
Strongest God in Omniverse Vol.1

Reincarnated as... see the title, anyway this is my second dragon ball fanfic, and there will not be a constant update, don't get your hopes up. All the pictures I use is not mine, if you want me to take it down just comment. English is my third language so, sorry for the mistakes and the punctuations.

Forgettable_Author · Anime & Comics
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(So someone is questioning why Vegeta's personality is different than the original, because this is fanfic and I can't write an arrogant or his personality because I can't put it into words or sentence and the way he talks is just not for me, yeah that's what make this a fanfic, different from the original dragon ball)

Age 762, December 18.

Two days has pass since the fight between Vegeta and Goku, they are fighting for the past days, since Vegeta is prideful and don't want to give up just like that, while Goku wants someone to fight with, because Raditz is taking care of Kana because she is pregnant.

Ryuu is swimming around the ocean to see if there is interesting. While this is happening, the ginyu force has finally arrive and Ryuu already sense them but didn't confront them since it will just be a fast fight and he want Gohan and the Kids to have their first fights.

Ryuu then look around while his eyes glows to see the dark water, and see many stones, destroyed ships, alien fishes, many more but he ignores it as he kept searching to find something.

Minutes later of finding, he see a ship that look like a time machine of bulma's creation, Ryuu swim to pick it up and see if it still works. He put it in his magic storage and swim back to the land and put the time machine.

'Weird, this thing has capsule logo in it. I don't remember if this thing has an owner at all, I should let Bulma have this thing since it's her anyway, but why is it even here anyway' Ryuu thought and look around him, not looking at the seat where they control this spaceship and instead just look at the bottom.

While Ryuu is inspecting at the time, someone that looks like a human but has tail in the back, look at Ryuu and said.

"Hey, what are you doing at my mom machine, give that back or I will blast you off" Said the mysterious person.

Ryuu who is unaware and didn't spread his ki sense got startled and look at the mysterious person to see it's just a girl around the same age as him.

"Oh, sorry, is this yours?" Ryuu said while pointing at the time machine.

"Yeah, why do you want to know, just give it back and I will let you off" The girl said as a ki ball forming at her right arm and aim it at Ryuu.

"Okay, then finders keeper by the way, so since I found it, it's mine now, so you need to give me information then, about who you are and why you have this logo and why you have a tail" Ryuu said as he touch the time machine and it vanish.

"Why You!, I will beat you up until you give me that back!, Ahhhhh" The girl said as she punch towards Ryuu who dodge it while saying.

"You are quite slow, who are you?" Ryuu said and slap the cheeks of the girl.

"Ugh, that hurts you know!" As tears form around her eyes.

"I ain't a simp, so tell me who you are then I will let you off" Ryuu said as he get ready to slap her again.

"Wahh, I will tell you, don't hit me again please" The girl said as she cry.

"I will not if you tell me right now, I don't have time to entertain you and I still need to go treasure hunting" Ryuu said towards the girl.

"Really?, You will not hit me?, I will tell you then, if you promise not to hit me again" Said the Girl.

"I will not so don't make me repeat myself, or I will slap you harder than before" Ryuu said as his hand glow and become black, he copy the same armament haki from one piece, but this one can turn into any color as he transfer more ki into it.

"Okay okay, don't hit me!, I will tell you who I am. I am Eris, I come from earth, are you happy now, so please give me that machine back please!, I really need that to go home" Eris plead to Ryuu who just look at her bored.

"Tell the truth, I know you hide something you don't want to talk about, so just spill the truth and I will give this to you, and by the way I know this logo, it's the capsule corps. logo so don't trick me" Ryuu said.

"Ahhh, why do you have to be this hard to get type, Anyway I can't really tell you, and the reason is because I'm from the future...Ooops!, please forget what I said!, no no, just think of this event didn't happen okay" Eris said faster than eminem can rap.

"So you are from the future huh, so who's your parents, and why are you in the Namek and what's your purpose" Ryuu said while a ki blast form around him, as he cautiously look at Eris.

"Don't look at me like I kill your family. My parents, are dead , and they transported me to the earth at age 2 and landed next to the capsule corps. house and they adopt me as they study the space pod and me... hm hm, I am a genius and make that thing, so praise me" Eris said while her chest out and her hands in her waist while looking at the sky.

"Continue the story, I don't care if you are a genius, many of my friends I know is a genius of their kind, so don't think you are special, now continue" Ryuu said and the time machine turn into a capsule when he press a button.

Ryuu catch it mid air and put it in his pocket.

"Okay, why so serious, anyway, when I make that machine, I tried to travel but I didn't know where it travel me too and this place you called namek is where I stranded. Don't worry about the capsule corps. since they only want my space pod and let me go anywhere, I know how to make that thing when I saw Dr. Gero trying to make something called android" Eris said while sitting down at the ground.

