
Stuck in between (In a Love triangle )

Getting into Barbs high school was every teens dream in the big city. Eighteen years old Belle just got a scholarship to study there; and she was willing to become one of their very best. The school was one of the most recommended rich schools in the big city of Lurwell; which contained top notch kids who were pampered and rude. Barbs high school had two stars that makes fellow students go gaga for. They were Lucas and John. The same age mate with Belle. They might have the whole school attention directed at them but they had different characteristics. Lucas was a gentle bookworm and gets unfiltered attention from half of the girls. Although he was poor and also on scholarship, being smart and handsome pulled him to the top. John was the nonchalant type, gets the girls attention but never brainy and a big time bully with Lucas as his sworn enemy. His well influence father made him reach the top. Now fate had it way and the two guys liked the same girl. Who would belle choose? Lucas or John? Find out in this sizzling story.

mariam_adegoke · Teen
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7 Chs

Chapter Three

"Good morning seniors" a junior female student greeted aloud as soon as she entered; she sounded more classic than her looks.

With head bowed down, she resumed walking along the columns of the class towards the person she came to look for.

"Did I tell you she's the one for me?" A back bencher said to his mate.

"Oh yeah" he replied and continued pressing his phone.

Then suddenly students started vacating their class as they moved along the corridors chattering happily.

"What's going on?" Belle's mind seconded as she stretched forth her neck gawking after them.

The junior seemed super excited.

Belle glanced across the class and noticed they didn't care about what would cause the reel up of other students.

She can attest to the fact that the class was not a caring one.

It was morning and the teachers were having their usual general meeting as always.

So the class was like this than preparing for the next class.

🗣️I heard that Mr Bernard has a crush on Miss Eugene.

👥 What ? Really? That shy man!

🗣️Oh please stop it now what association does maths have with English?

🗣️I think it's such a good news, I should put it on the school's blog.

👥What ? Hey miss update. Don't even dare such, you might have to face the senate or probably solve more maths solution for the juniors.

🗣️ I'm really envious of Miss Eugene, someone's crushing on her.

"🗣️Yeah that's right, but how do you think Mr Bernard would toast her to even get to know her better?

🗣️Hey! Don't you know? (began imitating) x²-y⁴=1?. Find x if two triangles kissed themselves by the cheek?

And everyone burst out laughing so hard.

👥Ohh; look how perfect you joined two different parties in your imaginary world.

Belle smiled at the joke and faced front.

Moreover she doesn't have any friend to talk with except for...

Snail? Pinocchio?

Belle looked over her left shoulder using her side eye.

Ella had her head bent over her desk.

She wondered why because she was always the class parrot.

"Hey! You okay?She started the conversation to get her attention.

Slowly, Ella peeled her head off the desk glancing at Belle.

"Oh you're finally talking to me" she couldn't stop herself from probing Belle.

"I..." Belle wanted to say but Ella kept talking.

"There's a lot things to this school name, first of is..." Ella went on and on.

All what Belle could hear was mosquito pestering her.

"It's enough, please keep sleeping"Belle told her and increased the volume of her music.

Moreover she shouldn't be mean to someone who showed alot of empathy on her first day.

The girl halted when she made to pass through Belle.

When Belle noticed this, she stared at her for a while without removing her ear pods.

When it was getting really awkward between them, the girl stylishly walked on.

"Hi" she said to Belle who instantly removed her ear pods but before she could place it aside, she was no longer with her.

Belle turned back and saw her with Stephanie; whispering to her.

Oh! Another errand girl.

She rolled her eyes and made to turn but Stephanie screamed.

"Oh my goodness, he's here?" She asked for the uptempth time making everyone spare their attention to her.

The girl only gave a nod.

"John is around class" she shouted loud and everyone screamed happily while they troop out of the class.

Stephanie was still in class, making up for what was that his name...


"Perfect" she admired herself and went out of the class totally ignoring Belle and that was it.

"What do you think you are waiting for? Let's go"Ella asked dragging her hand up.

"I have nothing to do with the person you are screaming for, so please pass me by" Belle spoke as a matter of fact.

"Okay, wait until they rub you with theft" Ella concluded and left her alone.

"What?" Belle's eyes opened wide on hearing that and she quickly cleared the desk and ran after Ella.

"Hey wait for me" Belle muttered running to meet up with her.


"Where did she go now?" Belle thought within as she checked each class but they were emptied.

She had only opened the door to the locker rooms for students before she started hearing voices hailing two different names.

She popped out her head and her eyes scanned the whole population.

The school was another China.

She jumped up on her toes but couldn't see forward since she was at the far end of the crowd.

Belle had to push her way into the crowd and only stopped at fifteen steps away from two attractive guys.

👥Oh God, are these people some kind of god?

"How I wish" Belle thought as she kept staring at them while her jaw dropped in awe.

The beautiful ones had been born!

"Hello worm!" A tall guy that had practically white hair complimented sarcastically at the dark haired guy beside him.

Belle's forehead creased together into a frown at the remark and she disliked him at the moment.

What use was it when people compliment fellow people who had good looks but show disrespect.

He had the bad guy looks but he was cute in everything.

👥 Can't he be a little easy?

A lot of gasps was earned after the swear word, which echoed all over the place.

The dark haired guy identified as John slammed his locker door in response while adjusting the blue backbag that rested on one of his shoulders.

"I don't have your time, kinda busy" he humoured as he tried to leave the midst of students that were crazy over him.

"Not so fast,dude"Lucas held John's hoodie and passed a punch but got smartly dodged by John.

Another gasp followed.

