
Stuck in between (In a Love triangle )

Getting into Barbs high school was every teens dream in the big city. Eighteen years old Belle just got a scholarship to study there; and she was willing to become one of their very best. The school was one of the most recommended rich schools in the big city of Lurwell; which contained top notch kids who were pampered and rude. Barbs high school had two stars that makes fellow students go gaga for. They were Lucas and John. The same age mate with Belle. They might have the whole school attention directed at them but they had different characteristics. Lucas was a gentle bookworm and gets unfiltered attention from half of the girls. Although he was poor and also on scholarship, being smart and handsome pulled him to the top. John was the nonchalant type, gets the girls attention but never brainy and a big time bully with Lucas as his sworn enemy. His well influence father made him reach the top. Now fate had it way and the two guys liked the same girl. Who would belle choose? Lucas or John? Find out in this sizzling story.

mariam_adegoke · Teen
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7 Chs

Chapter Four

"You must have missed the note, but you can't withdraw away from this place..." Lucas made it known to Aries.

Aries cleared her throat and revealed her teeth in a strange way.

She left the door knob and folded her two hands at her back, she gave the guy on the left side of Lucas a bombastic side eye after he dropped a stick of cigarette.

He noticed her staring at him and quickly used his sneaker to crush it before giving her a frown.

Then she acted like she wasn't staring at his direction.

"I...I swear but I didn't see anything" she said while waving a hand at him vehemently.

Lucas let out an unworthy chuckle before turning his back at her exposing what he had been hiding for a while.


"Of course you didn't see a thing"

He moved closer to a table and bent beside it, he took out a paper and poured some whitish substance before sniffing it into his nose.

Belle coughed out because she felt suffocated even though they were in open space and pass the guys a little smile after.

Lucas exhaled sharply after sniffing and turned to look at Belle with blood shot eyes; the remains of the substance stayed below his nostrils which he refused to wipe off.

Twitching his mouth, he let out a very loud laughter that resonated continuously into Belle's eardrums.

She was doomed!

"You must have been too curious, miss know all" he started as he began taking calculative steps towards her while he pocketed his hands and she instinctively took steps backwards.

She could also see his members taking dangerous weapons with them, coming at her.

Three options of cruel deaths was what kept recalling in her head; if they didn't harm her with their weapons to death then she must choke while sniffing the whitish substance or perhaps they might pushed her off the building.

How many storeys does the school have again?



She couldn't even count it, darn it she could fall down over a skyscraper and no soul would watch a glimpse of her last moment.

No this can't be happening.

"Don't you think you are doing too much willingly welcoming your punishment?" Lucas requested from her.

She opened her eyes and realized they were at her front, her adrenaline rushed crazy and she found herself falling backward pushing the door open in the process.

Poor Belle!

She couldn't even scream as she looked like it was even better than dieing by their hands.

But then it dawned on her - the stairs.

Was that supposed to be among the options?

She would not only die but her head will scatter everywhere.

What other death can be more gruesome to that!

She wished she could stop falling but that was far into the world of fantasy to her own world of realities.

She even wished she could sight the elevator that would take her to her class after hopefully she didn't sustain much injury from falling down the stairs.

But no that was her crazy thinking.

Indeed she was falling into the cold hands of death.

All of a sudden, her body paused in mid air and she rose up, Belle looked at her side and saw him holding her tightly.


Her toes curled in happiness seeing that someone actually came for her.

But wait!

It means the door didn't open by itself but someone had opened it just on time and helped her in the process.

That person was John.

Oh heavens!

Lucas was quick to bow his head and used his hand to cover his nose.

The other boys hid their weapons quickly too.

His belief was that an entity had become aware of their stay place and had come for interrogations.

"Are you okay?" John asked Belle and Lucas raised his head at him.

He would never mistake that voice!

"So...it was you?" He asked as he stepped at their front with a lopsided smile while his eyes did the scanning of the outside.

"I do remember warning you to not open the door in this way, right? He went on but John only blinked.

Belle had every right to keep shut moreover she was just rescued.

Lucas sighed and gawked at him "Ahhhhh, I forgot you don't speak with addicts like me"

He pulled out his hand and tried to take Belle back inside but John refused to let go.

Please don't give up on me" Belle prayed silently in her mind.

Lucas looked at him and laughed without control.

"What? Why? What business does she have with you? He challenged frustrated, uncomfortable with the way the door was left opened.

"I should be the one asking you that" John protested at him.

"Me? Well...she discovered what she shouldn't have and I was going to make her pay" he confessed touching his chest as he let yet another insane chuckle out.

"I'm sorry but I won't be able to do that, screw you" John said and slammed the door at his face before leading Belle away.

"I will come for the two of you" they could hear Lucas yell behind the closed door.

Belle saw the write up on their way down the flight of stairs that was written in bold capital letters: OFF LIMITS.

