
Strongest Psychic Trainer in Pokemon World

"Where am I?" When I woke up, I found myself in a world where Pokemon and reality coexist My Grandpa is an elite trainer who guarded the northern border My Grandma is a renowned Pokemon expert in the industry My Father is an elite trainer who owns his own gym brand. My Mother is a renowned elite breeder in the industry. Nothing can stop me from achieving my goal of becoming number one! ----------------------- Schedule: 5 Chapters/week (This is my minimum estimate, but there may be more depending on how busy I am) ----------------------- You can vote for this novel, leave a chapter comment or paragraph comment, suggest some ideas (preferably in the latest chapter), give this novel a review, recommend my novel to your friends or people that you know, or just simply send a gift to this novel. Thank you ^^

Hellowkun · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Pokemon potential and Pokemon strength

'No, it's my mom now,' Jun thought to himself as he approached the car, shaking his head to dismiss his previous thought.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" Jun asked, feeling a bit embarrassed and avoiding his mother's gaze.

Vanessa, Jun's mom, responded, "What? Can't I pick you up now? After disappearing for almost four days, you don't want to come home again?"

Jun felt awkward in this situation. In his previous life, he lived in an orphanage and didn't know what it was like to have a mother. He could only hide from his mother's gaze, feeling uneasy.

Before he could say anything, his aunt Mia rebuked her sister-in-law, "Alright, alright, Jun, come inside the car. And Vanessa, why are you fussing over trivial matters? Come on, Jun."

Vanessa snorted and muttered, "Humph, I don't know who the mother and who the child is."

Jun remained silent and breathed a sigh of relief at his mother's scolding. He knew he was wrong anyway. After all, he had almost disappeared for almost four days. If it weren't for his aunt giving news to his family, there might have been chaos in Vermillion City.

Eevee had already slipped into Jun's clothes when he saw Jun's mother. It reminded him of Senior Eevee, who was none other than Little Eevee's mother.

Soon the car drove into the elite mansion area, and Jun couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the grandeur of the place. The mansions in the area were massive, and the driveways were lined with tall trees and well-manicured lawns. The gardens were expansive, adorned with fountains and statues that seemed to come straight out of a fairy tale.

To the north of the mansion, Jun caught sight of an artificial lake surrounded by a wide array of Pokemon. Slowpoke, Psyduck, and Starmie were among the many species basking in the sun by the water's edge.

Not long after, the car came to a halt in front of the grand entrance to the mansion. Jun, his mother, and aunt stepped out of the car and made their way inside. Jun was even more in awe as he entered the mansion. The living room was very spacious.

"We're back," Vanessa greeted everyone in the living room.

Jun's father, Leonard, walked out of the kitchen holding a glass of coffee and said with a smile, "We thought you wouldn't be back for a while."

Suddenly, the overbearing sound of the old man's voice filled the entire living room. "Hahaha... Jun my boy! Come here and let Grandpa see you."

Jun was startled, "Father, Grandpa, why are you all here? Is there a celebration I don't know about?"

Everyone chuckled, and soon Jun's grandma came in with some snacks and said, "Why would we celebrate something when our little Jun disappeared so suddenly? If not for your aunt, we would have thought that you had been kidnapped

Jun felt a little embarrassed by the attention he was getting. His mother, Vanessa, snorted and a gleam flashed in her eyes. She squatted down and picked up a little Eevee that had been peeking out at the atmosphere from inside Jun's clothes.

As an expert Breeder, Vanessa also had profound knowledge in Pokemon appraisal. After checking Eevee for a while, she said, "This Eevee is very good."

Jun couldn't help but silently mutter in his heart, 'Of course, it's a champion-level Eevee.'

After Vanessa's appraisal, she turned to Jun and asked, "Are you sure you got this Eevee from the Pokemon expo?"

Jun replied with a nod, "Yes."

Vanessa continued, "You are very lucky this time, this Eevee has very good potential. Take care of it."

Jun's father, grandfather, and grandmother took turns checking out the little Eevee, making it confused. However, since the Eevee was still in its infant stage and sensed that Jun was not reacting to the commotion, it could only accept its fate.

"Jun, let me share something important with you," Granpa Dennis said sternly. "Having a Pokemon with good potential is not everything. Remember that potential alone is not the only criteria for measuring a Pokemon's future. Potential determines the upper limit, but most Pokemon can't reach their maximum potential. Only with the correct Breeder and training methods can a Pokemon reach its upper limit."

"I understand, grandpa," Jun said firmly, taking his grandpa's advice to heart.

Jun agreed with his grandpa's words. A Pokemon's potential and strength are closely related, and without proper guidance and training, they can never reach their maximum potential and strength.

In this world, improving a Pokemon's strength is a daunting task. It often takes years of consistent guidance and training for a Pokemon to make a breakthrough and overcome their limitations.

Jun remembered that his grandpa's Alakazam was still at the Master rank and was striving to reach the Grandmaster rank, but this last step was like a moat - seemingly insurmountable.

If Pokemon wants to advance from the previous rank to the next rank, it needs to break through the level barrier, which is commonly known as the bottleneck. These bottlenecks are relatively easy to overcome in the initial stages, but as a Pokemon reaches Elite stages, subsequent bottlenecks become increasingly challenging, often trapping a Pokemon for years or even a lifetime.

Leonard, Jun's father, softened his expression as he spoke up. "I know you want to be a Pokemon scholar, but becoming a Pokemon trainer won't conflict with your aspirations. It can be a mutual achievement."

Jun's grandma chimed in, agreeing with him. "Indeed, both a trainer and a scholar can gain a deeper understanding of Pokemon," she said with a smile.


Following the creaking sound of the door opening, aunt Mia, her husband and her daughter slowly enter the living room gather the attention of people inside.

Jun was laso distracted but, what distract him was not his aunt but beside her, there is Pokemon confidently walking side by side by his Aunt and grabbed a hand of a little girl.

"Brother!!!" The little girl eyes lit up and want to run but was pulled by Audino beside her.

"A~dinuu~!" Audino quickly scolded her making her pout.

Jun smiled at this and quickly checked the Audino.


[Type: NORMAL]

[Species: Hearing Pokemon]

[Gender: Female]

[Potential: Elite]

[Abilities: Healer]

[Level: 48]

[Moves: Healing Wish, Yawn, Sweet Kiss, Pound, Take Down, Growl, Heal Pulse, Hyper Voice, Last Resort, Mega Punch, Mega Kick, Giga Impact, Safeguard, Attract]

[+ Tap for breed scheme]

While Jun was looking at the data, his uncle's voice rang out.

"Jun, how's it going? I heard you ran away from home," teased his Uncle, Mia husband.

Jun chuckled and scratched his head. This uncle of his is named Chris. He was a Pokemon Ranger under his grandfather and didn't come home very often because of his duties. He was usually out patrolling the forest or guarding the borders with his grandfather. But different from his dangerous and adventurous job, he had a calm and refined demeanor, which made him seem harmless.

Jun attention soon was captured by a liitle girl . This is his aunt Mia and Uncle Chris daughter, Yuna. He remember this little girl is like little demoness. He couldn't quite figure out how his gentle aunt and harmless-looking uncle had this little demoness.

Hello, today the author will release a miscellaneous chapter for important information. Kindly check it, and if you have any opinions to be corrected or are confused about something, feel free to comment. Thank you.

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