
The clinic.

''Wouldn't that be...?'' David asks the man

''Yeah it probably is...'' The man responds.

''What? You know something about this?'' The caretaker asks back.

''Well yeah...'' David responds.

''It's a woman who came here with us.'' The man explains.

''Came here with you huh? Where did you come from?''


''It's a long story.'' David cuts in.

''I could imagine...'' The man responds.

''Git!'' The caretaker kicks the horse to rile it up. They ride for a few more minutes before the caretaker stops at his clinic.

''Is this the one?'' The caretaker asks a man trying to take care of the woman.

''Yes doctor!'' The man answers.

''Hey I really don't need a doctor! I'm just fine!'' The woman says, slightly panicked.

''Just fine? You can't even move!'' The man answers back.

''Well, let's just get you into the clinic so I can have a look at you ok?'' The caretaker says.

''No! Let go of me!''

The men carry the group into the clinic and lay them all down on beds that are stationed in the clinic.

''Now let's have a look at all of you.''

''Tommy! Let's start with this one.'' The doctor says, pointing at David.

''Yes! Right away!'' The boy responds.

''What is your name son?'' The doctor asks David.

''David.'' David responds.

''Can You feel anything in those legs of yours, David?''

''No, not really.''

''How about your arms?''

''No. Nothing.''

''Alright, guess i don't have to worry about sedation then.''

''Let's see here... Broken femur...''


The doctor pushes the bone back into place.

''You got strong bones son.'' The doctor says to David.

''Thanks?'' David responds.

''Bit of a puncture wound there. Looks infected. Tommy!''

The boy runs over to the doctor with a bottle of some kind. The doctor opens the bottle and pours it over the wound.


The liquid dissolves some of the skin around the wound and seeps into it.

Before David can react the doctor puts his hands on David's leg. A white glow starts emanating from the doctors hands and a warm feeling starts coming from Davids leg.


''You scared me for a bit there...'' David says to the doctor.

''Try moving your leg.'' The doctor suggests.

David tries but isn't able to.

''No, it doesn't work.'' David responds.

''Hmm...'' The doctor ponders.

The doctor starts fixing all of David's wounds and gets to the neck to try and fix his paralyzed state.


''See if you can move son.''

David once again tries but isn't able.


''...'' The doctor contemplates.

''Well... I don't know how to say this David, but... Most likely you're going to be paralyzed for life.'' The doctor says with a pained face.

''No no no! I'll be fine in a couple days doctor, don't worry about it.'' David responds with confidence.

''Really? How can you be so sure?'' The doctor asks, dumbfounded.

''Just trust me.'' David responds.

''Well, if you say so.'' The doctor responds, the pained look still on his face.

''You can stay here for a couple more days.'' The doctor adds.

The doctor heals both of the other people and gives them the same unfortunate news, to which they respond accordingly. Tommy clothes them.

''Well, I'll leave you be for now as i have other matters to attend to. If you need anything you can yell for my little nurse here.'' The doctor says to the group, rubbing Tommy's head. Tommy looks at the group with an excited expression.

''And Tommy!'' The doctor adds.

''Yes!'' Tommy responds.

''Don't bother the folk!'' The doctor scolds.

''Yes...'' Tommy responds, slightly downtrodden.

The doctor leaves, leaving the three to figure out the rest on their own. They lay for a few minutes in silence before Tommy leaves the room and they can start talking.

''So... What do we tell the old man.'' The woman asks.

''Shouldn't we just be honest and see how it goes?'' David responds.

''No way! He's gonna think we're crazy!'' The woman responds.

''Let's tell him we're traveling merchants who got caught up in a storm.'' The man suggests.

''A storm that flung us into the sky?'' David says back.


''Didn't you hear the boy mentioning devil fruits before?'' The man adds.

''Devil fruits? You mean...!'' The woman responds.

''Uh huh!'' The man says excitedly.

''Oh my god! That's like my favorite manga!'' The woman exclaims.

''Uh... I'm a bit out of the loop here guys...'' David says, confused.

''Basically it's from a manga called One piece.'' The man explains.

''A manga... What's a manga?'' David responds, still confused.

''A Japanese comic basically.'' The man replies.

''But , it's set in a world where there are storms on the ocean that can fling you into the sky basically.''

''So it wouldn't be out of place for us to fall out of the sky?'' David asks back.

''It wouldn't be normal... But it wouldn't be too far-fetched either.'' The man responds.

