
Stuck in the human realm?! The Return to Hell Conquest Starts Now!

After the fallen angel Lucifer gives an order to one of his generals Astrea to gather up her troops in order to prepare for war with heaven; She was suddenly transported out of hell by her friend and to the realm where humankind to save her from an angel who was ordered by God to take out all of Lucifer's generals. Now stuck in the human realm, she must now try her best to defend herself from all of the angels that attempt to hunt her down as she tries to find a way back home.

SoraNekohime · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 3 [The First Contact with a Angel in the Human Realm]

.. Still on the same apartment building rooftop...

Now that I managed to get in contact and inform him of the current situation, I should probably start looking for any demons living in secret or hiding in the city to try and gain information on how to get back home.

The search could taker her from just a few weeks to months, especially if she didn't which area of the city she should do her search first. Although, this was gonna be easier for her since other demons could see each other's real form with just a quick glance, aside from being able to feel each other's energy from just being in close proximity to each other.


She made her demon wings materialize and took off heading to Central Park.

"Well, well, well... Look at what evil brought in..." A woman with white-colored wings and a halo on her head appeared behind Astrea who was trying to detect any traces of demonic energy in the said park.

"What do you want, angel?" Astrea asked, pointing her broadsword at the celestial being.

"Good question, What indeed..." The angel grinned, making a bow made of light materialize in he hand as well as an arrow made of the same light that the aforementioned bow had been made of.


The angel fired her first arrow at Astrea, which was dodged thanks to her fast reflexes.

It doesn't look like I'll be able to deflect those... Fuck.

Seing how it was made of light, it was impossible to even try to it the arrows with he sword since it didn't have a solid for to begin with.

"Nice try, You can't hit me with those." Astrea provoked, charging at the angel after making her armor materialize on her own body, as well as discard her disquise- making her horns materialize as well as her tail.


The angel immediately jumped out of the way of her blade and landed behind her after which Astrea was almost caught off guard of, but she already expected that to happen from her battle expiriences and quickly herself around to face her enemy.

"If a fight is what you want, fine." Astrea brandishes her sword in preparation of another strike towards the said angel who merely laughed as she found the female demon noticing how the blade just missed.

"You know, I was supposed to eliminate you the moment you appeared here in this city. But I decided to observe you for now- But now that You've caused some trouble... I'll have to exterminate you." The angel clearly wasn't messing around as she explained her business with Astrea.

So that's why I had an urge to lay low... Angelic aura really gets my blood boiling...

"Really? My friend teleported me out of hell just to what? Get killed by You? Don't make me laugh! I'm not just gonna let you kill me!"

Another charge was made towards the angel by Astrea and this time the said celestial turned her bow into something the resembles a sword.


"Oh, Looks like your sword has a material form..." Astrea smirked at how she could now she could now have some fun after not being able to fight any worthy opponents for whole three eons, her eyes glowed as she started to emit a demonic aura around herself.

"Are you stupid or something? Of course it does! It's a sword, after all!" The angel replied.

Both their movement speed were almost the same as the battle went on... Both not showing any signs of exhaustion after meeting both of their blades over... and over again.

With no one around the said park since it was the middle of the night, the angel won't have to worry about any humans being hit during their fight.

Now's my chance!

Finding a opening, Astrea silently casted a spell that caught the angel by surprise and was hit quite easily... It was a strong offensive spell that sent her enemy flying back a few meters.

The strength of the impact could make the angel cough up blood if angels actually did indeed have the ability to bleed like a human being, the battle was almost quickly ended by that said move but the angel that she was facing was quite the tough one. It was gonna be that easy was what Astrea thought seeing her enemy still able to get back up after that impact into a concrete wall of a nearby building.

"I'm surprised that you could still get up after that spell!" Astrea immediately charged at her enemy with a menacing grin across her face.


A punch quickly followed as Astrea got within range of the angel who only managed to get back up on her two feet.

This demon is tough... How is she getting faster than me...? Has she absorbed that much negative energy already? The angel thought, noticing that her opponent's speed was quickly getting faster than her own.

Beknownst to the angel, Astrea had also caused some chaos as she made her way to their current location- in an corner that she couldn't see.

The negative energy that her oponent was beyond what she expected when she decided to show herself to Astrea a few moments ago.

She was now incapacitated by her enemy.

Astrea was now in the checkmate, as long as chess was concerned... Her aura spreading around the nearby area, she quickly detected a demonic presence inside of one of the nearby apartment buildings the moment her aura reached it.

Now having no reason to continue her fight, Astrea said to her oponent: "I'm done here, You aren't even a worthy oponent." and took off towards the mentioned apartment building where a person- possibly a demon-in-disquise was currently located.

"Dammit! She got away!" The angel was quite frustrated that a mere demon was able to defeat her, with no other choice, she made a tactical retreat back to heaven.

"I should really be careful when I do those "scans" next time..." Astrea said to herself, making her way in her target apartment building.

[End of Chapter]