There was an impulsive flow of blood over Lucas face.

He was shocked but tried to settle his uneasiness momentarily.

John smirked and gathered at his uniform "I recollect telling you I'm busy,uhn?

👥Go John

🗣️I love you senior John

👥Deal with the loser mehn

👥 Fighting! Fighting! Fighting

The students hyped him while they ignored Lucas.

It's an obvious scene that the school was over John than him.

His action of his dealt a huge blow to Lucas body and he immediately shrugged himself away before finally staggering.

A displeased groan was passed across at John from Lucas side.

Lucas felt embarrassed and he felt the need to not give up.

"Let's meet at the rooftop if you are man enough" he said as soon as he steadied himself.

"Okay since that is what you want" John agreed spontaneously but Lucas jaw dropped.

He didn't expect such.

"You are agreeing too easily aren't you? " He asked like he was already terrified of John.

"That must have surprised you, never mind I will get more surprises ready when I visit the roof top" John insisted coldly and Lucas took it as a bait to excuse himself.

The students divided apart like the red sea and he walked out with his gang.

Mrs Cha the assistant propiertress showed up in front of the door just when he was about to leave.

Lucas grumbled and puts his face aside.

"Who are you inviting to the roof top? She demanded aloud causing every noise to die down.

"Non of your business woman, probably your 'son' might provide you the answer you seek" His eyes locked with John's as he spoke the words disrespectfully.

Belle's mouth went ajar.

How rude!

"Out of here now!!!" Mrs Cha ordered as she tried to comport herself from slapping him and he made calculative steps out of her sight.

Unfortunately she couldn't do him as she wished or she might lose her job.

Her face softened when she sighted John.

"Oh goodness me, are you okay dear? She prompted him as soon as she stood before him.

"Yes ma'am " he explained and smiled.

Meanwhile, his smiles made some girls passed out and the rest threw comments his way.

👥Oh my gosh, look at those set of teeth

🗣️I love you John

👥I want to be his girlfriend one day

"What about the competition? Hope you are ready for it? Mrs Cha went on but he smiled in return.

Mrs Cha then led the way out of the crowd with John who followed without hesitating.

He was glad she came by anyways, he was immuned from the girls touch whenever he was around her.

Girls like Stephanie fumed hard as she dragged her hair insanely and cleaned her makeup in a haphazard way.

The woman was always stealing her slim chances of starting a conversation with John and she had always emerged as the winner.

Anytime she sees them together, Stephanie always believed there was something sneaky about them.

Soon, the students were returning to their classes in groups but Belle refused to move along with the crowd.

They might trash her to the ground.

While she was waiting for the crowd to pull over, she noticed some girl in a corner behaving in an erratic kind of way.

"Ahhhhh" she screamed taken aback as she pat at her chest.

It was Stephanie! Alone!

Stephanie looked over at her and discovered who it was.

"Just pretend you didn't see anything, ok? She begged.

"I can't do that" Belle fired at her as she felt the need to taunt her back.

She took her phone out and took numerous picture of her.

"Will you stop that? Stephanie howled at her.

"I suddenly can't control my hands" Belle replied her and laughed.

She would look at the pictures in her lone time and laugh out her ass.

Belle pocketed her phone and pretended just as Stephanie wants,but when she took a step forward, she slipped and was at the edge of falling but two firm hands caught hold of her.

"Are you alright? John asked but Belle could only stare at him in a surprising manner.

She peering into that eyes of his made her dumb.

Where on earth did he pop out of!

She hadn't expected it.

He was just at the nick of time when he saw her slipping off her balance.

Stephanie gritted her teeth in annoyance as she watched the scenario taking place before her.

Another competition before her very own eyes.

John helped her to stand properly and when she made to thank him, a hiccup came on.

He giggled and shook his head " I understand, you must have been shocked"

"Be careful next time " he said and went away.

"You..." Stephanie uttered across with a look of jealousy.

Someone she didn't get to say hi to was who Belle fell into his hands.

"What?" Belle huffed at her, brought out her phone and took some more clicks of picture of her once again.

"Haaaa! Darn that! Stephanie cussed and went away.

Belle walked into her class and was quick to pick up the cold atmosphere.

She doesn't want to cause a scene so she tiptoed to her seat, she spotted John at the nook of the class and she passed him a smile but he rejected it with a cold look.

Her smile soon fell off and she slowly glanced back to see Lucas staring at John.

She gulped in nothing and faced her front.


"Meet me on the rooftop" Lucas said to John as he passed him on their break.

Everyone's eyes were on them as they watched out for John's reaction.

But John kept studying the book in his hands and had a earphone with loud music blaring from it in his ears.

After some minutes passed, he stood up and walked out of the class.

🗣️Oh my goodness there's going to be a fight

🗣️I don't want John to be hurt

👥Lucas is more terrible than I thought

🗣️I used to like John before but now I love Lucas

👥Oh no I don't want John to get a blood stain on his cute face

Hearing that last statement, Belle bust out of the class and no one felt concerned about it.

She wanted to know what will happen between the guys.

When she got to the floor that led to the rooftop, she met with John who was returning but he didn't speak with her.

Still eager, she moved and opened the door to the roof top.

"Oh look who's here? Someone spoke up as she got frightened.

"Oh my goodness, sorry I'm at the wrong place" she said scared as she turned back to open the door but it couldn't open.

"Please help me" she turned in on them for help but they laughed at her.

Lucas stepped forward smirking while accessing her.

She felt uncomfortable and looked away from him.

His next line of speech made her fear for herself.

"You must have missed the note, but you can't withdraw away from this place..."