
stuck with a ghost

This story is about a Nigeria girl who don't believe in ghosts and paranormal being, she also had a natural gift of seeing things before it happens. Her name is miracle bright, she was the only child. Her parents are not too rich. But they are living in their house and they own two cars, her parents are also people that goes to church. Miracle was stuck with a boy. A boy only her can see cause he was a ghost, she never believed her eyes. He was from another country. He was cursed, and it need to be broken. Find our more in the story.

Yetunde_Kate · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Miracle dreams

**Miracle p.o.v**

I have already written my junior examination to my senior year.

And I have also given Elvis rules. Since I'm waiting for my results to be out, my cousin AJOKE came to stay with us because her parents are out of the country.

Mom suggested she stays in my room because we could have some girls time together.


After three months of waiting for my results it's finally came out and as expected I did excellently well but some of it fang helped me.

By September I'm going to be in sss1( senior secondary school one).

My mom did the preparation and tomorrow I'm going to resume school and Ajoke is also resuming with me because her family are not yet back.


" Miracle I hope you are through with wearing your school uniform" my mom's voice echo from her room.

"Yes mom, Ajoke and I are coming" I replied.

When we got downstairs we ate breakfast happily and wave my dad bye before going to school.

When we got to school, my class mate would stop coming to my seat just to talk to Ajoke.

Ajoke is a social person unlike me so she was happy to talk to them.

Currently Ajoke and I are I'm the same department of Act.

I choose to be there because I would like to be an actress and also a script writer.

I don't know why Ajoke choose to be in this class with me but I think she wants to be a fashion designer cause she likes it.

Some minutes after the timekeeper rang the bell and every body went to their seat.

I was surprised when I saw Levi in the same class with me though I'm happy.

"I know you must be happy your crush is here". Someone whispered to me, of course it was the ghost I was stuck with.

" Just shut up". I whispered back to him.

Soon the teacher came in and he said he will change our seat partner.

Ajoke was sitting with a guy "Samuel" though the guy or boy is quite.

"Miracle". The teacher called my name and asked me to seat with levi.

Though I like it but I'm nervous.

"Okay". I said and walked gently to my seat.

"Hi". He said starting up a conversation.


"I'm glad I'm your seat partner".

"Me too". I said and things became awkward between us.


After school we went back home and Ajoke won't stop talking about how she teased her seat partner.

When Ajoke and I was done with our assignment we talked for a while about our first day in ss1 and she went to her bed to sleep.

***In my dreams***

I saw a little girl in my dream and the girl looks like me when I was little. It's was my five years old birthday when I was receiving a lot of gift. A girl who was around my current age gave me a necklace telling me not to loss it.

After I received the gift I

felt someone's presence but choose to ignore it.

....... woke up.....

The next day Ajoke and I woke up late and it affected the time we got to school,  the teacher insist we face detection but something miraculous happened. While we were still begging the teacher Fang showed up and hypnotize the teacher and told us to go in.

" Miracle what was that".

" I will explain to you after school, let get to class".

  "I need an explanation".

After the teacher let us go we went for history class, Ajoke hated it so she dragged me to seat with her at the back.

  "Miracle start your explanation now".

   "Well I'm stuck with a ghost".


  " I don't understand what you are taking about".

  "Ajoke wait till we get home you will understand, okay?".

