
Students Human Nature.(Dropped Check out new novel,better then this)


Supreme_Slaughter · Action
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12 Chs

Short Chapter:1


A loud and fearful voice echoed in what seemed like a room that expanded infinitly.

This woke him up, stirring him to wonder what he had just experienced, and he stared around the room. As he surveyed his surroundings, he noticed the walls were adorned with peculiar symbols and strange writings. The air felt heavy with anticipation, and a sense of foreboding washed over him. 

But he couldn't find the source of the voice. which seemed to be coming from all directions at once.

"Hello there"

The voice again echoed, but this time he noticed that every time a word from the source was spoken, the peculiar symbols glowed.

He tried touching the symbols. However, the moment it was about to make contact, a blueish barrier was activated, which repelled him.

The next moment, a screen appeared in front of him that displayed his present circumstances.


[You're currently residing in an infinite room<909 >]

[Please wait for the guardian angel.]

[Error: No response has been detected by the angel.]

[Please wait for the investigation to be completed.]

Right after saying that, the entire room changed. 

Robots suddenly appear with a dim light in their eyes.

[Investigation Error: No admin nearby]

[Error Code:7984]

[Checking Database]

[Instructions have been found.]

 [Welcome, fellow humans. It seems that the anomaly has finally emerged.]

[It seems that there is only one]

[Nevermind, there wouldn't be any problem]

[Human, you must have been confused about what is happening.]

"Of course, what have I experienced?

I can't express it anymore; I feel numb."

[It seems that there have been multiple errors since this entry wasn't used for a long period of time.]

[ Then I will quickly explain to you what to do.]

You must take down those chosen ones who were selected by an alternate will.

An alternate will is formed after the original will has been attacked or cannot control the fate of the world and has succumbed to its nemesis. allowing them to take control.]

[You can choose to subdue the chosen one, as some may be good.]

[Those without an alternate will can have an opportunity to make a base to train, gather, and deploy to other worlds to maximize efficiency.]


[Detected that the host has no emotional self]

[Starting Emotional Re Shock]


It had been a few seconds after the countdown had been completed.

He stood there without thinking about anything.

[Emotional Re Shock has been completed]


He felt an immense headache, which signifies pain and fear.

He then started crying while suddenly breaking down and lying on the floor.

Mid-crying, he had the biggest grin and then started swearing.

Lastly, he was confused.

"Where are the other rooms, and what are the guardian angels?"

[Well, they are like you, but there is no one anymore.]

[Neither the guardian angels nor hunters like you exist; the system is barely functioning.]

[Often shutting down to conserve its last energy, I am the only guardian angle left.]

[Trapping myself in the endless dimension, I fell into eternal slubber until your arrival.]

[I will tell you the reason another time: the system is losing power and it needs to shut down.]

[Don't worry, I will implant this into your consciousness, or so-called "Soul."]

[Host is unconsciousness]

[Implant has been completed.]

[WARNING: The system will be shutting down to conserve energy.]

The host will be transported to a safe place without any interference.

[Location: Emergency #1]