

Life can be anything you want it to be, as long as you have what it takes to do what can be, should be or could be to make it. I for one has done what I could to make do of my, though I failed to reach my dreams, not because I was lacking, lazy and incompetent. But worry not, for I gained a second chance. And so here I am... A GOD of my own Multi. Verse.

Steins_12 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

I died. and there was nothing.

<p>It was evening that time, I do not remember what date and time exactly. It was a strange coincidence of sort. <br/><br/>I was walking down the pavement of the street to my home unhurriedly, relaxed and whistling a tone of a song I had long forgotten the title of, smiling contently while holding a bag of books newly bought from a book store. Happily skipping and spinning like that of a little girls. <br/><br/>I passed a dimly lit street light parallel to the busy burger stand tangential to a Church.<br/><br/>people seemingly going in and out of the grand build of the church, buying and eating burgers out side while the prist was doing his sermon.<br/><br/>I stopped and looked at said people chatting and eating, unbothered of what the prist was saying.<br/><br/>It wasn't a bother to me as well, I myself does that. What bothered me was a couple was too close to each other doing what shouldn't be done in public for other people to see. I only stopped for a second, but carried on my long journey home. But I wasn't able to.<br/><br/>A live wire snapped and fell on to me 3 meters to where my stopping point was. I didn't even notice that I died.<br/><br/>I opened my eyes and the ever expanding darkness greeted me with a welcome deafening silence. I was confused for a brief moment wondering what happened. Logic and calm and then acceptance was the only thing I could do.<br/><br/>the darkness and silence was a madness inducing scenery the longer you look at it. But I indured, I was hopeful to maybe meet a powerful being to maybe reincarnate me to any world I desired.<br/><br/>I waited for who knows how long, so long that I got so bored I imagined eating the darkness, and it happened. I was baffled by the sheer illogicality of the event that transpired at that moment. so I did it again and again and again.<br/><br/>I got bored of just eating and thinking, so I slurped as well and it worked. I did not know how that was possible but it was my entertainment. without it, I might have gone insane, or maybe I am.<br/><br/>many many slups and dinning I did, I encountered something new. I spotted a tennis ball size light 3 meters from me. I floated to its place and studied it for a while, it was some sort of complicated infinit geometric progression with many geometric shapes that I know of. it was a work of art. slowly I touched the ball. then nothing. so I played with it like how a tennis ball should be played without a tennis racket, only without gravity.<br/><br/>a very very long wait later. I got bored of doing that too, so I tried incorporating shadow boxing from the ever increasing activities of mine. then karate, teakwondo, crab maga, muay tai, jujutsu and random movements that seemingly logical in fighting. my punching bag I meant partner was my only companion Don L. Up. I named the tennis ball size light.<br/><br/>then I got bored of that too, so I increased it some more by adding swordsmanship, spears, and a pole arm. incorporating moves that are flashy but effective, and sometimes just straight up eliminating wasted movements and making new and improved martial arts.<br/><br/>It was maddening, I was losing hope of ever getting out of this dark ever stretching empty space. my only source of entertainment was doing physical activities, shadow fighting, and sometimes Mathematics, and some sprinkles of Musics, and thinking random funny and or logical things.<br/><br/>Finally. I snapped, I went berserk and kept on punching, kicking, fighting like I had a real opponent trying to take me down and maybe kill me, and I rest while I eat and slurp the darkness, over and over and over again, nonstop. Until I accidentally ate Don L. Up.<br/><br/>-----*Ding-----</p>