
Strongest In The Shinobi World

Abraham was reborn in Naruto World in the same year as Tsunade as Yasashī Ōshō. How he will continue his journey in the Shinobi world is my story of mine.

Daoist0MaTY9 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 4: Power Ranking Details, 1st Task, 1st Year and 1st Reward (2)

Although according to system's evaluation, there is still 3 upper realm in this world, as there is no one in the current world with that kind of power level, they are not available.]

'Thanks for giving me all these information. So do you have any name other than Hardworking Task System?'

'No. But if host like, he can give me one.'

'That's good to know. Then from now on I will call you Harribel'.

'Ok host. Introducing host's personal assistant and system manager "Harribel".'

'So, what are my 1st task?'

'Actually host triggered a chain task. Here are the details.'

[Task 1 –

Stop breastfeeding at 6 months old.

Reward - ?

Task 2 –

Crawl 10 m daily from 2nd month to 7th month.

Reward - ??

Task 3 –

Took first step and speak first sentence.

Reward - ??]

As soon as Ōshō saw the task, he felt embarrassed. It seems like system is underestimating him. So he asked, 'Do I seems like an idiot? What are these task? I thought I would get some good task like learn chakra or something like that. And what are the question mark in reward.'

'Host, even though you have an adult mind and spiritual power, don't forget you're currently just a newborn baby and have to develop your physical stamina and strength before you can practice chakra and other ninjutsu. And about the reward, it will be surprise for you. It was purposely set by the creator to check if the inheritor of the system is an impatient person or not.' Replied the system.

Although you're quite helpful to me Harribel, it seems like you will not made me overpowered mc like other fan fiction system does. It hurts my feeling you know.' said Ōshō.

'Nothing can be done host. It all for your greater good.'



Skip to the good part…No. How can that be?

After system give 3 task to Ōshō, it has been nearly 1 year. In this time, Ōshō completed all the task given by the system. Actually for a reincarnated guy, if he couldn't even do this, it would have been a shameful thing.

And the task was not hard. But what hard was his mother and father. As the only living child of this couple, he they love him and took care of him at every seconds. At first Ōshō also likes their attitude, but as the times went by, it become quite hard for him. Especially for his cute cheek.

Not only his parents, but also his parents' friends and other family member also like to touch his cute baby fatted cheek. Every day it will be swollen by the excessive love it was receiving but he can't do anything to prevent them.

Also during the remaining time of NVE 4, many things happen in the village. First of all after the defection of Uchiha Madara and his fight with 1st Hokage Senju Hashirama last year, Senju Hashirama caught all the tailed beasts. Not only that, but he also give those tailed beasts to other shinobi villages at the 1st 5 Kage Conference which was held in the Land of Iron which is the only Samurai country in this world. When Ōshō asked about if the ownership remains like anime or changed to Harribel, she directly show the information in the tab.


· Shukaku (1 Tailed Beast; Hidden Sand Village; Land of Wind)

· Matatabi (2 Tailed Beast; Hidden Cloud Village; Land of Lighting)

· Isobu (3 Tailed Beast; Hidden Mist Village; Land of Water)

· Son Goku (4 Tailed Beast; Hidden Rock Village; Land of Earth)

· Kokuo (5 Tailed Beast; Hidden Rock Village; Land of Earth)

· Saiken (6 Tailed Beast; Hidden Mist Village; Land of Water)

· Chomei (7 Tailed Beast; Hidden Waterfall Village; Land of Waterfalls)

· Gyuki (8 Tailed Beast; Hidden Cloud Village; Land of Lighting)

· Kurama (9 Tailed Beast; Hidden Leaf Village; Land of Fire)


Also legendary Sanin of the Naruto anime – Jiraiya, Senju Tsunade and Orochimaru has been born in this year which makes them Ōshō's future classmate if all goes in the same direction.


Today is the 1st birthday of Ōshō and was eagerly waiting for his reward. So when the clock cross 12 am and he still didn't get notification, he called Harribel immediately but she wasn't responding to him. But as the hardworking mc himself, Ōshō preserved till the midnight and when he was almost scared of losing his golden finger, Harribel suddenly chimes the sound of mechanical happy birthday to you…bla…bla... and open the tab in front of him.

[Congratulation host for reaching the milestone – 1st birthday. Sorry for the network problem but not sorry.

Auditing the task -

· Task 1 –

o Stop breastfeeding at 6 months old.

§ Completed

· Task 2 –

o Crawl 10 m daily from 2nd month to 7th month.

§ Completed

· Task 3 –

o Took first step and speak first sentence.

§ Completed

Commencing the reward –

Task 1 – 2 Strength & 1 Vitality

Task 2 – 2 Agility

Task 3 – 1 Agility & 2 Dexterity

1st Birthday Milestone Reward – Chakra Refining Technique and 500 Unit Chakra]

'Wow. It was quite the reward if you count the milestone reward but what can I say.' Thought Ōshō while asked for his new stats after receiving the rewards.

[Name – Yasashī Ōshō

Age – 1 years 0 days 4 hours

Rank – Civilian (Official)

Chakra Amount – 1,000 (Chunin low class Ninja)

Chakra Affinity – ???????

Strength – 4

Agility – 4

Vitality – 4

Intelligence – 30

Dexterity – 4

Bloodline – None

Current Task - None]

'All seems good Harribel. But why it seems to me that all my stats have same points?' Ōshō asked.

'From systems internal data evaluation, it is good for host to have golden symmetrical data for gaining absolute mastery in all types of Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu, Fuinjutsu and all the other things. So as a good system administrator, I've given the reward in this manner.' Told Harribel in tone of a teacher teaching a student.

'Do you have any other question host. If not, I suggest you sleep early as from tomorrow, you will be given new task. So goodbye host.' After saying this, Harribel went offline before Ōshō could ask about any other things.

'Hmph. Let's see what you can do if I don't reply to you or leave you in curiosity. Just wait for me becoming more powerful' thought Ōshō as he was irritated by the behavior of the system, especially in his birthday.

'I will just change to new host. Is it to much hard to think.' Harribel replied quicker than a boyfriend running when girlfriend told you that her parents are not at home.

Sorry as I am super busy with study. So be happy with this chapter for few days. And thanks for support and please give some powerstone. because

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!


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