

In an abandoned warehouse.

- Good evening Madame Gao, I'm here to make you an offer!

Inside the warehouse that was guarded by armed ninjas and henchmen, there was a table with two people sitting, one was Gao and the other was the redheaded agent that Wiliam has to eliminate.

- Continue, please!

- I was sent here by the Russians to make you an offer!

At that very moment when the negotiations had begun, Wiliam arrived at the scene and began to eliminate the guards.


Pow! Pow!

Wiliam jumped over an armed guard and hit his face while hitting his neck.

- Coff!

The man started to choke but could not continue because he was grabbed by the neck.


His body with a broken neck fell to the ground slowly, Wiliam didn't wait a bit and went to a ninja who was hiding on the roof.


An ice sword formed in his hand drawing the ninja's attention but when he turned to look he could only find a blade piercing his chest.


His body also fell hard to the ground and Wiliam went on with the killing.

- We have decided in the last few days that hiring the help of local organizations can be a good idea and we hope that you can provide us with your help!

Biff! Pow! Clang! Slash!

Wiliam jumped between two guards he hit the first with a punch to the chin while kicking the second away and before they could recover from the surprise attack he grabbed the first head and hit it on the wall making a breaking noise the second man who ended up trying to get up tried to shoot him but Wiliam threw a shuriken that cut his neck.

- If the Russians want help we can provide it, but of course for a good price!

A ninja ran quickly to the place where he heard noises, he made a few jumps before reaching a corridor with several corpses.

- What happened here?


A cord of ice passed around his neck and started to pull him up.

- Argh! Coff! Arghh!

The ninja struggled and struggled while suffocating but none of that worked.


His neck was also broken and he fell hard to the ground, from the shadows behind the dead body Wiliam revealed himself.

> I've already eliminated all the guards, it's time to make my entry!

He headed for the center of the shed, bodies were scattered all over the place, but most of them had a wound in their neck or an ice gun going through the body.


Everyone in the center of the shed turned to look in the direction of the door that was opened.

- Good night!

- Who are you?

One of the 3 guards who were on Madame Gao's side asked as he raised his weapon, but he didn't have time to fully prepare.


5 shurikens appeared in Wiliam's hands and he tossed them towards the 3 men.

Bash! Bash!

The two armed guards fell but the translator took the shuriken with his hands.

"I see that not all of your guards are amateurs, Madame Gao!"

- May I know why a young man like you is coming here that night? (Chinese)

The translator was about to translate this question for Wiliam but the latter was quicker.

- I came here to kill the agent in front of you, I apologize for killing your men on the way here! (Chinese)

Madame Gao smiled a little and made a sign with her hand to her translator.

- Madame Gao accepts your apology, but she asks why you came to kill this agent!

- I was hired by the Americans, they are paying me 800,000 for her head!

Wiliam then looked at the agent who was now regretting not bringing his weapons., However looking at it closely, Wiliam frowned a little.

> It can't be, can it?

- Excuse me, but would you be Agent Natasha Romanoff?

- How do you know my real name!

Wiliam frowned deeply now.

> Good thing that the skin masks are not so good at that time or I could have killed the black widow without knowing it was her.

At that moment Wiliam was in a dilemma.

> Do I kill or don't I kill her ?, If I kill I win 800,000 but if she dies there will be no one to control the Hulk in the future!

He did not stay in this dilemma much and quickly formulated a plan.

- As is the case with Miss Romanoff, I think I will have to change some things, but before that, please take my business card!

Wiliam made a link card in his hand and handed it to the translator, before turning to Natasha.

- Well now please come with me Miss Natasha I have a subject to talk to you about!

- What if I refuse?

-Then that 800,000 reward will end up finding an owner!

She didn't question anymore, got up and went after Wiliam who was leaving the shed.

But she was not going to be an obedient girl by the time Wiliam made her entrance she was formulating several escape plans.

When the two left outside, Wiliam turned and looked at her.

- Don't think of sneaking up on me, let alone run!

- Can you read minds?

Her expression changed for the first time.

- I wish I could read minds but unfortunately my gift is different, however changing the subject come on I have something to show you!

Wiliam guided her through some alleys before reaching an abandoned building where he took a stool and sat down.

- Well I'll be straight with you, stop working for Russia!

- And why should I?

She sat down too, was still alert but decided to hear what Wiliam had to say.

- If you want me to quote the reasons, then that's fine!

He opened his palm.

- First reason, they will take you out of your family when you were a child and forced you to undergo horrible training!

Natasha's eyes widened but she couldn't ask how Wiliam knew about it.

- Second reason, they destroyed your chances of being a mother just so you could work better for them!

- And for the last and third reason, they took your freedom and even today you are still trapped in that dimly lit dormitory where children become murderers!

Natasha's face tried to remain calm, but her hands trembled when Wiliam reminded her of the things that happened and denounced her.

- Just for that I say, you should stop working for Russia. Form your own organization, find a place to live in peace, or pursue revenge, all of these options are better than continuing as you are now!

- Fuuuu, I understand! Thank you for saying that to me!

- Not that!

Wiliam got up and was about to say goodbye but his senses started to send warnings.

- To the ground!

He pulled Natasha's arm and when the two fell to the ground, a great torrent of fire passed over her heads and lasted a few seconds before stopping.

Wiliam the moment the fire ended he got up and looked at what attacked them, outside the building was a man with horns and wings and his whole body dropping fire.

- A person demonized at that moment!

- What is it?

Natasha also stood up and looked out where she saw the demon who was now coming in through the window laughing wildly.



When the demon put his feet on the ground he started to sizzle and catch fire, Wiliam got up and went into a fighting position.

- Miss Romanoff I believe that our meeting ends here I hope to sail another day!

- What?


Wiliam kicked Natasha and she fell on the stairs, in the next moment he created a wall of ice blocking the passage.

- Now, let's see if you will be able to burn me!

- Roarrr!

Bam! Bam!

The demon advanced ferociously towards Wiliam, who was in a folded position.

Next chapter