
Stuck in the human realm?! The Return to Hell Conquest Starts Now!

After the fallen angel Lucifer gives an order to one of his generals Astrea to gather up her troops in order to prepare for war with heaven; She was suddenly transported out of hell by her friend and to the realm where humankind to save her from an angel who was ordered by God to take out all of Lucifer's generals. Now stuck in the human realm, she must now try her best to defend herself from all of the angels that attempt to hunt her down as she tries to find a way back home.

SoraNekohime · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 2 [First Contact]

Somewhere in the city of New York...

"Now, How do I get back to hell? I'm not capable of using a powerful enough teleportation spell that I could use to get back..." Astrea pondered, wandering around the busy streets of the modern city disguised as a female human still wearing her armor.

"Hey, check that out." A man in his early twenties spoke to another man who was a bit older than the other, noticing Astrea who was walking around in public looking like some armor-crazed woman.

She stuck out like a sore thumb.

Looks like I need to change into their clothes and try and blend into their society as I look for a way back home.

With a mere snap of her fingers, her armor disappeared and casual-looking clothes appeared on her body.

This is better than attracting unnecessary attention, even though I only merely made my armor look like normal human clothing.

She thought, pretending to not hear a word that aforementioned man had just blurted out.

I need to lay low in case an angel or two tries to look for me.

This situation is stupid no matter how I look at it! How the hell do I lead Lucifer's- My lord's army if I'm stuck here in the human realm?! And what's worse is I wasn't even able to defend the palace when that angel attacked because of Mezroth suddenly teleporting out of that place!

Who does she think she is?! Some friend she is!

All of that wandering around whilst being frustrated about the whole thing landed her in a really sketchy are of the city where the crime rates are high.

Astrea was now in the tremont area of the city.

"I should probably try and get in touch with Lord Lucifer for now..." Astrea who was at a loss on what to do now, being stuck in the realm where human beings resided without any leads as to how to get back to hell, figured that it was the right thing to do to assess the situation with the angel wreaking havoc.

Doesn't look like I'll be able to use that much magic in this place... Shit.

Astrea not only just realized that she just wasted some of her power on turning a part of her own armor into a weapon and transforming the rest of it into normal human clothes, but she also realized that she needed to cause fear and chaos in order recharge this "power."

But is my strength gonna be the same as it was in hell?

Astrea attempted to lift nearby parked car on the street that she had somehow wandered onto.

She was able to lift it up with no issues whatsoever.

Ok, atleast my strength doesn't appear to have been affected by being in this realm.

Unlike in hell where the environment was always chaotic due to the souls of the damned being burned and turning into energy for the denizens of hell itself, the human realm did not work that way.

Being forced to cause chaos just to make sure that she had some magic that she could use at anytime, Astrea began to start a small amount of chaos by blowing up some of the parked cars nearby via making them crash into each other using small amounts of her magic until it started the "chaos" of people panicking due to why the said vehicles started to move on their own despite having them all on parking breaks.

Once she felt she had enough "energy", she started to cause bigger and bigger amounts of it by mind controlling some of the nearby innocent into hurting each other.

Good, looks like I'm gonna be fine here for the time being with my magic as long as I make sure that I have enough energy reserved for in case I needed and I now have enough for contacting.

Feeling satisfied at what she learned, she slowly walked away fro the neighborhood that she was currently in and into another where she found some muggers who attempted to assault her while she attempted to draw a demonic-looking pentagram in a dark alley where no one would see her talking to her commander Lucifer.

"Hey there, Miss... Whatcha' doin' there?" A scruffy-looking man around his thirties wearing a hoodie with the hood itself on his head and denim jeans.

Oh, Fuck off! You're a waste of my time!

Annoyed of being interupted, she sent the man flying out of the mentioned alley that was actually a good example of a place that you'd most likely get mugged in if you happen to wander into one.

All of the passersby stared at the man as he stopped on the sidewalk connected to the alleyway landing face first on to the pavement seemingly confused as to how and why he was flying.

"Whoa, did you see that?"

"That's some weird shit."

"Is he ok? Someone call an ambulance!"

Were some of what the passersby had said out loud as they saw the hooded-guy seemingly fly out of the alley like he was a superhero.

That damn woman... Is she even human...?

The man attempted to get back up on his feet but the broken bones on his body sent him into a deep agony- it was painful to the point that he wished that he had died.

Looks like I'll have to move somewhere since those other humans will most likely disturb me in the next few moments.

She jumped up on top of one of the apartment buildings that was acting like walls for the said alley, she then attempted to continue her business up there at the top.

"My lord, can you hear me? This is Astrea, Someone has for some reason teleported me into the human realm during the attack of the angel that went into hell." Astrea stated, after finishing the activation of the pentagram.

It was currently night time when she did this meaning she has triple the amount of power that she would normal have if it was the middle of the day.

A distinct voice went through, it was a very familiar voice to her- it was the voice of her commander Lucifer himself: "What? So my guess was right. I sensed somebody using teleportation magic in my palace earlier, I had no idea it was someone that was attempting to teleport you."

Huh? He seems calm about the whole thing... Did he hit his head or something?

Astrea couldn't believe what she had just heard from Lucifer's mouth- she was in disbelief.

Lucifer not hearing any replies from his subordinate, continues: "I'll see what I could do in the meantime to get you back here, Just do your best to also find a way back. You're punishment for letting your guard down will come when you get back."


She was relieved and scared simultaneously, hearing that Lucifer was still himself.

"Yes, my Lord."

I'm not looking forward to that "punishment..."

[End of Chapter]