
Stuck in a World of Horror

Being murdered by a psycho ex who might have been a serial killer? Check Resurrection over nonsensical reasons? Apparently so Being brought back to get murdered a second time because apparently it's funnier if you resurrect in a horror movie? Hey, why's God screwing me over this fast? At least take me out to dinner first, you coward. From now on, this will also be crossposted on RoyalRoad, Ao3 and FF

Yurinma · Movies
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Can't Fear Your Own World

A drop. A drop of what you may ask yourself? Good question because I don't know either, my head was killing me, all things considered, because this damn faucet kept dropping water onto my head. This and the damn cold.

Confusion etched on my face as I tried to understand what I just thought to myself, why was I underneath a faucet, and why was I wet? Blinking, I cursed myself because water fell directly onto my eyes, just my luck really, but what other strange thing that I noticed was the decrepit look that overwhelmed the admittedly dinky bathroom I was in.

Pursuing my lips, I slowly got up to notice a key on the bathtub, which I was apparently stuck in for whatever reason, that was the reason why I was so damn cold, weird really. Why was I here? I didn't like this one bit, especially because from the corner of my eye, I could see two other men stuck here with me.

One was on the fl- was that blood? Next to one of the men, there was a gun, and a strange red liquid which I doubt was cranberry sauce, the other was stuck as his leg was... was... chained to the pipe. If there was any blood in my face, it left right now as I was stupefied to say the least, terrified would be an understatement.

"Fuck," I swore to myself as I looked around me, searching for a key I prayed to God was there, and thank the Lord it was standing there on the water, as I had already understood what exactly was going on, even if the more rational part of my mind tried to tell that it made no fucking sense.

Either I had been kidnapped by a copycat killer whose method was to make scenes out of horror movies, or I was in a horror movie. More specifically Saw.

Suffice to say, both were actually pretty fucking shit, yet somehow, I would still take the former before the latter. At least that's what I thought to myself as I found myself in the place of... of... What was this guy's name again? I knew that it began with A and that's about it.

An uneasy smile creeped onto my face as I made sure that the key wouldn't fall onto the bathtub's hole like it had done with the other guy. I wasn't going to die this fast, I would live my life, even if on spite.

Kramer had one of those Walkman on his hand, and then I decided to pick up the clues that were left to me, including the cigarette and the gun, I didn't want to get shot like movie-me had gotten before I had to save Doctor Lawrence's life from Zep... Why the hell could I remember Zep's name and not my own? No, wait, the Walkman, yeah, there should be my name in one of them!

I couldn't figure out why me living equaled an entire fucking family dead. I didn't even allow myself to recheck his tape so that I had plausible deniability. But then I heard my own tape.

"Rise and shine, Adam. You're probably wondering where you are. I'll tell you where you might be. You might be in the room that you die in. Up until now, you've simply sat in the shadows watching others live out their lives. But what do voyeurs see when they look into the mirror? Now I see you as a strange mix of someone angry, yet apathetic. But mostly just pathetic. So are you going to watch yourself die here today, Adam, or do something about it?"

"Wait... My name's... Adam? Really? Adam what?" I was... I don't know, I think I was expecting a much cooler name than just 'Adam', it just sounded so generic, you know? Maybe you didn't know.

Then there were the bonesaws which I had found with the whole 'search in the heart' puzzle, which I was currently trying to use as leverage to open the door, but damn these motherfuckers put this thing too well.

"Maybe I can saw away with this thing if I file away for a long time," After all, I just gotta stay alive until six, and what time it is?

Well, I still have like, six hours and uh, oh shit, today's the day before 9/11, what the fuck? Man, this week's gonna be pretty shit if I actually manage to survive today.

"Oh," I told myself as I continued filing away the door, hoping that I would be able to get something out of it, like a secret ending, although I really wanted someone to stop me and explain what was happening, last I checked I was gargling on my own blood, after getting stabbed by an psycho ex, really.

Wait, could my key work on Gordon's chain? Clumsily picking the key, I tried to use it on the chain, but no cigar. Fuck.

Likely Zep had it then, and that he had to come here with the darn thing, and then I would have to beat him up, of course, assuming I want Doctor Gordon to live.

I tapped my forehead a couple times as I tried to imagine what exactly I should be doing this time around, did I want to follow the 'plot' of the movie and altering it just enough for my ass to stay alive? I'm sure that someone would mention about the butterfly flapping it's wings, but fuck you, I want to stay alive.

"Wait, maybe the dead guy has something himself," I said with a snap of my fingers, aloud of course since I know that Zep is watching us, and I don't want him, or even Kramer, to be suspicious of me.

Slowly I took Kramer from that bloodbath he made onto himself, and checked his clothes, I pursued my lips, someone panicking would've noticed that there was no exit hole for the gun, but you know, I had the foresight of actually seeing the whole fucking saga to the point where I can remember pretty much everything...


I'm assuming that this is due to external factors than me being dumb, of course, it just didn't make sense to remember everything but one of the few goddamn actors in this movie, I mean, hell, it's not like there were more than 10 actually important characters in the first Saw movie for fuck's sake.

Gordon, David, Kramer, Amanda, Allison, the other Alison, Zep, Diana, myself and Sing. And then there's those one-off characters that are shown to die like Paul, Jeff, Donnie and that-

I get it now, what I can do to save the two of us, just stay asleep for a bit longer, while I try my best to save both of our asses here Doctor Gordon, yeah.

I grabbed the toilet lid, the same one I was supposed to kill Zep with, but this time I do have the gun. Towering over Gordon, as he still was asleep.

And I slammed it onto Gordon, the man shouted, but I hit it a couple more times, at least until I heard the bone crack, before he could even ask me what the hell I was doing, I slid the chain off his foot, and I got a boot on my face as a 'thank you' for it.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" He asked as I motioned around us.

"Trying to save the two of us if that wasn't obvious," I told him as I threw the video cassette towards him as I went to sit on the dirty toilet, not like I had any choice. I had to wait until 6pm, then it would be all right.

"What?" He asked himself as he noticed the very shitty situation we were in.

"We, my friend, have been kidnapped by uh, Jigsaw, and yeah, we're supposed to get the hell out of here, so I decided to help you out since there's probably more to it than just this escape room," I told him as I sighed, it was gonna be a few really long fucking hours, if I'm being honest.

Admittedly, I've been reading "The Game at Carousel" and used it as a big inspiration for the system used in this story.

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