

Life can be anything you want it to be, as long as you have what it takes to do what can be, should be or could be to make it. I for one has done what I could to make do of my, though I failed to reach my dreams, not because I was lacking, lazy and incompetent. But worry not, for I gained a second chance. And so here I am... A GOD of my own Multi. Verse.

Steins_12 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

System what now?

<p>*Ding<br/><br/>I was startled by the sudden sound that echoed inside my mind. It was a familiar sound, a notification sound of when someone messaged me through my Facebook or when there is just a notification on it.<br/><br/>I was so bewildered that it caused my rampage to be halted. I was weirded out and thought that I have totally became insane.<br/><br/>[ Attention ]<br/>[The System Have been devoured by ###### ]<br/>[ Error The System is being absorb by #####]<br/>[ Initiating to remedying the------]<br/>[ Error remedy failed ]<br/><br/>Preplexed, I floated still and waited for it to be done. My mind stopped from any functions and blanked. <br/><br/>because of that, I relaxed my body and mind, calming my mind and thoughts. I tried to talk to it.<br/><br/>"Hello?"<br/>...<br/>"System?"<br/>...<br/><br/>no one answered. so I thought of helping the system, by randomly thinking of helping it fixe stuffs that I do not know of. I randomly thought of entering my soul, then it worked.<br/><br/>what I saw was chaos, utter devastation.</p>