
Strongest God in Omniverse Vol.1

Reincarnated as... see the title, anyway this is my second dragon ball fanfic, and there will not be a constant update, don't get your hopes up. All the pictures I use is not mine, if you want me to take it down just comment. English is my third language so, sorry for the mistakes and the punctuations.

Forgettable_Author · Anime & Comics
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(The writing here will be force so that Ryuu can unlock his super saiyan and legendary super saiyan, cause I don't know how to make him unlock it, he doesn't have the will to surpass someone cause there is no stronger people he met and he is easy to attach his feeling to someone that means the kids he bring and live with 1 month already has a place in his heart and make them his brothers and sisters and also there will be bs even if he did not have enough s cell, so yeah this will be force, so sorry for this chapter)

Age 762, December 18.

Ryuu and Eris flew towards the village, but being Eris, she always annoyed Ryuu by questioning him, why he come here, who's his parents, does his parents love YOU.

Of course Ryuu just blast her of with a ki blast in the face, making her stop talking. Ryuu also heal her since he don't want more homework if they got home to planet earth.

Arriving at the village to see many people surrounding someone in circle, 2 kids lying down from the tuffle race, with a hole in their head.

"Who!?, Who did this!?, Tell me!," Ryuu said as he arrive towards the two kids from the tuffle, Acker the male who's 3 years old. Ivy who is 4 year's old.

All the people around him stare in silence, until gohan pat his back and said.

"Some*sniff*,one from the Ginyu force*sniff*, killed the two, We're sorry for not protecting the kids*sniff*, Ryuu" Gohan with tears in his eyes said with difficulty.

Ryuu sat there in silence, as he imagine the scene of Ginyu member killing the two undetected.

"No, it's not your fault, it's my fault for not coming here earlier. I could have prevent this incident happening, please take our guest to the ship while I go somewhere, please" Ryuu said as he get up and the two tuffles flew towards the ship and put them down, Ryuu flew somewhere far from the villages.

While all they could do is stare at Ryuu flying somewhere.

'I could've have prevented that incident!, why did I have to give that fight to them!, I'm stupid, Ryuu is stupid!, This could have been prevented and not let them die, Fuck!' Ryuu thought while tears is forming in his eyes, he landed to the ground as he punch the soil.

"Fuck,fuck,fuck,fuck,fuck!, I'm sorry I couldn't help!, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Ryuu while crying, continuously punch the soil making a creak sound until the land break.

Ryuu let himself fall to the water as he thought of why he didn't just finish the fight or just his presence alone in the fight, he could have prevented it from happening.

'Ahh, I wish to die!, Why did I have to be so idiot and just let them fight, why,why!,Why!,Why!!' Ryuu who is in the water screams as he imagine the kids playing before they die, as his aura turning from yellow then green(light green is his normal ki aura), while his hair turn to black, yellow, green.

His eyes turn into full white, as he kept thinking what should've done if he's there.

Ryuu scream while his power level kept increasing and decreasing, while his power can be sense to all the villages, making them turn their heads to look at the pillar of yellow and green light shooting towards the sky.

"Why!?, why!? why!?, I should be the one to be killed!, why did they have to die instead of me!?, why!?, WAHHHHHH" As Ryuu's hair turn into yellow.

Ryuu, who's hair turn to yellow screams more as the yellow hair kept changing to green and his body getting bulkier as he scream.

"Why?, why do you have to die just for me to achieve this power, if that's what it do, then I will sacrifice this power just to bring them back" Ryuu said in a low voice, while his tears getting vaporize by the aura.

Ryuu's originally yellow hair has finally turn into a green color, while his power increase from 201,000,000 PL to 30,150,000,000 PL.

"Why did I even reincarnate here, just for me to suffer in pain, what an immature self of me. Just because I like db, is that it?, is it because I am just a teenager who don't know a true danger?, or is it because I just want to be part of the story and see the events?, if that's the case I should just be a ghost and not let them see me by wishing invisibility?, Fuck!" Ryuu said as he sat down and put his head to the knees and cry.

While Ryuu is crying for the guilt he feel, Eris, instead of complying the order of Ryuu flew towards him instead.

Eris flew towards the pillar of light, that is slowly disappearing. Eris fly faster and see Ryuu crying while his hair green.

Eris landed next to Ryuu and hug him and said.

"Shhh, don't cry, it's not your fault, don't blame yourself of what happen" Eris continue to hug Ryuu as Ryuu cry more.

"No, it's my fault!, if I didn't let the ginyu force come here and kill them instead, I should have prevented the things happening, and there would be no casualties" Ryuu said, as he just sat there crying.

"No, don't blame yourself, blame me, if you haven't find me, then you could have prevented the things happening, so please don't cry, you are not manly at all" Eris said while trying to joke around to make Ryuu not feel bad about himself, instead it didn't work.

"No, it's my fault, you are not at fault here" Ryuu said as kept crying.

While Ryuu and Eris is having the discussion, The son family and all people flew towards where Ryuu and Eris is.

"I hope our son is okay, Goku" Chichi said while Goku flew towards Ryuu with Chichi in his arms.

"He should be okay, right?" Goku said and flew faster. The son family arrive and see Ryuu who is crying and Eris who's trying to make Ryuu not guilty.

Landing next to them, Eris just look at Ryuu's parent and let them do their own thing.

Goku and Chichi nodded at Eris in understanding, as Ryuu didn't even look at them and just cry.

"Son, you should not feel guilty, it's not your fault, don't be like that and instead use that to be better and not make the same mistake" Goku said while patting Ryuu at the back.

"As your dad says, don't be consumed by the guilt and instead think of the events that happen as a mistake that can be fixed by becoming a better you, We also lose someone we love but we use that to become a better version of ourselves, so don't make it hard of yourself" Chichi said while hugging the crying Ryuu.

Raditz with Kana arrive next to them and said to Ryuu.

"Be strong, Ryuu and not let the events happen again, and you can only achieve that through becoming a better version of you, and like your mom says, all of us here also lost our love ones" Raditz said.

Ryuu who heard the three talk about them, having their love ones being killed or died from natural causes and uses that as a pillar to become a better self, make Ryuu feel better but still feeling the guilt of not saving the kids from their fate.

"Hmm, I'll become a better self by this, but is it the correct thing to do?, I don't know it myself, so please help me..." Ryuu said and then lost consciousness and Chichi just let Ryuu sleep in her laps. Ryuu who is unconscious return back into his base form.

"Looks like Ryuu is exhausted, I hope he use this event that happen and become better." Goku said and they nodded.

Gohan who is watching his family walk towards them and pat Ryuu on the back while vowing to become a better brother of Ryuu, not strength wise but to be there at all time if he is sad, happy, angry and more. He will listen to him.

Eris who's also watching them sigh, and feel guilty for Ryuu. Even if Ryuu said that it's not her fault, she still felt it's her fault that it happen, which is Ryuu is correct, it's not her fault cause Ryuu will continue his treasure hunting in the sea.

Next time in Reincarnated as the middle son of Goku.