''Wait, so you're telling me that we're in a Japanese comic book right now?'' David asks.

''Seems that way.'' The man responds.

''But how is that possible?'' David responds in pure confusion.

''Who cares!? I'm gonna get myself a devil fruit and become king of the pirates!'' The woman responds.

''I'm gonna meet all the different characters and make a pirate army!'' The man responds.

'Theses idiots are no use...'' David thinks to himself.

The two people nerd out for a bit before they calm themselves down. David learns a bit about the world from the people, such as: pirates, the government, The four yonko; the straw hats, etc.

''So... What's the plan?'' The woman asks.

''I'd say we stick together for now, this world can be pretty dangerous after all.'' The man responds.

''Yeah that sounds reasonable... Or maybe I can just kill both of you and dip.'' David responds, a smile spreading across his face.

''How would you kill us? You're paralyzed too, stupid.'' The woman responds.

''I just got the feeling back in my feet and I can wiggle my toes. Won't be long before I'm up walking again...'' David replies.


''Wait! We can still be useful!'' The man responds.

''You don't know anything about this world after all. If you kill us you're screwed.'' He explains further.

''That is true...'' David ponders.

''I just want you to know that your lives are in my hands.''


Th group spend the night at the doctor's clinic, barely able to get a good night's sleep. Two out of fear, one out of regret.

David moves head violently back and forth before waking up.


'...Nightmare...' He thinks to himself.

[You should get back to sleep partner.] The voice recommends.

'Yeah I know... It's just... Those eyes!' David shudders in fear before he shakes his head and tries to sleep again.

David goes in and out of sleep for the rest of the night.

Tommy wakes them up in the morning and makes them breakfast. As he's feeding them he asks a few questions.

''So what are your names?''




''Ok. And how did you get here?'' The boy asks.

''We're merchants. Got caught up in a storm.'' Ben replies.

''That took you to the sky?''


''But how did you survive? Do you have devil fruits? Where are you from?''

''One question at a time kid.'' David responds.

''On how we survived, no clue.'' The woman lies.

''But you had some weird thing on your back. Didn't that help?''

''Oh y-yeah...'' The woman starts to sweat.

''It's called a parachute. It's made to help you survive falls.'' David explains.

''We only had one on the ship so we gave it to her so that she could survive.'' David smiles.

''Never did I know that we would be reunited once again...'' A single tear flows out of the corner of David's eye.

''Yeah... I'm just glad we somehow managed to live too.'' Ben adds, a fake smile spreading across his face.

''Wow!'' Tommy exclaims, interested in their stories.

Tommy asks many more questions and the group shares many more fake stories to keep him entertained. The doctor comes back to his clinic at about noon.

''Daddy!'' Tommy shouts out and runs and hugs the doctor. The doctor warmly hugs him back and says his greetings, apologizing that he came back so late. Tommy and the doctor talk for a bit before the doctor walks up to the beds where the group is laying.

''Now... Could you explain yourselves?''

They tell their made up story to the doctor, who remains skeptical.

''Well whatever... What matters now is that you people get healed up.''

''Oh, about that doctor.'' David responds.


''Look at this.''

David lifts his arms up in the air. Jingfei and Ben both start sweating as the doctors mouth stands agape.

''Holy! It's a miracle! I thought you would never be able to move again.''

''Yeah i think I'll be fine by tomorrow.'' David answers nonchalantly.

The day goes by as normal, Tommy giving them regular checkups during the day while the doctor stays in his lab in the basement. Night quickly falls upon them. As Tommy and the doctor are sleeping David quietly gets out of his bed.

The woman and man get ready to scream out for the doctor but David quickly shut them up with duct tape.

'Can i buy currency from the store?' David asks the voice.

[Yes you can buy currency from pretty much any world from the store.] The voice answers

[1 Sp would be... 1,000,000 bery]

'Bery... Is that a lot?'

[I don't know.]



[Bought: [Bery(100,000,000)],

[A4 paper] and

[Pen] for 102 Sp.]


David uses the pen and paper to write a note.

'Thank you old man for saving my life. I hope that this will be enough to pay back you both.'

[Short but sweet.]

David grabs one person under each arm and prepares to leave the house. As the David is opening the door quietly with his feet he hears a familiar voice.

''Where you think you're going son?''

Hello and welcome to the end of another great chapter. Hope you enjoyed it. Goodbye and good luck :)

Also give me your powerstones ya bish

(I'd appreciate feedback more actually, now that i think about it.)


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