
Students Human Nature.(Dropped Check out new novel,better then this)


Supreme_Slaughter · Action
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12 Chs

Prolouge (2)

"What the fuck, why did my house suddenly catch fire?"

Bitch: What happened? Why did you suddenly stop talking?

You: Dude, what do you mean I am speaking?


You:Nice prank... Dude, I know it was a prank. Stop it now.

                     [Call ended]

"Shit, why is there no signal? My calls are not going through."

(If it is one quotation mark, it means he is speaking in his mind.)

'I can't even speak now. What is happening?

His eyes widened as his surroundings changed drastically.

From fire to water, he could breathe in water.

He was strapped to a chair with invisible restraints.

He went back to his home, except his home was getting bullzozed with posters of his face with captions below them saying, 'Missing, if found, please call the authorities immediately.'

He then saw his best friend, Bitch, crying while putting up posters.

He was confused, wanting to speak but not being able to.

He wanted to stand up and hug his friend, only to realize that he was stuck in that position.

He felt hopeless.

He wondered why he was in these circumstances.

He lost his father and shortly after lost his mother due to falling into depression and having committed suicide.

His last 'family' was a bitch.

Even though he called him one, he kept on persuading his parents to adopt him, take care of him, and provide him with a new life.

His entire life flashed in front of him.

Suddenly, everything went blank.

His surroundings were now filled with darkness.

He could speak, stand, and run, but what was the use if he had no use?

The more he stared at the darkness, the more he felt it stare at him.

(outside world)

Suddenly, a person with him sitting on the chair appeared in the house, which was scheduled to be destroyed to make way for a new residential condominium.

Bitch has quickly deciphered that it was his best friend.

Authorities were kept in the dark about the cause of his body suddenly appearing in the house, even after they had searched it thoroughly.

Unfortunately, the media has caught wind of this, and it spread like fire.

"Breaking news: the home owner who was described as missing suddenly appeared at the crime scene; the police are currently investigating this."

After this, variations of the story started circulating on social media.

From superpowers to God appearing, it changed every second.

But everyone had one similarity: they did not care about the person.

They cared about who solved the mystery; by solving it, they gained a considerable amount of reputation.

(Now you all might be wondering why I am telling you about this. Well, this is because it taught me a valuable lesson about human nature and a plot for the future.)