"Weird, since the capsule corps. is run by the brief family and your's is from dr. Gero, what the date on your world?, do you know son goku or bulma" Ryuu ask, as Eris look at him like an idiot.

"No, I haven't heard of Son goku and Bulma, and the date of my world is 762, December 17, from the last time I saw the calendar, so why are you asking this question" Eris said and look at Ryuu who is thinking.

"Weird, really really weird, cause this universe capsule corps. is not the same from your universe capsule corps who is run by Dr. Gero and you don't even know Son goku and Bulma" Ryuu said as Eris who heard what Ryuu said go into a deep thought.

"Does that mean, I travel to a different timeline, but that's impossible right, so why am I transported here, there must be a reason why" Eris said as Ryuu look at her.

"I don't think you can go back to your original home soon. I think someone will catch you because you travelled here" Ryuu said seriously as Eris face turn dreadful.

"No no!, Tell me you are joking, ah, it sting" Eris said as the pain from the slap acted.

"Here let me heal you, So what is your plan now, since I think you have to stay low for now but if you want to get caught then you can travel back, I will not stop you because I haven't known you for too long anyway" Ryuu said while healing the swollen cheek of Eris.

"Wow, what a cruel kid, does nobody teach you to respect girls" Eris said while looking at the face of Ryuu.

"Why would I need someone to teach me something I have no use for, I only respect girls if they are not annoying like you, so get up since you are healed now and you are literally the same age as me, so don't talk like you are older than me" Ryuu said.

"Tch, why do I have to meet you, if you are this cruel, this must be my fate because of the chaos I do, is this what they called karma?" Eris said and look at the sky dramatically, while kneeling at the ground.

"Can you just stop being annoying for a second and be a decent person, and what do you mean chaos you do at your verse?" Ryuu said to Eris who is kneeling.

"Oh that, I don't think it's a chaos you know but that's what they call it, anyway the things I do which they so called chaos is just me creating robot you know, that can help people but it malfunction and destroy buildings around the city, some even got injured but no deaths, don't worry cause I the genius have already thought about it and I make many robot in just 2 days and let them heal the the injured people, awesome right" Eris said and continued.

"The injured people who got healed by my robots instead grow a flowers at the injured part and it bloom as time goes by and make a sleeping gas, cool right. But they didn't appreciate my work even though it's beautiful, that's why I will be in this verse forever, I don't want to go back there since they do not appreciate my work" Eris said while he let a hologram video float and Ryuu see many buildings falling down and robots cleaning and bumping each other as more building get destroyed.

"This... I think the earth of your universe did not appreciate that since you literally cause a chaos, and making the peoples get injured, potentially killing them from the falling building" Ryuu explain to this genius who love chaos instead.

"Ahh, that's lame, they should appreciate that art of mine, anyway the earth of yours will like my creation, don't worry I will do better next time and not cause chaos...maybe...probably?" Eris said not sure what she would do.

"You know, even if you are a genius, you have a weakness too. Not knowing what's specialty of your race is, by the way I haven't ask you yet, are you a saiyan?" Ryuu said.

"You should not be harsh to this beautiful girl you know. Yes I am a saiyan and what do you mean specialty of my Race?" Eris ask.

"The race specialty is getting stronger as you go near death experience and get fully healed, then become stronger than the previous self of you, I think that's the same for your universe too, since you have a tail in you, I also have a tail, look" Ryuu said as he let Eris see his tail waving left and right.

"Wow, so that's what you mean, that's so smart of you" Eris said with an awestruck face.

"What do you mean, that's pretty basic and a common sense for the saiyans to know. Even I, a hybrid know the race specialty" Ryuu said, looking at Eris.

"That is quite wrong because I haven't heard of that before since our saiyan race is smart but don't fight with a fist at all, they only fight with technology they learn from the tuffles, by the way I am a full saiyan who is also a royal, so treat me as a queen, commoner" Eris said while she again trying to look mighty which make her receive the fist of love from Ryuu, who he copied from Garp from one piece.

"You are quite an immature royal, oh well that's understandable, you are a kid" Ryuu said as he flew towards the village and not sensing the ki's of the ginyu forces at all.

"Hey, wait for me, let me follow you too" Eris said while rubbing her head from the fist of Ryuu.

"Just follow if you want, just don't annoy me or I will slap you again until you go silent" Ryuu said as he continue flying.

The talk with Eris last for 30 minutes and the fight with Ginyu force must be too short that it's quite boring and just let Blossom absorb them.

"Okay, no need to be mad, by the way, can you help me research about this specialty of the saiyan you told me about" Eris ask.

"No need, I will tell you all the functions of the Zenkai, you would understand it with your genius mind" Ryuu said as he explain the Zenkai to Eris as they flew towards the village.

Next time on Reincarnated as the middle son of Goku.

(The oc saiyan lover has finally appear, and she is not from galactic force, I change her background a bit, yeah... Just a bit)