
Sub zero in MCU

Our mc died and found God who gave him a wish. Our MC chose to have the powers and techniques of sub-zero God then sent him to Marvel. If I write a wrong event just treat it like errors in the universe and don't keep playing in my face.

patinhoDEUSVULT · Movies
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41 Chs


BAM! Swoosh! BOOM!

A figure quickly flew away and crashed into the arena wall.

( Sounds of falling stones).

"Shit!" William yelled as he tried to get off the wall, he underestimated his opponent's strength and ended up being grazed by the club.

"It was just grazing because you fucking ripped off a part of my clothes!" He finally came fully out of the hole with his already half-shabby ninja outfit now ripped to shreds.

Tiroz, who was in the middle of the arena, laughed and advanced towards William while swinging his club.

Several situations went through William's mind in the next few seconds, he kind of instinctively knew that he would lose this fight if he fought head-on or with conventional methods, so for that he called the only thing that can help him now.

"Despina help me!" William jumped to the side dodging the club that hit the wall.


The wave of shock sent him flying for a few meters before landing on the ground.

"Despina you are there help me!" He mentally yelled once more, however as the last one was ignored he was angry and wanted to get inside her head to see what she was doing but he needs time for that first.

Tiroz advanced once more towards William who this time was ready, with a shove William ran forward and formed an ice path to slide forward.

Tiroz was surprised by William's increase in speed and failed to react quickly enough when William cut his heel.


"Arghh!" Tiroz let out a scream as he lost his balance and fell to the ground, William heaved a sigh of relief as he realized his skin was not hard.

"Well if his skin is that easy to cut then I shouldn't have a problem killing him!" With renewed confidence he turned to face Tiroz only to have his hopes dashed.

The heel wound had already healed and all that was left was a small scar, "Fuck, he has super strength and regeneration, how the hell am I going to kill this thing!

Tiroz was angry at being knocked down by his opponent and advanced with more ferocity, giving William little or no room to dodge.


Snow exploded every time he swung the club, making the spectators' blood run cold.

(Got the reference, ice giants are cold-blooded so instead of heating it cools down when they get excited.)

Tiroz continued attacking for a while until he realized there was nothing in front of him, he was confused and looked around but saw only ice shuriken coming towards him.


"Argh!" Tiroz yelled as one of the shurikens hit his left eye, William took the opportunity he couldn't see and used his blind spot to get closer quickly.

"I hope it works!" William made a hand signal to control the fog and pointed toward Tiroz.

The screaming giant realized something was wrong with his lungs but it was too late.

(Noises of air being pulled!)

William pulled the air that was in Tiroz's lungs using the concept that he breathed fog he could control her inside him, and yes he was using Fujin's blow using Sub-zero's abilities.

Not even he knew if this could work but that was the idea he got after thinking outside the box.

The air inside Tiroz's lungs came out and formed a wall of fog in front of him, William then pushed his palm forward causing the wall of fog to go forward.


Tiroz was sent flying a few meters back, he was extremely dizzy and trying to breathe fiercely but William would not let this opportunity go.

Skidding with ice he got on top of Tiroz in less than 2 seconds and jumped on top of him placing one palm in front of his face and the other on his heart.

William's eyes glowed dark blue and blue strands began to come out of his hand and into Tiroz's open mouth.

The last one thrashed uncontrollably but because of the lack of air William could still contain it. Soon his skin started to turn pale and he aged quickly and a blue crystal was rising in his throat following the blue lines.

The closer to William's hand the crystal got the older and drier Tiroz got and this scared even the watching audience into silence.

"Your soul is mine!" The soul frozen in crystal form reached William's hands and Tiroz's dry dead body stopped moving completely, the entire coliseum was silent now no one expected William to win.

For the information of readers the guards choose the most disadvantageous fights for the novices so that they can suffer for killing soldiers of their people, if William had only been fighting with his ice powers he would never have defeated Tiroz unless he could freeze the whole opponent's body in less than 10 seconds preventing him from breaking free and breaking the ice.

William got up and jumped off the body taking the crowd out of their stupor, soon some applause came and the whole arena started to applaud together.

However the winner didn't care about that, taking someone's soul totally drained his energy, he needs to sleep for the next 9 hours to fully regain his strength.

He walked slowly to the gate he had come from, Liza was there smiling as she held her backpack and a piece of some animal's trench.

"I didn't expect such a remarkable performance!" Liza said as she handed the objects to William, "Honestly, I expected more guards escorting me but if you want to keep these no problem!" He said jokingly and turned to head towards the hallway but Liza grabbed his shoulder.

" What--!"

(kissing noises)


William's backpack fell to the ground when Liza stole a kiss from him, William's face quickly heated up and he pushed Liza away.


"What the hell are you doing!" William gave her a big slap leaving her cheek red but that didn't take the smile off her face making William angrier for just missing his first kiss like that.

He almost lost his head and gave her another slap but kept control he grabbed his things and went to his cell in a hurry, Liza who stole a kiss from William was still there smiling scarily.

The guards were wondering if they should do something or just stand there when she started to laugh.

"Huhuhu, HAHAHA!" When she was sure he couldn't hear her she burst out laughing and continued laughing until she was out of breath, her guards were already totally in doubt of what to do.

"My lady, are you alright?" One of the guards asked drawing her attention, "I'm fine, actually I'm more than fine I think I found my mating partner!" This time even the guard was a little scared when he heard the Liza's words.

Be aware that ice giant women can only have 1 child every 100 years so they are quite strict in their selection of mates to give birth to strong warriors, you must not only be powerful and capable but also cater to the giant's personal taste. of ice in question to mate with her.

And by chance William's zero experience in the opposite sex was luring her like a meat in the middle of the desert, all she needed to mate with him was proof of her strength and he'd just given it to her.

"Fufufu, you will still be my Sub-zero, just wait, with time every man falls into temptation!" She said softly, scaring even more the guards who hurriedly fled.

(Note: William didn't tell them his real name.)

Back in William he felt some chills down his spine but simply ignored it and used the water filter in his backpack to filter some snow into water, after which he used a lighter to light a small fire of flammable material and started to roast the beef.

A delicious smell began to drift through the air, waking the prisoners and the captured monsters, even the guards at the door were tempted by the smell and peeked through the door to see William roasting the meat.

For these two guards it was the first time in their lives that they had seen fire so they didn't know what it was at first, but the smell of meat in the air was making them drool.

William also noticed the two guards drooling at the door but just didn't pay attention and started to eat, with every bite he took the guards' faces twitched sadly and they gripped their spears harder.

They wanted to go there and eat a piece but they knew that doing so meant death, the last guard who entered a prisoner's cell was beaten to death and devoured to the bone with nothing left.

Most prisoners and monsters see guards as small fruits on trees that you might be lucky enough to pull and eat.

William finished his meal, licked his fingers and leaned against the wall to sleep, he felt like he would have another fight tomorrow so it was good to be prepared.


If you didn't like him using the abilities of the other mortal kombat characters as a reference I'm sorry, but in my opinion the ice control ability can have thousands of variants and not just the original Sub-zero one.

The more diversity the better.