If it was off limits then what was that goat doing in there?

His money must have gained him the access.

She heaved gently and looked at John, he wore a serious expression as he walked fast and at the moment she read his feeling.

He wanted to be out of there ASAP!

Belle gawked at their locked hands, he was still holding unto her even though they were far from their fetcher.

But she liked it anyways, what if she let go of his hand and Lucas took it from the back.

That Lucas of a guy shouldn't be underestimated at all.

She watched people escaped in movies and how they still end up with who captured them.

She was not letting that happen to her.

Soon they reached the elevator and John pressed the buttons to reveal the inside.

They stepped in and staying inside the elevator made Belle feel safe.

Meanwhile John was just getting back to himself and he sighed gently while he did that, he noticed someone with him.

Oh the girl he saved, he looked at her then at their locked hands, John widened his eyes and separated his hand from her immediately.

Belle glanced at him and he cleared his throat noisily before stepping away at a good distance from her.

"I'm sorry" she pleaded to him as she took in her lips and bent her head.

Of course she was sorry for the all the stress she made him pass through.

John closed his eyes as he gently gave a head nod.

"What were you you doing there, in the first place? He obliged her with eyes still shut.


John had taken the last stair before he realized that the girl he met on his way down was not tagging along.

Does she knows how dangerous it was to be there?

He turned back and searched for her but he couldn't find her.

Why won't some people face their life? He thought but another kind of thought crossed his mind.

"What if she was one of the boys girlfriend? Or she might even be some girl they are using for information.

He shouldn't just be jumping into conclusions already.

Concluding on that fact, he walked on but it kept bugging him and he decided to follow his mind.

She was too innocent to be one of the boys girlfriend and she was no good for an informant.

She looked like she was touring the school.

Those newbies!

John took to the stairs running but he later stopped on his tracks to take the elevator which would cut short his journey.

When he reached the roof top way, he felt the eerie aura of the place.

And his guess was only directed at the door.

John calmed down and told himself it couldn't be what he had thought of and he went near the door.

He was contemplating of his action but that time was when he heard Lucas saying "Don't you think you are doing too much willingly welcoming your punishment?"

John didn't think twice before he opened the door in case he would regret it in the future.

And there she was, already placing herself in a deep mess.

"What were you you doing there, in the first place? He obliged her with eyes still shut.

Belle gulped in nothing and cleared her throat but she stopped halfway.

She can't tell him she wanted to discover what the boys were up to.

So she faced him and smiled.

"I...I was just touring round the school, you know?" She tried to sound convincing.

"Just touring? He probed her doubting.

"Yes" she affirmed boldly as she kept her fake smile intact.

His guts tells the truth but he didn't bother to ask her further.

That was non of his concern.

"Okay...hope you are aware that you are no longer safe? He let out the question that worried him.

"What? Why? She insisted as they got out of the elevator, they were now in a busy side now as they were still on break.

"Keep your voice low, no one must know" he made sure to caution her.

Oh goodness she was still doomed!

She moved closed to him as they walked towards their class.

"You know about them too but you are still safe? " She showed her curiosity again.

John halted his steps and gave her a deadly glare which she immediately regretted asking him.

"We must have gotten close to start discussing that " he spoke sarcastically as he finally entered the class leaving her all to herself at the entrance.

She should know her limit.

But wait! He was the guy she put all her trust in a while ago and he just got pissed because she asked a simple question!!

Something was off him and she would find it.

🗣️Oh John can you help me with this problem, I can't get the solution after countless solving

👥 I had a terrible headache yesternight while doing this work but I can't get any answers.

The girls that surrounded John's seat began telling all sorts of lie as soon as they saw him coming to his seat.

They always do that so that they can get in touch with him.

When he settled down, he made to bow his head and doze off but he saw a question that drew his attention, John collected it and answered it causing the girls to purr in excitement.

Belle rolled her eyes and went to sit down.

Soon after break was over and Lucas with his class came into the class.

They made sure to have an eye lock with her which caused her to sweat internally.

Belle was not comfortable anymore, should wondered if she would be able to do little things by herself again, like urinating.

Because with them, she was better off doing it on her body.

But the eye lock was not all, Lucas intentionally passed her side, stopped and pushed her pen beside the table.

Belle didn't figure that it was done intentionally so she bent when Lucas did and they picked the pen together.

"I'm here to warn you, if news circulate about me then you will know my other name"he said smirking and picked up the pen before her on the table before going to sit on his seat.

John stared at her, it was obvious to him that he knew what transpired between them.

He pitied her though.

But he shouldn't at all what she needs to do was to keep her mouth shut.

She shook mildly before sitting back on her sit but Ella noticed that.

"Uhn? Are you okay? She asked but Belle faked a smile.

John threw his head back.

"That fake smile" he thought unbelievably.

"Y...yes I am" Belle responded and faced her front.