
stuck with a ghost

This story is about a Nigeria girl who don't believe in ghosts and paranormal being, she also had a natural gift of seeing things before it happens. Her name is miracle bright, she was the only child. Her parents are not too rich. But they are living in their house and they own two cars, her parents are also people that goes to church. Miracle was stuck with a boy. A boy only her can see cause he was a ghost, she never believed her eyes. He was from another country. He was cursed, and it need to be broken. Find our more in the story.

Yetunde_Kate · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Meeting fang lin

Miracle p.o.v


In my dreams


  I saw a certain boy who seem to be lost.i tried calling him but he's ignoring me.

  "Hey where are you from"I asked him but he didn't say anything.

  "Hi, who are you,why are you here". I asked again still no reply.


   Since he's not answering me I started walking away but he called me back to my surprise.

  "Please can you help me I'm homeless".

   "You can stay at my place".

   "Really can you help".

  "Of course".I said as I held his hand and drag him with me. 

When I woke up the next day I open my eyes slowly and I saw a certain boy starring at me. I closed my eyes thinking I'm still dreaming.when I opened it again he was still starring at me.

"Ah who are you".

"You told me I can stay with you".

"No,ah I scream but he was quick to cover my mouth.

My mom ran to my room thinking I've hurt myself .

"Miracle what happened".

"Mom" I pointed to the boy and she didn't saw him.

  "What's it my baby".

  "Mom I had a very terrible dream". I lied because she couldn't see the boy.

"I hoped you prayed about it".

  "I just woke up".

"Let's hold hand and pray together". She said "okay" I said as we prayed together.


After the prayer I opened my eye and the boy is still in my room.

   "Miracle dress up so I can drive you to school". My mom's voice eco.

I dashed into the bathroom to have my bath when I came back the boy is still in my room.


   "Hey I want you to leave my room now,I need to dress up for school".

"On one condition".


   "I will follow you to school today".

  "But my class mate will see you".

"Don't worry they can't see me, only you can".


  I agreed to his condition and I went downstairs to have breakfast before my mom took me to school. When I got to school, Levi was sitting on my seat again.

"Levi please stand up". He did not seem to hear what I said so I patted him and he stood up and walked to his seat passing through the ghost boy. Seeing this made me flinch but the ghost boy told me it was normal.

  Today we were having civic education and as usual the teacher asked me to write the note on the board.

    When I went to write the note,the ghost boy was standing at the back of my seat. I turned to asked the class if they were through with the note and I saw the boy writing my note for me this made me surprise and I fixed my gaze at him. Most people in the class were already gossiping.


  When I got home I asked him why his hand couldn't passed through my pen and he told me that his hand can't pass through my things because of some unknown reason and it will be invisible to others.

   "So what's your name". I said in other to know.

   "Well I'm Fang Lin". He replied making me shocked.

"Well I'm miracle, but your name is strange".

   I was expecting him to reply me but instead he told me my mom was coming and he pushed me to my bed and covered me with my duvet.

   Immediately my mom  opened my door and was having a mixed reactions on her face.


   "I thought she was talking to someone" she said as she switched off the lights and closed my door.

   "Hey Fang Lin don't you have an English name I can call you".

  "Well you can call me Elvis".

   "Tell me about your self".

   "Hmmm, actually I'm a ghost who has been stuck with you for years now and you are the only one who can save me.  Well I can touch you and your stuff and I'm only visible to you, I can also sense people's present".

   After he said all this,I was amazed at what he could do. But I'm afraid my mom will soon find out, in my family we are very prayerful and when it comes to paranormal things I don't believe in it but my cousin (AJOKE) loves anything concerning paranormal like vampire, werewolves, mermaid, ghost and so on. I hope I don't get caught soon for keeping him in my room, from tomorrow I will make rules for Elvis...

  ... stay tuned for more...