere safe. " The Alpha comand should not have had any affect on her. Due to being an Alphas Daughter and mated to a powerful Apla but it did, there was no fighting it. Standing with eyes as wide as saucers she began to walk . To the edge of the woods the wolf followed behind slowly. Seline grew even more perplexed at this odd situation, theirs no way the godess chose a growm mate for her baby. Sure some mates are older,but not to that extent Something els has to be going on here. One things for sure , She would die before any one hurt her pups . She walked in silence showing up to a large grey pack house. With a 6 foot stone wall, wolves moved forward to see who the new comers . A low growl came from the smoky guardian. "No this is my mates pack we are safe here." Seline told the wolf. Thank you for the help but it's ok ". The large wolf bowed it's smokey head and disappeared ,leaving the sights of the starry night in his wake.